Immunotherapy against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis with the saponin enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine.

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Santos, Fernanda Nunes
Data de Publicação: 2007
Outros Autores: Borja Cabrera, Gulnara Patricia, Myashiro, L. M., Grechi, Juliana, Reis, Alexandre Barbosa, Moreira, Márcio Antônio Batistela, Martins Filho, Olindo Assis, Luvizotto, Maria Cecília Rui, Menz, Ingrid, Pessôa, L. M., Gonçalves, Pablo Rodrigues, Palatnik, Marcos, Souza, Clarisa Beatriz Palatnik de
Tipo de documento: Artigo
Idioma: eng
Título da fonte: Repositório Institucional da UFOP
Texto Completo:
Resumo: In order to assess the immunotherapeutic potential on canine visceral leishmaniasis of the Leishmune ® vaccine, formulated with an increased adjuvant concentration (1 mg of saponin rather than 0.5 mg), 24 mongrel dogs were infected with Leishmania (L.) chagasi . The enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine was injected on month 6, 7 and 8 after infection, when animals were seropositive and symptomatic. The control group were injected with a saline solution. Leishmune ® -treated dogs showed significantly higher levels of anti-FML IgG antibodies (ANOVA; p < 0.0001), a higher and stable IgG2 and a decreasing IgG1 response, pointing to a TH1 T cell mediated response. The vaccine had the following effects: it led to more positive delayed type hypersensitivity reactions against Leishmania lysate in vaccinated dogs (75%) than in controls (50%), to a decreased average of CD4+ Leishmania -specific lymphocytes in saline controls (32.13%) that fell outside the 95% confidence interval of the vaccinees (41.62%, CI95% 43.93–49.80) and an increased average of the clinical scores from the saline controls (17.83) that falls outside the 95% confidence interval for the Leishmune ® immunotherapy-treated dogs (15.75, CI95% 13.97–17.53). All dogs that received the vaccine were clustered, and showed lower clinical scores and normal CD4+ counts, whereas 42% of the untreated dogs showed very diminished CD4+ and higher clinical score. The increase in clinical signs of the saline treated group was correlated with an increase in anti-FML antibodies (p < 0.0001), the parasitological evidence ( p = 0.038) and a decrease inLeishmania -specific CD4+ lymphocyte proportions (p = 0.035). These results confirm the immunotherapeutic potential of the enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine. The vaccine reduced the clinical symptoms and evidence of parasite, modulating the outcome of the infection and the dog’s potential infectiosity to phlebotomines. The enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine was subjected to a safety analysis and found to be well tolerated and safe
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spelling Santos, Fernanda NunesBorja Cabrera, Gulnara PatriciaMyashiro, L. M.Grechi, JulianaReis, Alexandre BarbosaMoreira, Márcio Antônio BatistelaMartins Filho, Olindo AssisLuvizotto, Maria Cecília RuiMenz, IngridPessôa, L. M.Gonçalves, Pablo RodriguesPalatnik, MarcosSouza, Clarisa Beatriz Palatnik de2012-07-10T14:46:11Z2012-07-10T14:46:11Z2007SANTOS, F. N. et al. Immunotherapy against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis with the saponin enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine. Vaccine, v. 25, n. 33, p. 6176-6190, ago. 2007. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 jul. 2012.0264410X order to assess the immunotherapeutic potential on canine visceral leishmaniasis of the Leishmune ® vaccine, formulated with an increased adjuvant concentration (1 mg of saponin rather than 0.5 mg), 24 mongrel dogs were infected with Leishmania (L.) chagasi . The enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine was injected on month 6, 7 and 8 after infection, when animals were seropositive and symptomatic. The control group were injected with a saline solution. Leishmune ® -treated dogs showed significantly higher levels of anti-FML IgG antibodies (ANOVA; p < 0.0001), a higher and stable IgG2 and a decreasing IgG1 response, pointing to a TH1 T cell mediated response. The vaccine had the following effects: it led to more positive delayed type hypersensitivity reactions against Leishmania lysate in vaccinated dogs (75%) than in controls (50%), to a decreased average of CD4+ Leishmania -specific lymphocytes in saline controls (32.13%) that fell outside the 95% confidence interval of the vaccinees (41.62%, CI95% 43.93–49.80) and an increased average of the clinical scores from the saline controls (17.83) that falls outside the 95% confidence interval for the Leishmune ® immunotherapy-treated dogs (15.75, CI95% 13.97–17.53). All dogs that received the vaccine were clustered, and showed lower clinical scores and normal CD4+ counts, whereas 42% of the untreated dogs showed very diminished CD4+ and higher clinical score. The increase in clinical signs of the saline treated group was correlated with an increase in anti-FML antibodies (p < 0.0001), the parasitological evidence ( p = 0.038) and a decrease inLeishmania -specific CD4+ lymphocyte proportions (p = 0.035). These results confirm the immunotherapeutic potential of the enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine. The vaccine reduced the clinical symptoms and evidence of parasite, modulating the outcome of the infection and the dog’s potential infectiosity to phlebotomines. The enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine was subjected to a safety analysis and found to be well tolerated and safeImmunotherapyLeishmuneVaccineCanine visceral leishmaniasisImmunotherapy against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis with the saponin enriched-Leishmune ® periódico Vaccine concede permissão para depósito deste artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença:ório Institucional da UFOPinstname:Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP)instacron:UFOPLICENSElicense.txtlicense.txttext/plain; charset=utf-81748; charset=utf-820325 13:11:28.423oai:localhost: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Repositório InstitucionalPUBório Institucional da UFOP - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP)false
dc.title.pt_BR.fl_str_mv Immunotherapy against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis with the saponin enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine.
title Immunotherapy against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis with the saponin enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine.
spellingShingle Immunotherapy against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis with the saponin enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine.
Santos, Fernanda Nunes
Canine visceral leishmaniasis
title_short Immunotherapy against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis with the saponin enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine.
title_full Immunotherapy against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis with the saponin enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine.
title_fullStr Immunotherapy against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis with the saponin enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine.
title_full_unstemmed Immunotherapy against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis with the saponin enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine.
title_sort Immunotherapy against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis with the saponin enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine.
author Santos, Fernanda Nunes
author_facet Santos, Fernanda Nunes
Borja Cabrera, Gulnara Patricia
Myashiro, L. M.
Grechi, Juliana
Reis, Alexandre Barbosa
Moreira, Márcio Antônio Batistela
Martins Filho, Olindo Assis
Luvizotto, Maria Cecília Rui
Menz, Ingrid
Pessôa, L. M.
Gonçalves, Pablo Rodrigues
Palatnik, Marcos
Souza, Clarisa Beatriz Palatnik de
author_role author
author2 Borja Cabrera, Gulnara Patricia
Myashiro, L. M.
Grechi, Juliana
Reis, Alexandre Barbosa
Moreira, Márcio Antônio Batistela
Martins Filho, Olindo Assis
Luvizotto, Maria Cecília Rui
Menz, Ingrid
Pessôa, L. M.
Gonçalves, Pablo Rodrigues
Palatnik, Marcos
Souza, Clarisa Beatriz Palatnik de
author2_role author
author Santos, Fernanda Nunes
Borja Cabrera, Gulnara Patricia
Myashiro, L. M.
Grechi, Juliana
Reis, Alexandre Barbosa
Moreira, Márcio Antônio Batistela
Martins Filho, Olindo Assis
Luvizotto, Maria Cecília Rui
Menz, Ingrid
Pessôa, L. M.
Gonçalves, Pablo Rodrigues
Palatnik, Marcos
Souza, Clarisa Beatriz Palatnik de
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Immunotherapy
Canine visceral leishmaniasis
topic Immunotherapy
Canine visceral leishmaniasis
description In order to assess the immunotherapeutic potential on canine visceral leishmaniasis of the Leishmune ® vaccine, formulated with an increased adjuvant concentration (1 mg of saponin rather than 0.5 mg), 24 mongrel dogs were infected with Leishmania (L.) chagasi . The enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine was injected on month 6, 7 and 8 after infection, when animals were seropositive and symptomatic. The control group were injected with a saline solution. Leishmune ® -treated dogs showed significantly higher levels of anti-FML IgG antibodies (ANOVA; p < 0.0001), a higher and stable IgG2 and a decreasing IgG1 response, pointing to a TH1 T cell mediated response. The vaccine had the following effects: it led to more positive delayed type hypersensitivity reactions against Leishmania lysate in vaccinated dogs (75%) than in controls (50%), to a decreased average of CD4+ Leishmania -specific lymphocytes in saline controls (32.13%) that fell outside the 95% confidence interval of the vaccinees (41.62%, CI95% 43.93–49.80) and an increased average of the clinical scores from the saline controls (17.83) that falls outside the 95% confidence interval for the Leishmune ® immunotherapy-treated dogs (15.75, CI95% 13.97–17.53). All dogs that received the vaccine were clustered, and showed lower clinical scores and normal CD4+ counts, whereas 42% of the untreated dogs showed very diminished CD4+ and higher clinical score. The increase in clinical signs of the saline treated group was correlated with an increase in anti-FML antibodies (p < 0.0001), the parasitological evidence ( p = 0.038) and a decrease inLeishmania -specific CD4+ lymphocyte proportions (p = 0.035). These results confirm the immunotherapeutic potential of the enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine. The vaccine reduced the clinical symptoms and evidence of parasite, modulating the outcome of the infection and the dog’s potential infectiosity to phlebotomines. The enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine was subjected to a safety analysis and found to be well tolerated and safe
publishDate 2007 2007 2012-07-10T14:46:11Z 2012-07-10T14:46:11Z
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dc.identifier.issn.none.fl_str_mv 0264410X
identifier_str_mv SANTOS, F. N. et al. Immunotherapy against experimental canine visceral leishmaniasis with the saponin enriched-Leishmune ® vaccine. Vaccine, v. 25, n. 33, p. 6176-6190, ago. 2007. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 jul. 2012.
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