APA Citation

CAVALCANTE,Rodrigo Barbosa Monteiro, MORGANO,Marcelo Antônio, GLÓRIA,Maria Beatriz Abreu, ROCHA,Maurisrael de Moura, ARAÚJO,Marcos Antônio da Mota, & MOREIRA-ARAÚJO,Regilda Saraiva dos Reis. (2019). Mineral content, phenolic compounds and bioactive amines of cheese bread enriched with cowpea.

Chicago Style Citation

CAVALCANTE,Rodrigo Barbosa Monteiro, MORGANO,Marcelo Antônio, GLÓRIA,Maria Beatriz Abreu, ROCHA,Maurisrael de Moura, ARAÚJO,Marcos Antônio da Mota, and MOREIRA-ARAÚJO,Regilda Saraiva dos Reis. Mineral Content, Phenolic Compounds and Bioactive Amines of Cheese Bread Enriched With Cowpea. 2019.

MLA Citation

CAVALCANTE,Rodrigo Barbosa Monteiro, et al. Mineral Content, Phenolic Compounds and Bioactive Amines of Cheese Bread Enriched With Cowpea. 2019.

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