Referência de acordo com a norma APA

BRASIL NETO, A. B., SCHWARTZ, G., NORONHA, N. C., GAMA, M. A. P., & FERREIRA, G. C. (2021). Natural regeneration for restoration of degraded areas after bauxite mining: A case study in the Eastern Amazon.

Referência de acordo com a norma Chicago

BRASIL NETO, A. B., G. SCHWARTZ, N. C. NORONHA, M. A. P. GAMA, e G. C. FERREIRA. Natural Regeneration for Restoration of Degraded Areas After Bauxite Mining: A Case Study in the Eastern Amazon. 2021.

Referência de acordo com a norma MLA

BRASIL NETO, A. B., et al. Natural Regeneration for Restoration of Degraded Areas After Bauxite Mining: A Case Study in the Eastern Amazon. 2021.

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