Official position of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry on the use of cannabis in psychiatric treatments: PDF em inglês:

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Silva , Antônio Geraldo da
Data de Publicação: 2022
Outros Autores: Baldaçara, Leonardo Rodrigo
Tipo de documento: Artigo
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: Debates em Psiquiatria (Online)
Texto Completo:
Resumo: Question:In view of the various studies carried out in Brazil and around the world that try to find out if there is really effectiveness in the use of cannabidiol (CBD) in the treatment of various diseases, the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry - ABP publishes its official position on the subject. ABP Position:1- There is not enough scientific evidence to justify the use of any cannabis derivatives in the treatment of mental illness. On the other hand, several studies associate the use and abuse of cannabis, as well as other psychoactive substances, with the development and worsening of mental illnesses.1-6 2- The use and abuse of psychoactive substances present in cannabis cause chemical dependence, can trigger psychiatric conditions and also worsen the symptoms of mental illnesses already diagnosed. This is the case with schizophrenia - it is estimated that the risk of developing the disease is four times greater and the use of cannabis worsens the prognosis of the disease. Cannabis use is also associated with baseline mood change, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and suicidal ideation.1,4,7-9 3- Research on CBD must continue, but studies on side effects and the likelihood of dependence must also be carried out and intensified.4,9 4- Some Brazilian media outlets have endorsed studies on the possible "benefits" of cannabis, corroborating misinterpretations and contributing to the impression that marijuana is a completely safe and harmless product for consumption, especially by younger people.1,9 This positive "publicity" refers to the time when cigarettes were marketed with the media and even part of the medical community to meet financial interests. 5- In Brazil, the Federal Council of Medicine - CFM authorizes the compassionate use of CBD only for children and adolescents with difficult-to-treat epilepsy, through Resolution No. 6- Like the ABP, the American Psychiatric Association (APA)6 does not endorse the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. One of the excerpts from the document produced by the APA says that "there is no current scientific evidence that cannabis is beneficial for the treatment of any psychiatric disorder. In contrast, the current evidence supports, at the very least, a strong association of cannabis use with onset of psychiatric disorders.6 Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to harm due to the neurodevelopmental effects of cannabis."1 7- The treatment of any disease must be carried out based on scientific evidence and doctors who prescribe the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes must be fully aware of the risks and responsibilities inherent in the prescription.4 8- There is no convincing scientific evidence that the use of cannabidiol or any of the cannabinoids can have any therapeutic effect for any mental disorder. It is important to note that it does not matter whether a substance is synthetic or natural, without well-designed clinical trials, no substance can be indicated for the treatment of any disease.2,4 9- The ABP supports all lines of scientific research in the search for new solutions for untreated diseases, as long as it obeys all the rules relating to scientific research. 10- The ABP, after careful evaluation, in view of the various damages highlighted, at the moment, does not support the use of cannabis and its derivatives for medicinal purposes in the area of ​​Psychiatry, nor does it support its use for recreational purposes. It is important to keep in mind that there is no record with any international regulatory agency of any cannabinoid for the treatment of any psychiatric illness.
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network_acronym_str ABP-2
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spelling Official position of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry on the use of cannabis in psychiatric treatments: PDF em inglês:ón oficial de la Asociación Brasileña de Psiquiatría sobre el uso de cannabis en tratamientos psiquiátricos: PDF em inglês: oficial da Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria relativo ao uso da cannabis em tratamentos psiquiátricos: PDF em inglês: psiquiátricocanabidiolcannabistratamiento psiquiátricocanabidiolQuestion:In view of the various studies carried out in Brazil and around the world that try to find out if there is really effectiveness in the use of cannabidiol (CBD) in the treatment of various diseases, the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry - ABP publishes its official position on the subject. ABP Position:1- There is not enough scientific evidence to justify the use of any cannabis derivatives in the treatment of mental illness. On the other hand, several studies associate the use and abuse of cannabis, as well as other psychoactive substances, with the development and worsening of mental illnesses.1-6 2- The use and abuse of psychoactive substances present in cannabis cause chemical dependence, can trigger psychiatric conditions and also worsen the symptoms of mental illnesses already diagnosed. This is the case with schizophrenia - it is estimated that the risk of developing the disease is four times greater and the use of cannabis worsens the prognosis of the disease. Cannabis use is also associated with baseline mood change, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and suicidal ideation.1,4,7-9 3- Research on CBD must continue, but studies on side effects and the likelihood of dependence must also be carried out and intensified.4,9 4- Some Brazilian media outlets have endorsed studies on the possible "benefits" of cannabis, corroborating misinterpretations and contributing to the impression that marijuana is a completely safe and harmless product for consumption, especially by younger people.1,9 This positive "publicity" refers to the time when cigarettes were marketed with the media and even part of the medical community to meet financial interests. 5- In Brazil, the Federal Council of Medicine - CFM authorizes the compassionate use of CBD only for children and adolescents with difficult-to-treat epilepsy, through Resolution No. 6- Like the ABP, the American Psychiatric Association (APA)6 does not endorse the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. One of the excerpts from the document produced by the APA says that "there is no current scientific evidence that cannabis is beneficial for the treatment of any psychiatric disorder. In contrast, the current evidence supports, at the very least, a strong association of cannabis use with onset of psychiatric disorders.6 Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to harm due to the neurodevelopmental effects of cannabis."1 7- The treatment of any disease must be carried out based on scientific evidence and doctors who prescribe the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes must be fully aware of the risks and responsibilities inherent in the prescription.4 8- There is no convincing scientific evidence that the use of cannabidiol or any of the cannabinoids can have any therapeutic effect for any mental disorder. It is important to note that it does not matter whether a substance is synthetic or natural, without well-designed clinical trials, no substance can be indicated for the treatment of any disease.2,4 9- The ABP supports all lines of scientific research in the search for new solutions for untreated diseases, as long as it obeys all the rules relating to scientific research. 10- The ABP, after careful evaluation, in view of the various damages highlighted, at the moment, does not support the use of cannabis and its derivatives for medicinal purposes in the area of ​​Psychiatry, nor does it support its use for recreational purposes. It is important to keep in mind that there is no record with any international regulatory agency of any cannabinoid for the treatment of any psychiatric illness.Pregunta:En vista de los diversos estudios realizados en Brasil y en el mundo que tratan de averiguar si realmente hay efectividad en el uso de cannabidiol (CBD) en el tratamiento de diversas enfermedades, la Asociación Brasileña de Psiquiatría - ABP publica su posición oficial sobre el tema. Puesto PAA:1- No existe evidencia científica suficiente que justifique el uso de algún derivado del cannabis en el tratamiento de enfermedades mentales. Por otro lado, varios estudios asocian el uso y abuso de cannabis, así como de otras sustancias psicoactivas, con el desarrollo y empeoramiento de enfermedades mentales.1-6 2- El uso y abuso de sustancias psicoactivas presentes en el cannabis provocan dependencia química, pueden desencadenar cuadros psiquiátricos y también empeorar los síntomas de enfermedades mentales ya diagnosticadas. Este es el caso de la esquizofrenia, se estima que el riesgo de desarrollar la enfermedad es cuatro veces mayor y el consumo de cannabis empeora el pronóstico de la enfermedad. El consumo de cannabis también se asocia con cambios de humor basales, depresión, trastorno bipolar, trastornos de ansiedad, trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad e ideación suicida.1,4,7-9 3- La investigación sobre el CBD debe continuar, pero también deben realizarse e intensificarse los estudios sobre los efectos secundarios y la probabilidad de dependencia.4,9 4- Algunos medios de comunicación brasileños han avalado estudios sobre los posibles "beneficios" del cannabis, corroborando malas interpretaciones y contribuyendo a la impresión de que la marihuana es un producto completamente seguro e inocuo para el consumo, especialmente entre los jóvenes.1,9 Esta "publicidad" positiva se refiere a la época en que los cigarrillos se comercializaban con el aval de los medios e incluso por parte de la comunidad médica para satisfacer intereses económicos. 5- En Brasil, el Consejo Federal de Medicina - CFM autoriza el uso compasivo de CBD solo para niños y adolescentes con epilepsia de difícil tratamiento, a través de la Resolución No. 6- Al igual que la ABP, la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría (APA)6 no respalda el uso del cannabis con fines medicinales. Uno de los extractos del documento producido por la APA dice que "no hay evidencia científica actual de que el cannabis sea beneficioso para el tratamiento de ningún trastorno psiquiátrico. En contraste, la evidencia actual respalda, como mínimo, una fuerte asociación de cannabis uso con la aparición de trastornos psiquiátricos.6 Los adolescentes son particularmente vulnerables al daño debido a los efectos del cannabis en el desarrollo neurológico".1 7- El tratamiento de cualquier enfermedad debe realizarse con base en evidencia científica y los médicos que prescriben el uso de cannabis con fines medicinales deben ser plenamente conscientes de los riesgos y responsabilidades inherentes a la prescripción.4 8- No existe evidencia científica convincente de que el uso de cannabidiol o cualquiera de los cannabinoides pueda tener algún efecto terapéutico para algún trastorno mental. Es importante señalar que no importa si una sustancia es sintética o natural, sin ensayos clínicos bien diseñados, ninguna sustancia puede ser indicada para el tratamiento de ninguna enfermedad.2,4 9- La ABP apoya todas las líneas de investigación científica en la búsqueda de nuevas soluciones para enfermedades no tratadas, siempre que obedezca todas las normas relativas a la investigación científica. 10- La ABP, luego de una cuidadosa evaluación, en vista de los diversos perjuicios señalados, por el momento, no apoya el uso del cannabis y sus derivados con fines medicinales en el área de la Psiquiatría, ni apoya su uso con fines recreativos propósitos Es importante tener en cuenta que no existe registro ante ninguna agencia reguladora internacional de ningún cannabinoide para el tratamiento de alguna enfermedad psiquiátrica.Questão: Tendo em vista as diversas pesquisas realizadas no Brasil e em todo o mundo que tentam descobrir se realmente há eficácia no uso de canabidiol (CBD) no tratamento de diversas doenças, a Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria - ABP publica seu posicionamento oficial a respeito do assunto. Posição da ABP: 1- Não há evidências científicas suficientes que justifiquem o uso de nenhum dos derivados da cannabis no tratamento de doenças mentais. Em contrapartida, diversos estudos associam o uso e abuso de cannabis, bem como de outras substâncias psicoativas, ao desenvolvimento e agravamento de doenças mentais.1-6 2- O uso e abuso das substâncias psicoativas presentes na cannabis causam dependência química, podem desencadear quadros psiquiátricos e, ainda, piorar os sintomas de doenças mentais já diagnosticadas. Esse é o caso da esquizofrenia - estima-se que o risco para desenvolvimento da doença seja quatro vezes maior e o uso de cannabis piora o prognóstico da doença. O uso de cannabis também está associado à alteração basal de humor, à depressão, ao transtorno bipolar, aos transtornos de ansiedade, transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade e à ideação suicida.1,4,7-9 3- As pesquisas sobre o CBD devem continuar, mas os estudos sobre os efeitos colaterais e a probabilidade de dependência também devem ser realizados e intensificados.4,9 4- Alguns veículos midiáticos brasileiros têm endossado estudos sobre os possíveis "benefícios" da cannabis, corroborando para interpretações equivocadas e contribuindo para a impressão de que a maconha é um produto totalmente seguro e inofensivo para o consumo, sobretudo pelos mais jovens.1,9 Essa "publicidade" positiva remete à época em que os cigarros eram comercializados com chancela da mídia e até mesmo de parte da comunidade médica para atender interesses financeiros. 5- No Brasil, o Conselho Federal de Medicina - CFM autoriza o uso compassivo do CBD apenas para crianças e adolescentes com epilepsia de difícil tratamento, por meio da Resolução nº 2.113 de 2014.10 6- Assim como a ABP, a Associação Americana de Psiquiatria (em inglês, American Psychiatric Association - APA)6 não endossa o uso da cannabis para fins medicinais. Um dos trechos do documento produzido pela APA diz que "não há evidências científicas atuais de que a cannabis seja benéfica para o tratamento de qualquer transtorno psiquiátrico. Em contraste, as evidências atuais apoiam, no mínimo, uma forte associação do uso de cannabis com o aparecimento de transtornos psiquiátricos.6 Os adolescentes são particularmente vulneráveis ​​a danos, devido aos efeitos da cannabis no desenvolvimento neurológico."1 7- O tratamento de qualquer doença deve ser realizado baseado em evidências científicas e os médicos que receitam o uso da cannabis para fins medicinais devem ter plena consciência dos riscos e responsabilidades inerentes à prescrição.4 8- Não há nenhuma evidência científica convincente de que o uso de canabidiol ou quaisquer dos canabinoides possam ter qualquer efeito terapêutico para qualquer transtorno mental. Importante salientar que não vem ao caso se uma substância é sintética ou natural, sem ensaios clínicos bem desenhados não se pode indicar qualquer substância para o tratamento de qualquer doença.2,4 9- A ABP apoia todas as linhas de pesquisas científicas para a busca de novas soluções para doenças sem tratamento, desde que obedeça todos os regramentos relativos às pesquisas científicas.  10- A ABP após avaliação criteriosa, tendo em vista os diversos prejuízos destacados, no momento, não apoia o uso da cannabis e de seus derivados com fins medicinais na área de Psiquiatria, nem apoia seu uso para fins recreativos. É importante ter em mente que não há nenhum registro em nenhuma agência reguladora internacional de nenhum canabinoide para tratamento de nenhuma doença psiquiátrica.Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria2022-07-25info:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersionapplication/pdf in Psychiatry; Vol. 12 (2022); 1-6Debates em Psiquiatria; Vol. 12 (2022); 1-6Debates em Psiquiatria; v. 12 (2022); 1-62763-90372236-918Xreponame:Debates em Psiquiatria (Online)instname:Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria (ABP)instacron:ABPpor (c) 2022 Antônio Geraldo da Silva , Leonardo Rodrigo Baldaçara , Antônio Geraldo daBaldaçara, Leonardo em Psiquiatria (Online) - Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria (ABP)false
dc.title.none.fl_str_mv Official position of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry on the use of cannabis in psychiatric treatments: PDF em inglês:
Posición oficial de la Asociación Brasileña de Psiquiatría sobre el uso de cannabis en tratamientos psiquiátricos: PDF em inglês:
Posicionamento oficial da Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria relativo ao uso da cannabis em tratamentos psiquiátricos: PDF em inglês:
title Official position of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry on the use of cannabis in psychiatric treatments: PDF em inglês:
spellingShingle Official position of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry on the use of cannabis in psychiatric treatments: PDF em inglês:
Silva , Antônio Geraldo da
tratamento psiquiátrico
tratamiento psiquiátrico
title_short Official position of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry on the use of cannabis in psychiatric treatments: PDF em inglês:
title_full Official position of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry on the use of cannabis in psychiatric treatments: PDF em inglês:
title_fullStr Official position of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry on the use of cannabis in psychiatric treatments: PDF em inglês:
title_full_unstemmed Official position of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry on the use of cannabis in psychiatric treatments: PDF em inglês:
title_sort Official position of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry on the use of cannabis in psychiatric treatments: PDF em inglês:
author Silva , Antônio Geraldo da
author_facet Silva , Antônio Geraldo da
Baldaçara, Leonardo Rodrigo
author_role author
author2 Baldaçara, Leonardo Rodrigo
author2_role author Silva , Antônio Geraldo da
Baldaçara, Leonardo Rodrigo
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv cannabis
tratamento psiquiátrico
tratamiento psiquiátrico
topic cannabis
tratamento psiquiátrico
tratamiento psiquiátrico
description Question:In view of the various studies carried out in Brazil and around the world that try to find out if there is really effectiveness in the use of cannabidiol (CBD) in the treatment of various diseases, the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry - ABP publishes its official position on the subject. ABP Position:1- There is not enough scientific evidence to justify the use of any cannabis derivatives in the treatment of mental illness. On the other hand, several studies associate the use and abuse of cannabis, as well as other psychoactive substances, with the development and worsening of mental illnesses.1-6 2- The use and abuse of psychoactive substances present in cannabis cause chemical dependence, can trigger psychiatric conditions and also worsen the symptoms of mental illnesses already diagnosed. This is the case with schizophrenia - it is estimated that the risk of developing the disease is four times greater and the use of cannabis worsens the prognosis of the disease. Cannabis use is also associated with baseline mood change, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and suicidal ideation.1,4,7-9 3- Research on CBD must continue, but studies on side effects and the likelihood of dependence must also be carried out and intensified.4,9 4- Some Brazilian media outlets have endorsed studies on the possible "benefits" of cannabis, corroborating misinterpretations and contributing to the impression that marijuana is a completely safe and harmless product for consumption, especially by younger people.1,9 This positive "publicity" refers to the time when cigarettes were marketed with the media and even part of the medical community to meet financial interests. 5- In Brazil, the Federal Council of Medicine - CFM authorizes the compassionate use of CBD only for children and adolescents with difficult-to-treat epilepsy, through Resolution No. 6- Like the ABP, the American Psychiatric Association (APA)6 does not endorse the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. One of the excerpts from the document produced by the APA says that "there is no current scientific evidence that cannabis is beneficial for the treatment of any psychiatric disorder. In contrast, the current evidence supports, at the very least, a strong association of cannabis use with onset of psychiatric disorders.6 Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to harm due to the neurodevelopmental effects of cannabis."1 7- The treatment of any disease must be carried out based on scientific evidence and doctors who prescribe the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes must be fully aware of the risks and responsibilities inherent in the prescription.4 8- There is no convincing scientific evidence that the use of cannabidiol or any of the cannabinoids can have any therapeutic effect for any mental disorder. It is important to note that it does not matter whether a substance is synthetic or natural, without well-designed clinical trials, no substance can be indicated for the treatment of any disease.2,4 9- The ABP supports all lines of scientific research in the search for new solutions for untreated diseases, as long as it obeys all the rules relating to scientific research. 10- The ABP, after careful evaluation, in view of the various damages highlighted, at the moment, does not support the use of cannabis and its derivatives for medicinal purposes in the area of ​​Psychiatry, nor does it support its use for recreational purposes. It is important to keep in mind that there is no record with any international regulatory agency of any cannabinoid for the treatment of any psychiatric illness.
publishDate 2022 2022-07-25
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dc.rights.driver.fl_str_mv Copyright (c) 2022 Antônio Geraldo da Silva , Leonardo Rodrigo Baldaçara
rights_invalid_str_mv Copyright (c) 2022 Antônio Geraldo da Silva , Leonardo Rodrigo Baldaçara
eu_rights_str_mv openAccess
dc.format.none.fl_str_mv application/pdf
dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria
dc.source.none.fl_str_mv Debates in Psychiatry; Vol. 12 (2022); 1-6
Debates em Psiquiatria; Vol. 12 (2022); 1-6
Debates em Psiquiatria; v. 12 (2022); 1-6
reponame:Debates em Psiquiatria (Online)
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reponame_str Debates em Psiquiatria (Online)
collection Debates em Psiquiatria (Online) Debates em Psiquiatria (Online) - Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria (ABP)
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