Compet?ncia moral e cidadania organizacional: estudo com militares em forma??o

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Silva, Fl?vio Ferreira da
Data de Publicação: 2016
Tipo de documento: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ
Texto Completo:
Resumo: The research developed fits study area of cognitive psychology and social processes , taking as its theme the development of moral and organizational citizenship behaviors . The study was conducted with cadets of the Brazilian Army (EB), registered in 2015, the training course for officers of the Military Academy of Agulhas Negras (AMAN) . stand out as study objectives : to analyze the relationship between the educational process of AMAN and the improvement of skills for evaluation of moral dilemmas ; investigate the links between training in AMAN and development of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (CCO) ; and check the links between the moral levels of competence with the CCO indicators of the same public . The study is based on theoretical elaborations of Piaget and Kohlberg on moral competence, and constructs of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. The survey included a sample of 732 cadets distributed by the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of the seven military specialty training in AMAN. We used the Moral Judgment Test (MJT xt) of Battaglia and Lind (1998), and Behavior Scales and Organizational Citizenship, Siqueira (2014) in its three categories: dissemination and advocacy organization; creativity in the solution of organizational problems; and the adoption of supportive behavior and social cooperation in the implementation of the tasks. Statistical analysis done left the SPSS platforms (Statistical Package for Social Science) and AMOS modules (Analysis of Moment Structures). Noteworthy are the following results: the contents of the score C (moral competence) cadets stood at median levels, significant differences were observed (positive or negative) resulting from the progress in the training course or for the different military specialties. No significant differences were identified in scores C in correlation with the family background of the cadets (whether military or civilian), school origin (whether military or civilian college) and religious affiliations. The formulations of alternative dilemmas for the MJT (xt) show correlation with the original test formulations, but need to expand the database, mainly to Student's Dilemma. The Organizational Citizenship Behaviors suffer negative influence throughout the course, as analyzed aspects of defense organization and cooperation. The data point to a negative correlation between the development of Moral Competence and CCO of cadets.
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spelling Souza, Marcos Aguiar de544.431.806-72, Val?ria MarquesRosinha, Antonio Jos? Palma Esteves956.429.356-15, Fl?vio Ferreira da2017-09-12T12:53:54Z2016-06-15SILVA, Fl?vio Ferreira da. Compet?ncia moral e cidadania organizacional: estudo com militares em forma??o. 2016. 115 f. Disserta??o (Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, [Serop?dica-RJ] . research developed fits study area of cognitive psychology and social processes , taking as its theme the development of moral and organizational citizenship behaviors . The study was conducted with cadets of the Brazilian Army (EB), registered in 2015, the training course for officers of the Military Academy of Agulhas Negras (AMAN) . stand out as study objectives : to analyze the relationship between the educational process of AMAN and the improvement of skills for evaluation of moral dilemmas ; investigate the links between training in AMAN and development of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (CCO) ; and check the links between the moral levels of competence with the CCO indicators of the same public . The study is based on theoretical elaborations of Piaget and Kohlberg on moral competence, and constructs of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. The survey included a sample of 732 cadets distributed by the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of the seven military specialty training in AMAN. We used the Moral Judgment Test (MJT xt) of Battaglia and Lind (1998), and Behavior Scales and Organizational Citizenship, Siqueira (2014) in its three categories: dissemination and advocacy organization; creativity in the solution of organizational problems; and the adoption of supportive behavior and social cooperation in the implementation of the tasks. Statistical analysis done left the SPSS platforms (Statistical Package for Social Science) and AMOS modules (Analysis of Moment Structures). Noteworthy are the following results: the contents of the score C (moral competence) cadets stood at median levels, significant differences were observed (positive or negative) resulting from the progress in the training course or for the different military specialties. No significant differences were identified in scores C in correlation with the family background of the cadets (whether military or civilian), school origin (whether military or civilian college) and religious affiliations. The formulations of alternative dilemmas for the MJT (xt) show correlation with the original test formulations, but need to expand the database, mainly to Student's Dilemma. The Organizational Citizenship Behaviors suffer negative influence throughout the course, as analyzed aspects of defense organization and cooperation. The data point to a negative correlation between the development of Moral Competence and CCO of cadets.A pesquisa desenvolvida se enquadra ?rea de estudo de psicologia cognitiva e dos processos sociais, tendo como tema o desenvolvimento da moral e os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional. O estudo foi realizado com cadetes do Ex?rcito Brasileiro (EB), matriculados em 2015, no curso de forma??o para oficiais da Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras (AMAN). Destacam-se como objetivos do estudo: analisar as rela??es entre o processo educacional da AMAN e o aprimoramento das compet?ncias para avalia??o de dilemas morais; averiguar as liga??es entre a forma??o na AMAN e o desenvolvimento dos Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional (CCO); e verificar os v?nculos entre dos n?veis de compet?ncia moral com os indicadores de CCO do mesmo p?blico. O estudo est? fundado nas elabora??es te?ricas de Piaget e Kohlberg sobre compet?ncia moral, e nos constructos de Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional. A pesquisa contou com uma amostra de 732 cadetes distribu?dos pelos 1?, 2? e 3? anos, das sete especialidades militares em forma??o na AMAN. Utilizou-se do Teste de Julgamento Moral (MJT xt), de Bataglia e Lind (1998), e as Escalas de Comportamento e Cidadania Organizacional, de Siqueira (2014), em suas tr?s categorias: divulga??o e defesa da organiza??o; criatividade nas solu??es dos problemas organizacionais; e a ado??o de comportamentos de suporte e coopera??o social na execu??o das tarefas. O tratamento estat?stico feito partiu das plataformas SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) e dos M?dulos AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures). Destacam-se os seguintes resultados obtidos: os ?ndices do Escore C (compet?ncia moral) de cadetes se situam em n?veis medianos, n?o sendo observadas diferen?as significativas (positivas ou negativas) decorrentes do progresso no curso de forma??o ou em rela??o ?s diferentes especialidades militares. N?o foram identificadas diferen?as significativas nos Escores C nas correla??es com a origem familiar dos cadetes (se militar ou civil), a proced?ncia escolar (se col?gio militar ou civil) e as afilia??es religiosas. As formula??es dos dilemas alternativos para o MJT (xt) demonstram correla??o com as formula??es originais do teste, mas necessitam de amplia??o da base de dados, principalmente para o Dilema do Estudante. Os Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional sofrem influ?ncia negativa no decorrer do curso, quanto analisados os aspectos de defesa da organiza??o e coopera??o. Os dados apontam para correla??o negativa entre o desenvolvimento da Compet?ncia Moral e os CCO de cadetesSubmitted by Celso Magalhaes ( on 2017-09-12T12:53:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Fl?vio Ferreira da Silva.pdf: 1214666 bytes, checksum: 998e6eed4b116f80620e942399ae83df (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-12T12:53:54Z (GMT). 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dc.title.por.fl_str_mv Compet?ncia moral e cidadania organizacional: estudo com militares em forma??o
dc.title.alternative.eng.fl_str_mv moral and organizational citizenship competence : study with military training
title Compet?ncia moral e cidadania organizacional: estudo com militares em forma??o
spellingShingle Compet?ncia moral e cidadania organizacional: estudo com militares em forma??o
Silva, Fl?vio Ferreira da
Cognitive Psychology
Moral Competence
Organizational Behavior and Citizenship
Military Education
Psicologia cognitiva
Educa??o Moral
Comportamento e Cidadania Organizacional.
Ci?ncias Humanas
title_short Compet?ncia moral e cidadania organizacional: estudo com militares em forma??o
title_full Compet?ncia moral e cidadania organizacional: estudo com militares em forma??o
title_fullStr Compet?ncia moral e cidadania organizacional: estudo com militares em forma??o
title_full_unstemmed Compet?ncia moral e cidadania organizacional: estudo com militares em forma??o
title_sort Compet?ncia moral e cidadania organizacional: estudo com militares em forma??o
author Silva, Fl?vio Ferreira da
author_facet Silva, Fl?vio Ferreira da
author_role author
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Souza, Marcos Aguiar de
dc.contributor.advisor1ID.fl_str_mv 544.431.806-72
dc.contributor.referee1.fl_str_mv Oliveira, Val?ria Marques
dc.contributor.referee2.fl_str_mv Rosinha, Antonio Jos? Palma Esteves
dc.contributor.authorID.fl_str_mv 956.429.356-15
dc.contributor.authorLattes.fl_str_mv Silva, Fl?vio Ferreira da
contributor_str_mv Souza, Marcos Aguiar de
Oliveira, Val?ria Marques
Rosinha, Antonio Jos? Palma Esteves
dc.subject.eng.fl_str_mv Cognitive Psychology
Moral Competence
Organizational Behavior and Citizenship
Military Education
topic Cognitive Psychology
Moral Competence
Organizational Behavior and Citizenship
Military Education
Psicologia cognitiva
Educa??o Moral
Comportamento e Cidadania Organizacional.
Ci?ncias Humanas
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Psicologia cognitiva
Educa??o Moral
Comportamento e Cidadania Organizacional.
dc.subject.cnpq.fl_str_mv Ci?ncias Humanas
description The research developed fits study area of cognitive psychology and social processes , taking as its theme the development of moral and organizational citizenship behaviors . The study was conducted with cadets of the Brazilian Army (EB), registered in 2015, the training course for officers of the Military Academy of Agulhas Negras (AMAN) . stand out as study objectives : to analyze the relationship between the educational process of AMAN and the improvement of skills for evaluation of moral dilemmas ; investigate the links between training in AMAN and development of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (CCO) ; and check the links between the moral levels of competence with the CCO indicators of the same public . The study is based on theoretical elaborations of Piaget and Kohlberg on moral competence, and constructs of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. The survey included a sample of 732 cadets distributed by the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of the seven military specialty training in AMAN. We used the Moral Judgment Test (MJT xt) of Battaglia and Lind (1998), and Behavior Scales and Organizational Citizenship, Siqueira (2014) in its three categories: dissemination and advocacy organization; creativity in the solution of organizational problems; and the adoption of supportive behavior and social cooperation in the implementation of the tasks. Statistical analysis done left the SPSS platforms (Statistical Package for Social Science) and AMOS modules (Analysis of Moment Structures). Noteworthy are the following results: the contents of the score C (moral competence) cadets stood at median levels, significant differences were observed (positive or negative) resulting from the progress in the training course or for the different military specialties. No significant differences were identified in scores C in correlation with the family background of the cadets (whether military or civilian), school origin (whether military or civilian college) and religious affiliations. The formulations of alternative dilemmas for the MJT (xt) show correlation with the original test formulations, but need to expand the database, mainly to Student's Dilemma. The Organizational Citizenship Behaviors suffer negative influence throughout the course, as analyzed aspects of defense organization and cooperation. The data point to a negative correlation between the development of Moral Competence and CCO of cadets.
publishDate 2016 2016-06-15 2017-09-12T12:53:54Z
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
format masterThesis
status_str publishedVersion
dc.identifier.citation.fl_str_mv SILVA, Fl?vio Ferreira da. Compet?ncia moral e cidadania organizacional: estudo com militares em forma??o. 2016. 115 f. Disserta??o (Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, [Serop?dica-RJ] .
identifier_str_mv SILVA, Fl?vio Ferreira da. Compet?ncia moral e cidadania organizacional: estudo com militares em forma??o. 2016. 115 f. Disserta??o (Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, [Serop?dica-RJ] .
dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
language por
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