Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Almeida, Nilza Alves Marques
Publication Date: 2006
Other Authors: Fernandes, Aline Garcia, Araújo, Cleide Gomes de
Format: Article
Language: por
Source: Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem
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Summary: ABSTRACT: This is a descriptive study that has the aim of identifying the job of the nurse, referring to the promotion, incentive and support to the mother breast-feeding at the immediate post-birth. It was realized an interview with twenty one nurses in three different public maternity wards in Goiânia-GO, Brazil. The results revealed that: 1) All the nurses have specific knowledge about mother breast-feeding; 2)Two of the maternities have a multiprofessional team for the promotion, incentive and support mother breast-feeding, and they were entitled Child Friend Hospital; 3) Only one maternity ward presents an appropriate physical structure, human milk support and nurses sufficient for an efficient and directed performance to the mother breast-feeding; 4) In one of the maternity wards, the speech pathologist has a better performance than the nurse in the mother breast feeding; 5) it was realized that there was no nurse work systematization in any of the maternity wards. We concluded that the nurse performance at the promotion, the incentive and support to the mother breast-feeding was more expressive and efficient at the maternity that presents philosophy, physical structure and a multiprofessional team as reference in the human birth. This maternity ward was called Child Friend Hospital and Safe Maternity Ward. KEYWORDS: Maternal-child Nursing; Breast Feeding; Puerperium.