Referência de acordo com a norma APA

REIS, P. C. M. d. R., SOUZA, A. L. d., REIS, L. P., CARVALHO, A. M. M. L., FREITAS, L. J. M. d., RÊGO, L. J. S., & LEITE, H. G. (2018). Artificial neural networks to estimate the physical-mechanical properties of amazon second cutting cycle wood.

Referência de acordo com a norma Chicago

REIS, P. C. M. dos R., A. L. de SOUZA, L. P. REIS, A. M. M. L. CARVALHO, L. J. M. de FREITAS, L. J. S. RÊGO, e H. G. LEITE. Artificial Neural Networks to Estimate the Physical-mechanical Properties of Amazon Second Cutting Cycle Wood. 2018.

Referência de acordo com a norma MLA

REIS, P. C. M. dos R., et al. Artificial Neural Networks to Estimate the Physical-mechanical Properties of Amazon Second Cutting Cycle Wood. 2018.

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