Silva, L. G. d., Sampaio, C. B., Paula, E. M. d., Shenkoru, T., Brandao, V. L. N., Dai, X., . . . Faciola, A. P. (2018). Nutritional evaluation and ruminal fermentation patterns of kochia compared with alfalfa and orchardgrass hays and ephedra and cheatgrass compared with orchardgrass hay as alternative arid-land forages for beef cattle in two dual-flow continuous culture system experiments.
Referência de acordo com a norma ChicagoSilva, Lorrayny Galoro da, Claudia Batista Sampaio, Eduardo Marostegan de Paula, Teshome Shenkoru, Virginia Lucia Neves Brandao, Xiaoxia Dai, Barry Perryman, e Antonio Pinheiro Faciola. Nutritional Evaluation and Ruminal Fermentation Patterns of Kochia Compared With Alfalfa and Orchardgrass Hays and Ephedra and Cheatgrass Compared With Orchardgrass Hay As Alternative Arid-land Forages for Beef Cattle in Two Dual-flow Continuous Culture System Experiments. 2018.
Referência de acordo com a norma MLASilva, Lorrayny Galoro da, et al. Nutritional Evaluation and Ruminal Fermentation Patterns of Kochia Compared With Alfalfa and Orchardgrass Hays and Ephedra and Cheatgrass Compared With Orchardgrass Hay As Alternative Arid-land Forages for Beef Cattle in Two Dual-flow Continuous Culture System Experiments. 2018.