Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research says

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Puig-Calvó, Pedro
Data de Publicação: 2019
Outros Autores: Gagnon, Claudia, Gerke, Janinha
Tipo de documento: Artigo
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
Texto Completo:
Resumo: The year 2019 marks a milestone in Brazilian Education, particularly in training experiences in Rural Education, on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Alternating Cycle Education. Created in France and brought to Espírito Santo by a Jesuit priest, it was developed by peasants who considered the different realities of our country, as an educational counter-hegemonic possibility, mixing school training with work experience, sense of belonging to the land and cultural identities. From this perspective, the Association of Family Movements for Rural Education (AIMFR) and the research groups CNPq / UFES Field Cultures, Partnerships and Rural Education, and the International Research on Dual-Alternating Cycle System at Sherbrooke University, Canada, propose to the Brazilian Journal of Rural Education the creation of a file. This is an opportunity to gather, in this important journal, a plurality of discussions and investigative results that emerge from the praxis of teachers and researchers, working with Alternating Cycle Education in Brazil, Canada, Spain, Cameroon, Italy and France. We believe this to be a chance for reflection, problematization and sharing of good experiences, considering the numerous challenges of the current scenario. It is not a contemplative article, but a reflective and problematic one, with a living and dynamic exercise, produced by historically situated subjects, who place themselves in the field of resistance, thus thinking about contexts and rising possibilities. In this sense, the research now shared emerges from the most diverse experiences - from basic to higher education - revealing us the transgressor potential of Alternating Cycle. To recognize this diversity of practices is also to affirm that Alternating Cycle Education, created in Brazilian lands 50 years ago, is today part of the Brazilian Education Heritage and, as such, figures in law and public policies. However, this historical and social journey also poses challenges that arise in the very movement of transformation of society and ways of life, work and production. Facing such challenges and keeping on with the struggle are central flags in the production of new and different meanings for Training by Alternating Cycle, without diverging from its pillars, its mediations and/or educational instruments and, above all, while strengthening its political emancipation, transforming agent of realities and their subjects. For this, we thank the Brazilian Journal of Rural Education for granting us this space which, in turn, translates into an action of visibility of the knowledge’s and practices of Alternating Cycle Education. We chose to organize the 26 texts in three big thematic groups: firstly, articles that talk about the history of alternating cycle education and its intertwining with field education; secondly, epistemological principles and analysis of mediations or pedagogical instruments, with texts that specifically discuss alternating cycle education in the training of educators-teachers-monitors in the field; and finally, we bring researches about different experiences in basic school education and others. What national and international researches on Alternating Cycle Education in these last 50 years of history show us, is an invitation to the knowledge produced by subjects who act, reflect and problematize praxis through scientific research.
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spelling Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research saysThematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research saysDossier Temático: 50 años de alternancia en Brasil: lo que dicen las investigaciones nacionales e internacionalesDossier: 50 ans d'alternance au Brésil: ce qu'en disent les recherches nationales et internationalesDossiê Temático: 50 anos da Alternância no Brasil: o que dizem as pesquisas nacionais e internacionaisThe year 2019 marks a milestone in Brazilian Education, particularly in training experiences in Rural Education, on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Alternating Cycle Education. Created in France and brought to Espírito Santo by a Jesuit priest, it was developed by peasants who considered the different realities of our country, as an educational counter-hegemonic possibility, mixing school training with work experience, sense of belonging to the land and cultural identities. From this perspective, the Association of Family Movements for Rural Education (AIMFR) and the research groups CNPq / UFES Field Cultures, Partnerships and Rural Education, and the International Research on Dual-Alternating Cycle System at Sherbrooke University, Canada, propose to the Brazilian Journal of Rural Education the creation of a file. This is an opportunity to gather, in this important journal, a plurality of discussions and investigative results that emerge from the praxis of teachers and researchers, working with Alternating Cycle Education in Brazil, Canada, Spain, Cameroon, Italy and France. We believe this to be a chance for reflection, problematization and sharing of good experiences, considering the numerous challenges of the current scenario. It is not a contemplative article, but a reflective and problematic one, with a living and dynamic exercise, produced by historically situated subjects, who place themselves in the field of resistance, thus thinking about contexts and rising possibilities. In this sense, the research now shared emerges from the most diverse experiences - from basic to higher education - revealing us the transgressor potential of Alternating Cycle. To recognize this diversity of practices is also to affirm that Alternating Cycle Education, created in Brazilian lands 50 years ago, is today part of the Brazilian Education Heritage and, as such, figures in law and public policies. However, this historical and social journey also poses challenges that arise in the very movement of transformation of society and ways of life, work and production. Facing such challenges and keeping on with the struggle are central flags in the production of new and different meanings for Training by Alternating Cycle, without diverging from its pillars, its mediations and/or educational instruments and, above all, while strengthening its political emancipation, transforming agent of realities and their subjects. For this, we thank the Brazilian Journal of Rural Education for granting us this space which, in turn, translates into an action of visibility of the knowledge’s and practices of Alternating Cycle Education. We chose to organize the 26 texts in three big thematic groups: firstly, articles that talk about the history of alternating cycle education and its intertwining with field education; secondly, epistemological principles and analysis of mediations or pedagogical instruments, with texts that specifically discuss alternating cycle education in the training of educators-teachers-monitors in the field; and finally, we bring researches about different experiences in basic school education and others. What national and international researches on Alternating Cycle Education in these last 50 years of history show us, is an invitation to the knowledge produced by subjects who act, reflect and problematize praxis through scientific research.L'année 2019 constitue une étape importante dans l'éducation brésilienne, en particulier pour les expériences formatrices de “Educação do Campo”, que nous traduisons de façon plus ou moins adéquate par éducation rurale, ainsi que pour la célébration des 50 ans de la Pédagogie de l’Alternance. Née en France et amenée dans l’État de Espírito Santo par un prêtre jésuite, elle a été construite par des paysans à travers les différentes réalités du Brésil comme une possibilité contre-hégémonique d'éducation qui combine la formation scolaire académique avec le monde du travail, ainsi qu’avec l'appartenance à la terre et à ses identités culturelles. Dans cette perspective, l'Association internationale des mouvements familiaux de formation rurale (AIMFR), le groupe de recherche CNPq/UFES Culturas, Parcerias e Educação do Campo ainsi que le Grupo internacional de investigación y de reflexión sobre alternancia (GIIRA), basé à l’Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, assument, avec la Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo, la réalisation du présent dossier. C'est l'occasion de rassembler, dans le cadre de cet important périodique, une pluralité de discussions et de résultats de recherches qui émergent de la pratique des moniteurs-éducateurs-enseignants et de chercheurs qui travaillent dans et sur la formation par alternance au Brésil, au Canada, en Espagne, au Cameroun, en Italie et en France. Cette opportunité est envisagée comme un cadre de réflexion, de problématisation et de partage de bonnes expériences, compte tenu des innombrables défis du contexte actuel. Dans cette perspective, il ne s'agit pas d'un dossier contemplatif, mais d'un dossier permettant de réfléchir et de problématiser, dans le sens d'une pratique vivante et dynamique, produite par des sujets historiquement situés, qui se placent dans le champ de la résistance et se constituent ainsi en fonction des contextes et des possibilités. Ainsi, les recherches partagées ici émergent des expériences les plus diverses, de l'éducation de base à l'enseignement supérieur, ce qui nous révèle le potentiel transgresseur de l’Alternance. Reconnaître cette diversité de pratiques, c'est aussi affirmer que la Pédagogie par Alternance, née en terre brésilienne il y a 50 ans, constitue aujourd'hui un patrimoine de l'éducation brésilienne et, à ce titre, une figure du droit et des politiques publiques. Cependant, le cheminement historique et social pose aussi des défis qui surgissent dans le mouvement même de transformation de la société et des modes de vie, de travail et de production. Faire face à ces défis et rester dans la lutte sont ici élevés comme des drapeaux clés dans la production de nouveaux et d'autres sens de la Formation par Alternance, sans toutefois s'éloigner de ses piliers, de ses médiations et/ou de ses instruments pédagogiques et, surtout, avec le renforcement de ses biais politiques, émancipateur et transformateur des réalités et de leurs sujets. C’est pourquoi nous exprimons ici nos sincères remerciements à la Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo pour nous avoir accordé cet espace, qui se traduit à son tour par une action de diffusion des connaissances et des actions de la Pédagogie par Alternance. En vue d’assurer une certaine organisation des textes en fonction des différents sujets traités, nous avons regroupé les vingt-six articles suivant trois apports : d'abord les articles qui traitent de l'histoire de la pédagogie de l'alternance et de son entrelacement avec l'éducation rurale ; les principes épistémologiques et l'analyse de leurs médiations ou instruments pédagogiques. Suivent les textes qui traitent spécifiquement de la pédagogie de l'alternance dans la formation des éducateurs-moniteurs-enseignants sur le terrain et enfin, en plus grand nombre, nous présentons les recherches autour des pratiques dans les différentes expériences d'éducation scolaire de base et au-delà. Par conséquent, ce que la recherche nationale et internationale sur la Pédagogie par Alternance dit en ces 50 ans d'histoire est une invitation à la connaissance produite par des sujets qui agissent, réfléchissent et problématisent la praxis par le biais de la recherche scientifique.O ano de 2019 constitui um marco na Educação Brasileira, em especial para as experiências formativas da Educação do Campo, pela celebração dos 50 anos da Pedagogia da Alternância. Nascida na França e trazida para o Espírito Santo por um padre jesuíta, foi construída nas diferentes realidades de nosso país pelos sujeitos camponeses como uma possibilidade contra-hegemônica de educação que amalgama a formação escolar-acadêmica ao mundo do trabalho, ao pertencimento a terra e às suas identidades culturais. Nessa perspectiva, os grupos de pesquisas Culturas, Parcerias e Educação do Campo (CNPq/UFES) e de Investigação Internacional do Sistema Dual-Alternância da Universidade de Sherbrooke/Canadá, assumem junto à Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo a proposição desse dossiê. Trata-se de uma oportunidade de reunir, no âmbito desse importante periódico, uma pluralidade de discussões e resultados investigativos que emergem da práxis dos monitores-educadores-professores e investigadores que atuam com a Formação por Alternância no Brasil, Canadá, Espanha, Camarões, Itália e França. Compreendemos esta oportunidade como um marco da reflexão, problematização e do compartilhamento das boas experiências, considerando os inúmeros desafios do cenário atual. Não se trata de um dossiê contemplativo, mas reflexivo e problematizador, no sentido de uma práxis viva e dinâmica, produzida por sujeitos historicamente situados, que se colocam no campo da resistência e por assim se constituírem pensam os contextos e acenam possibilidades. Desta forma, as pesquisas aqui compartilhadas emergem das mais diversas experiências, da educação básica ao ensino superior, o que nos revela o potencial transgressor da Alternância. Reconhecer essa diversidade de práticas é também afirmar que a Pedagogia da Alternância, nascida em terras brasileiras há 50 anos, constitui-se hoje em Patrimônio da Educação Brasileira e como tal figura na lei e nas políticas públicas. Contudo, a caminhada por ser histórica e social, também nos coloca desafios que surgem no próprio movimento de transformação da sociedade e dos modos de vida, trabalho e produção. Enfrentar tais desafios e permanecer na luta são aqui erguidos como bandeiras fulcrais na produção dos novos e outros sentidos da Formação por Alternância, sem afastar-se de seus pilares, suas mediações e/ou instrumentos pedagógicos e, sobretudo, com o fortalecimento de seu viés político, emancipador e transformador das realidades e de seus sujeitos. Com vistas a buscar uma organização dos textos por aproximação das discussões, reunimos em sequência os vinte e seis artigos a partir de três abordagens: Inicialmente os artigos que trazem a história da Pedagogia da Alternância e seu entrelaçamento com a Educação do Campo; princípios epistemológicos e análise das suas mediações ou instrumentos pedagógicos. Na sequência, os textos que discutem especificamente a Pedagogia da Alternância na formação de educadores-monitores-professores do campo e, por fim, em maior número, trazemos as investigações acerca da sua práxis nas diferentes experiências da educação básica escolar e para além dessa. Portanto, o que dizem as pesquisas nacionais e internacionais sobre a Pedagogia da Alternância nesses 50 anos de história é um convite ao conhecimento produzido por sujeitos que atuam, refletem e problematizam a práxis por meio da investigação científica.Universidade Federal do Tocantins2019-12-19info:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersionapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdfapplication/pdftext/htmltext/htmltext/htmltext/html Journal of Rural Education; Bd. 4 (2019): Publicação Contínua / Continuous Publication; e8135Brazilian Journal of Rural Education; Vol. 4 (2019): Publicação Contínua / Continuous Publication; e8135Revista Brasileña de Educación Rural; Vol. 4 (2019): Publicação Contínua / Continuous Publication; e8135Brazilian Journal of Rural Education; Vol. 4 (2019): Publicação Contínua / Continuous Publication; e8135Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo; v. 4 (2019): Publicação Contínua / Continuous Publication; e81352525-4863reponame:Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campoinstname:Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)instacron:UFTporengspafra (c) 2019 Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPuig-Calvó, PedroGagnon, ClaudiaGerke,|||||| Brasileira de Educação do Campo - Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)false
dc.title.none.fl_str_mv Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research says
Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research says
Dossier Temático: 50 años de alternancia en Brasil: lo que dicen las investigaciones nacionales e internacionales
Dossier: 50 ans d'alternance au Brésil: ce qu'en disent les recherches nationales et internationales
Dossiê Temático: 50 anos da Alternância no Brasil: o que dizem as pesquisas nacionais e internacionais
title Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research says
spellingShingle Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research says
Puig-Calvó, Pedro
title_short Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research says
title_full Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research says
title_fullStr Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research says
title_full_unstemmed Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research says
title_sort Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research says
author Puig-Calvó, Pedro
author_facet Puig-Calvó, Pedro
Gagnon, Claudia
Gerke, Janinha
author_role author
author2 Gagnon, Claudia
Gerke, Janinha
author2_role author
author Puig-Calvó, Pedro
Gagnon, Claudia
Gerke, Janinha
description The year 2019 marks a milestone in Brazilian Education, particularly in training experiences in Rural Education, on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Alternating Cycle Education. Created in France and brought to Espírito Santo by a Jesuit priest, it was developed by peasants who considered the different realities of our country, as an educational counter-hegemonic possibility, mixing school training with work experience, sense of belonging to the land and cultural identities. From this perspective, the Association of Family Movements for Rural Education (AIMFR) and the research groups CNPq / UFES Field Cultures, Partnerships and Rural Education, and the International Research on Dual-Alternating Cycle System at Sherbrooke University, Canada, propose to the Brazilian Journal of Rural Education the creation of a file. This is an opportunity to gather, in this important journal, a plurality of discussions and investigative results that emerge from the praxis of teachers and researchers, working with Alternating Cycle Education in Brazil, Canada, Spain, Cameroon, Italy and France. We believe this to be a chance for reflection, problematization and sharing of good experiences, considering the numerous challenges of the current scenario. It is not a contemplative article, but a reflective and problematic one, with a living and dynamic exercise, produced by historically situated subjects, who place themselves in the field of resistance, thus thinking about contexts and rising possibilities. In this sense, the research now shared emerges from the most diverse experiences - from basic to higher education - revealing us the transgressor potential of Alternating Cycle. To recognize this diversity of practices is also to affirm that Alternating Cycle Education, created in Brazilian lands 50 years ago, is today part of the Brazilian Education Heritage and, as such, figures in law and public policies. However, this historical and social journey also poses challenges that arise in the very movement of transformation of society and ways of life, work and production. Facing such challenges and keeping on with the struggle are central flags in the production of new and different meanings for Training by Alternating Cycle, without diverging from its pillars, its mediations and/or educational instruments and, above all, while strengthening its political emancipation, transforming agent of realities and their subjects. For this, we thank the Brazilian Journal of Rural Education for granting us this space which, in turn, translates into an action of visibility of the knowledge’s and practices of Alternating Cycle Education. We chose to organize the 26 texts in three big thematic groups: firstly, articles that talk about the history of alternating cycle education and its intertwining with field education; secondly, epistemological principles and analysis of mediations or pedagogical instruments, with texts that specifically discuss alternating cycle education in the training of educators-teachers-monitors in the field; and finally, we bring researches about different experiences in basic school education and others. What national and international researches on Alternating Cycle Education in these last 50 years of history show us, is an invitation to the knowledge produced by subjects who act, reflect and problematize praxis through scientific research.
publishDate 2019 2019-12-19
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dc.rights.driver.fl_str_mv Copyright (c) 2019 Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
rights_invalid_str_mv Copyright (c) 2019 Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
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dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal do Tocantins
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dc.source.none.fl_str_mv Brazilian Journal of Rural Education; Bd. 4 (2019): Publicação Contínua / Continuous Publication; e8135
Brazilian Journal of Rural Education; Vol. 4 (2019): Publicação Contínua / Continuous Publication; e8135
Revista Brasileña de Educación Rural; Vol. 4 (2019): Publicação Contínua / Continuous Publication; e8135
Brazilian Journal of Rural Education; Vol. 4 (2019): Publicação Contínua / Continuous Publication; e8135
Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo; v. 4 (2019): Publicação Contínua / Continuous Publication; e8135
reponame:Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
instname:Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)
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collection Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo - Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)
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