Isabel Veiga, M., Ferreira, P., Schmidt, B. A., Ribacke, U., Bjorkman, A., Tichopad, A., & Gil, J. P. (2010). Antimalarial Exposure Delays Plasmodium falciparum Intra-Erythrocytic Cycle and Drives Drug Transporter Genes Expression.
Referência de acordo com a norma ChicagoIsabel Veiga, Maria, Pedro Ferreira, Berit Aydin Schmidt, Ulf Ribacke, Anders Bjorkman, Ales Tichopad, e José Pedro Gil. Antimalarial Exposure Delays Plasmodium Falciparum Intra-Erythrocytic Cycle and Drives Drug Transporter Genes Expression. 2010.
Referência de acordo com a norma MLAIsabel Veiga, Maria, et al. Antimalarial Exposure Delays Plasmodium Falciparum Intra-Erythrocytic Cycle and Drives Drug Transporter Genes Expression. 2010.
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