Luiz, B. A. L., Langer, I. L. d. O., & Bernardo, L. D. (2018). The (in)visibility of older adults: An analysis of the current newspaper articles of the Gazeta do Povo.
Referência de acordo com a norma ChicagoLuiz, Bruna Aparecida Longato, Isabele Letícia de Oliveira Langer, e Lilian Dias Bernardo. The (in)visibility of Older Adults: An Analysis of the Current Newspaper Articles of the Gazeta Do Povo. 2018.
Referência de acordo com a norma MLALuiz, Bruna Aparecida Longato, Isabele Letícia de Oliveira Langer, e Lilian Dias Bernardo. The (in)visibility of Older Adults: An Analysis of the Current Newspaper Articles of the Gazeta Do Povo. 2018.
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