A utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitos

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Costa, Rafael Cavalcante da
Data de Publicação: 2017
Tipo de documento: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ
Texto Completo: https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/jspui/2165
Resumo: This study is characterized as a qualitative research where we seek to analyze in depth the knowledge of learners, also a descriptive character where we describe the steps of how the collaborative process occurred within the platform. In this way, when we speak in search of knowledge, we are reminded of the various ways of studying, and thinking about the current context with the evolution of technologies, where schools are increasingly adhering to studies aligned with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). ICTs are used as tools for learning aid. With this intention indeed it is believed that aligning the bases of traditional classes with distance classes, making use of a platform for extra moments in the classroom, enables students to acquire information relevant to a certain content. The MOODLE platform is a Free Software tool and is adopted in most of the Education Institutions to promote Distance Education (EaD). Knowing these principles is what you do if you base this study, in addition to take the student out of that old routine of a classroom with the teacher writing on the board or projecting information from your computer. First of all, we will make an initial milestone where we will count on a test called Pre-test, which will be the basis for us to know what learners bring with them. Apprentices will be introduced to the platform where they will have one more tool to search for information. Bringing the students into the MOODLE platform so they can acquire knowledge and thus arouse their curiosity to seek self-learning. The final mark will be with the application of the Post test, where we will analyze within all The collaborative process, if indeed the student has evolved. The help of the teacher-tutor is extremelly important at this moment because it is this figure that will begin to instigate the students to self-discover. This study aims to analyze the learning behavior and evolution of the apprentices of the Instituto Federal do Amap? (IFAP), Campus Laranjal do Jari, in the discipline subject of Computer Networks, using as a method the classroom classes in the classroom concomitantly with the distance classes.
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spelling Santos, Gabriel de Ara?jo266.942.557-72Santos, Gabriel de Ara?joZatorre, Natalia PereiraMonteiro, Rosa Cristina795.195.122-68http://lattes.cnpq.br/9678252314869196Costa, Rafael Cavalcante da2017-11-09T17:12:40Z2017-02-21COSTA, Rafael Cavalcante da. A utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitos. 2017. 46 f. Disserta??o (Mestrado em Educa??o Agr?cola). Instituto de Agronomia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Serop?dica, RJ. 2017.https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/jspui/2165This study is characterized as a qualitative research where we seek to analyze in depth the knowledge of learners, also a descriptive character where we describe the steps of how the collaborative process occurred within the platform. In this way, when we speak in search of knowledge, we are reminded of the various ways of studying, and thinking about the current context with the evolution of technologies, where schools are increasingly adhering to studies aligned with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). ICTs are used as tools for learning aid. With this intention indeed it is believed that aligning the bases of traditional classes with distance classes, making use of a platform for extra moments in the classroom, enables students to acquire information relevant to a certain content. The MOODLE platform is a Free Software tool and is adopted in most of the Education Institutions to promote Distance Education (EaD). Knowing these principles is what you do if you base this study, in addition to take the student out of that old routine of a classroom with the teacher writing on the board or projecting information from your computer. First of all, we will make an initial milestone where we will count on a test called Pre-test, which will be the basis for us to know what learners bring with them. Apprentices will be introduced to the platform where they will have one more tool to search for information. Bringing the students into the MOODLE platform so they can acquire knowledge and thus arouse their curiosity to seek self-learning. The final mark will be with the application of the Post test, where we will analyze within all The collaborative process, if indeed the student has evolved. The help of the teacher-tutor is extremelly important at this moment because it is this figure that will begin to instigate the students to self-discover. This study aims to analyze the learning behavior and evolution of the apprentices of the Instituto Federal do Amap? (IFAP), Campus Laranjal do Jari, in the discipline subject of Computer Networks, using as a method the classroom classes in the classroom concomitantly with the distance classes.Este estudo caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa onde buscamos analisar com profundidade o conhecimento dos aprendizes, tamb?m de car?ter descritivo onde descrevemos os passos de como ocorreram os processos colaborativos dentro da plataforma. Dessa forma, quando falamos em busca de conhecimento, nos vem em mente as v?rias formas de estudar, e considerando o contexto atual das evolu??o das tecnologias, percebemos que as escolas est?o cada vez mais aderindo os estudos alinhados com o uso das Tecnologias da Informa??o e Comunica??o (TIC). As TICs s?o utilizadas como ferramentas para aux?lio na aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, acredita-se que ? indispens?vel alinhar as bases das aulas tradicionais ?s aulas ? distancia, utilizando uma plataforma para que fora sala de aula os alunos possam adquirir informa??es pertinentes a um determinado conte?do. A plataforma MOODLE ? uma ferramenta de Software Livre e ? adotada na maioria das Institui??es de Ensino para promover Educa??o ? Dist?ncia (EaD). As vantagens em utilizar essa plataforma fomentaram a viabilidade da presente pesquisa. Al?m de apresentar-se como proposta inovadora nas pr?ticas educativas, pois tira o aluno da velha rotina da sala de aula com o professor escrevendo no quadro ou projetando as informa??es de seu computador. Para tanto, o marco inicial da pesquisa foi a aplica??o de um Pr?-teste, que serviu de base para saber o que os aprendizes traziam de informa??o. Em seguida esses alunos utilizaram a plataforma MOODLE e as ferramentas dispostas para a realiza??o de atividades, a fim de que pudessem desenvolv?-las de forma aut?noma em busca do forma??o t?cnica e intectual. O marco final foi a aplica??o do P?s-teste, onde analisou-se, dentro do o processo colaborativo, a progress?o do conhecimento do aluno, quanto ? apropria??o de conceitos referentes a ?rea de estudo. O aux?lio do professor-tutor foi fator relevante na intera??o do aluno com a plataforma. Portanto, a pesquisa atendeu aos objetivos propostos de analisar o comportamento e a evolu??o do aprendizado dos alunos do Instituto Federal do Amap? (IFAP), Campus Laranjal do Jari, na disciplina de Redes de Computadores, utilizando como m?todo as aulas presenciais em sala de aula, concomitantemente ?s aulas ? dist?ncia.Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-11-09T17:12:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Rafael Cavalcante da Costa.pdf: 2621969 bytes, checksum: 4518bdc31290f4b122eb0a37c562bc11 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-09T17:12:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Rafael Cavalcante da Costa.pdf: 2621969 bytes, checksum: 4518bdc31290f4b122eb0a37c562bc11 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-21application/pdfhttps://tede.ufrrj.br/retrieve/7427/2017%20-%20Rafael%20Cavalcante%20da%20Costa.pdf.jpghttps://tede.ufrrj.br/retrieve/21034/2017%20-%20Rafael%20Cavalcante%20da%20Costa.pdf.jpghttps://tede.ufrrj.br/retrieve/27377/2017%20-%20Rafael%20Cavalcante%20da%20Costa.pdf.jpghttps://tede.ufrrj.br/retrieve/33738/2017%20-%20Rafael%20Cavalcante%20da%20Costa.pdf.jpghttps://tede.ufrrj.br/retrieve/40180/2017%20-%20Rafael%20Cavalcante%20da%20Costa.pdf.jpghttps://tede.ufrrj.br/retrieve/46518/2017%20-%20Rafael%20Cavalcante%20da%20Costa.pdf.jpghttps://tede.ufrrj.br/retrieve/52866/2017%20-%20Rafael%20Cavalcante%20da%20Costa.pdf.jpghttps://tede.ufrrj.br/retrieve/59336/2017%20-%20Rafael%20Cavalcante%20da%20Costa.pdf.jpgporUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de JaneiroPrograma de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o Agr?colaUFRRJBrasilInstituto de AgronomiaABBAD, G. 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Dist?nciaEduca??oA utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitosThe use of the MOODLE Platform as a facilitating instrument in the construction and adoption of conceptsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessreponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJinstname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)instacron:UFRRJTHUMBNAIL2017 - Rafael Cavalcante da Costa.pdf.jpg2017 - Rafael Cavalcante da Costa.pdf.jpgimage/jpeg4075http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/jspui/2165/18/2017+-+Rafael+Cavalcante+da+Costa.pdf.jpg68e5c676d818e36b5e8e463694e12be3MD518TEXT2017 - Rafael Cavalcante da Costa.pdf.txt2017 - Rafael Cavalcante da Costa.pdf.txttext/plain96207http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/jspui/2165/17/2017+-+Rafael+Cavalcante+da+Costa.pdf.txt18a5eac77aebc62611019e847374b4cdMD517ORIGINAL2017 - Rafael Cavalcante da Costa.pdf2017 - Rafael Cavalcante da Costa.pdfapplication/pdf2619297http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/jspui/2165/2/2017+-+Rafael+Cavalcante+da+Costa.pdf5faf08812dba6152a8cfdf277cb0e1deMD52LICENSElicense.txtlicense.txttext/plain; charset=utf-82089http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/jspui/2165/1/license.txt7b5ba3d2445355f386edab96125d42b7MD51jspui/21652022-02-16 06:24:06.121oai:localhost: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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertaçõeshttps://tede.ufrrj.br/PUBhttps://tede.ufrrj.br/oai/requestbibliot@ufrrj.br||bibliot@ufrrj.bropendoar:2022-02-16T08:24:06Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)false
dc.title.por.fl_str_mv A utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitos
dc.title.alternative.eng.fl_str_mv The use of the MOODLE Platform as a facilitating instrument in the construction and adoption of concepts
title A utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitos
spellingShingle A utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitos
Costa, Rafael Cavalcante da
Information and Communication Technologies
Distance Education.
Tecnologia da Informa??o e Comunica??o
Educa??o ? Dist?ncia
title_short A utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitos
title_full A utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitos
title_fullStr A utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitos
title_full_unstemmed A utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitos
title_sort A utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitos
author Costa, Rafael Cavalcante da
author_facet Costa, Rafael Cavalcante da
author_role author
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Santos, Gabriel de Ara?jo
dc.contributor.advisor1ID.fl_str_mv 266.942.557-72
dc.contributor.referee1.fl_str_mv Santos, Gabriel de Ara?jo
dc.contributor.referee2.fl_str_mv Zatorre, Natalia Pereira
dc.contributor.referee3.fl_str_mv Monteiro, Rosa Cristina
dc.contributor.authorID.fl_str_mv 795.195.122-68
dc.contributor.authorLattes.fl_str_mv http://lattes.cnpq.br/9678252314869196
dc.contributor.author.fl_str_mv Costa, Rafael Cavalcante da
contributor_str_mv Santos, Gabriel de Ara?jo
Santos, Gabriel de Ara?jo
Zatorre, Natalia Pereira
Monteiro, Rosa Cristina
dc.subject.eng.fl_str_mv Information and Communication Technologies
Distance Education.
topic Information and Communication Technologies
Distance Education.
Tecnologia da Informa??o e Comunica??o
Educa??o ? Dist?ncia
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Tecnologia da Informa??o e Comunica??o
Educa??o ? Dist?ncia
dc.subject.cnpq.fl_str_mv Educa??o
description This study is characterized as a qualitative research where we seek to analyze in depth the knowledge of learners, also a descriptive character where we describe the steps of how the collaborative process occurred within the platform. In this way, when we speak in search of knowledge, we are reminded of the various ways of studying, and thinking about the current context with the evolution of technologies, where schools are increasingly adhering to studies aligned with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). ICTs are used as tools for learning aid. With this intention indeed it is believed that aligning the bases of traditional classes with distance classes, making use of a platform for extra moments in the classroom, enables students to acquire information relevant to a certain content. The MOODLE platform is a Free Software tool and is adopted in most of the Education Institutions to promote Distance Education (EaD). Knowing these principles is what you do if you base this study, in addition to take the student out of that old routine of a classroom with the teacher writing on the board or projecting information from your computer. First of all, we will make an initial milestone where we will count on a test called Pre-test, which will be the basis for us to know what learners bring with them. Apprentices will be introduced to the platform where they will have one more tool to search for information. Bringing the students into the MOODLE platform so they can acquire knowledge and thus arouse their curiosity to seek self-learning. The final mark will be with the application of the Post test, where we will analyze within all The collaborative process, if indeed the student has evolved. The help of the teacher-tutor is extremelly important at this moment because it is this figure that will begin to instigate the students to self-discover. This study aims to analyze the learning behavior and evolution of the apprentices of the Instituto Federal do Amap? (IFAP), Campus Laranjal do Jari, in the discipline subject of Computer Networks, using as a method the classroom classes in the classroom concomitantly with the distance classes.
publishDate 2017
dc.date.accessioned.fl_str_mv 2017-11-09T17:12:40Z
dc.date.issued.fl_str_mv 2017-02-21
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
format masterThesis
status_str publishedVersion
dc.identifier.citation.fl_str_mv COSTA, Rafael Cavalcante da. A utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitos. 2017. 46 f. Disserta??o (Mestrado em Educa??o Agr?cola). Instituto de Agronomia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Serop?dica, RJ. 2017.
dc.identifier.uri.fl_str_mv https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/jspui/2165
identifier_str_mv COSTA, Rafael Cavalcante da. A utiliza??o da Plataforma MOODLE como instrumento facilitador na constru??o e apropria??o de conceitos. 2017. 46 f. Disserta??o (Mestrado em Educa??o Agr?cola). Instituto de Agronomia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Serop?dica, RJ. 2017.
url https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/jspui/2165
dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
language por
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