Referência de acordo com a norma APA

ALENCAR,Nashalie Andrade de, VITALI,Filipe Colombo, SANTOS,Pablo Silveira, BOLAN,Michele, & CARDOSO,Mariane. (2022). Influence of the method for determining working length on the obturation level of primary molars.

Referência de acordo com a norma Chicago

ALENCAR,Nashalie Andrade de, VITALI,Filipe Colombo, SANTOS,Pablo Silveira, BOLAN,Michele, e CARDOSO,Mariane. Influence of the Method for Determining Working Length On the Obturation Level of Primary Molars. 2022.

Referência de acordo com a norma MLA

ALENCAR,Nashalie Andrade de, et al. Influence of the Method for Determining Working Length On the Obturation Level of Primary Molars. 2022.

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