Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLA

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Carvalho, Heloisa Rosa
Data de Publicação: 1995
Tipo de documento: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: Repositório Institucional da UFLA
Texto Completo:
Resumo: The economical development of Brazil in the last decades was directed to urbanization and industrialization, consisting of the increase in industrial activity compared to agriculture. Industrialization was presented as the solution to generate development. The rural sector, pointed out as responsible for the slowness of development, should modernize itself. In this way, in the mid sixties, Brazil opted for modernization of the agricultural sector by means of technological changes. However, the modernization process was not homogeneous and as such it generated inequality among products, producers and regions. In this process to modernize the Brazilian agriculture, scientific research had a fundamental role to generate innovations. Research and diffusion organizations and institutions like EMBRAPA and EMBRATER were created. Simultaneously, graduate courses in the agricultural science schools were Consolidated. However, for research to come forth it is necessary that someone be interested and forces its emergence. What is noticed is that the scientific research generated by those institutions is subordinated to economical, political and ideological interests of different forces that exist in society. In this context, the following question was raised: how has Superior Agriculture School of Lavras (ESAL), currently Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), through its researchers, responded to the demand for technological innovations, by groups of interest, to stimulate the supply of new technologies and contribute to the rural sector development? The general objetive consisted in identifying the economical, social and political variables that affect the process of generation of technology at UFLA. Specifically, it was tried to identify the groups of interest that demand UFLA's research; to evaluate the influence of these groups on the institution's perfomance in supplying generated research; and, finally, to identify the contributions from UFLA in research by products. The study was based on the model of supply and demand of a public asset, which takes in consideration both the induced innovation model and the theory of groups of interest. The data collection was done through semi-structured interviews with the professors/researchers at UFLA, selected by intentional sample, and through analysis of documents and scientific production reports of the institution. The UFLA attends three technological innovation groups of interest which have distinct demands denominated. State demand, market demand and scientific demand. It was confirmed that this institution attends more the state demand, doing research for government funded agencies (like CNPq, FINEP, CAPES and FAPEMIG). In other words, if there are funds there are researches; if there are no funds researches are not done. It was observed that the market demand is also met because there is a reasonable number of research being done for private companies, but not in an institutionalized form. The contracts are not established between the institution UFLA and private enterprises, but between a company and the professor/researcher. The Foundation of Support of Teaching, Research and Extension (FAEPE), working with UFLA, is the specialized organ in establishing such contracts. The existing research demand in society by some producers, consumers, associations, etc, is not often brought to the institution, so it has not influenced the realization of several researchs. The basic research, coming from scientific demand or from the scientific community itself has been given less and less priority due to the preference for quickly applicable research with immediate responses. By attending all these demands, the supply of innovations by the institution suffers certain influences. It was confirmed through the 'Science and Practice' magazine, edited by the university itself, and through the master courses dissertations, that domestic products (basic food, vegetables and fruits) were the most researched ones compared to export products (coffee, soybean, citrus, cotton and others). Proportionally though, export products stood out significantly in number of researchs done because while the domestic cultures are in greater number, the exportable ones concentrate themselves in a smaller group. Bean was the most researched product at UFLA, followed by coffee. Bean because of individual efforts and persistence of some professors/researchers, and coffee because of the characteristics of the region itself where the university is located. Two other facts difficult the supply of innovations by the institution: the excessive work load dedicated to teaching of some professors, and the lack of a centralized sector able to organize everything produced and being produced in terms of research at the institution. In searching for information on past research projects, it was noticed that much of them has been lost. Considering the great number of research done at the institution, of can besaid that little was generated for formal extension. In analysing the Technical Bulletins and the Technical Circulars published by the Extension Coordination (COORDEX) at UFLA, it was observed that a reduced number of studies generated works disseminated by the extension. In parallel, there is no straight connection between what was mostly researched with what was mostly disseminated through COORDEX.
id UFLA_131a385a2ab9f4636dc59a66e6cee1c1
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spelling Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLAInovações agrícolasPesquisa agrícolaOferta e procuraDemanda (Teoria econômica)Extensão ruralAdministraçãoThe economical development of Brazil in the last decades was directed to urbanization and industrialization, consisting of the increase in industrial activity compared to agriculture. Industrialization was presented as the solution to generate development. The rural sector, pointed out as responsible for the slowness of development, should modernize itself. In this way, in the mid sixties, Brazil opted for modernization of the agricultural sector by means of technological changes. However, the modernization process was not homogeneous and as such it generated inequality among products, producers and regions. In this process to modernize the Brazilian agriculture, scientific research had a fundamental role to generate innovations. Research and diffusion organizations and institutions like EMBRAPA and EMBRATER were created. Simultaneously, graduate courses in the agricultural science schools were Consolidated. However, for research to come forth it is necessary that someone be interested and forces its emergence. What is noticed is that the scientific research generated by those institutions is subordinated to economical, political and ideological interests of different forces that exist in society. In this context, the following question was raised: how has Superior Agriculture School of Lavras (ESAL), currently Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), through its researchers, responded to the demand for technological innovations, by groups of interest, to stimulate the supply of new technologies and contribute to the rural sector development? The general objetive consisted in identifying the economical, social and political variables that affect the process of generation of technology at UFLA. Specifically, it was tried to identify the groups of interest that demand UFLA's research; to evaluate the influence of these groups on the institution's perfomance in supplying generated research; and, finally, to identify the contributions from UFLA in research by products. The study was based on the model of supply and demand of a public asset, which takes in consideration both the induced innovation model and the theory of groups of interest. The data collection was done through semi-structured interviews with the professors/researchers at UFLA, selected by intentional sample, and through analysis of documents and scientific production reports of the institution. The UFLA attends three technological innovation groups of interest which have distinct demands denominated. State demand, market demand and scientific demand. It was confirmed that this institution attends more the state demand, doing research for government funded agencies (like CNPq, FINEP, CAPES and FAPEMIG). In other words, if there are funds there are researches; if there are no funds researches are not done. It was observed that the market demand is also met because there is a reasonable number of research being done for private companies, but not in an institutionalized form. The contracts are not established between the institution UFLA and private enterprises, but between a company and the professor/researcher. The Foundation of Support of Teaching, Research and Extension (FAEPE), working with UFLA, is the specialized organ in establishing such contracts. The existing research demand in society by some producers, consumers, associations, etc, is not often brought to the institution, so it has not influenced the realization of several researchs. The basic research, coming from scientific demand or from the scientific community itself has been given less and less priority due to the preference for quickly applicable research with immediate responses. By attending all these demands, the supply of innovations by the institution suffers certain influences. It was confirmed through the 'Science and Practice' magazine, edited by the university itself, and through the master courses dissertations, that domestic products (basic food, vegetables and fruits) were the most researched ones compared to export products (coffee, soybean, citrus, cotton and others). Proportionally though, export products stood out significantly in number of researchs done because while the domestic cultures are in greater number, the exportable ones concentrate themselves in a smaller group. Bean was the most researched product at UFLA, followed by coffee. Bean because of individual efforts and persistence of some professors/researchers, and coffee because of the characteristics of the region itself where the university is located. Two other facts difficult the supply of innovations by the institution: the excessive work load dedicated to teaching of some professors, and the lack of a centralized sector able to organize everything produced and being produced in terms of research at the institution. In searching for information on past research projects, it was noticed that much of them has been lost. Considering the great number of research done at the institution, of can besaid that little was generated for formal extension. In analysing the Technical Bulletins and the Technical Circulars published by the Extension Coordination (COORDEX) at UFLA, it was observed that a reduced number of studies generated works disseminated by the extension. In parallel, there is no straight connection between what was mostly researched with what was mostly disseminated through COORDEX.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)O desenvolvimento econômico do Brasil, nas últimas décadas, foi direcionado para a urbanização e a industrialização, consistindo no aumento da atividade industrial em comparação com a atividade agrícola. A industrialização era apresentada como a solução para gerar o desenvolvimento e o setor rural, apontado como responsável pelo atraso, deveria se modernizar. Assim, em meados da década de 60, o Brasil optou por uma modernização do setor agrícola mediante mudança tecnológica. Entretanto, o processo de modernização não foi um processo homogêneo e como tal gerou desigualdades entre produtos, produtores e regiões. Nesse processo de modernizar a agricultura brasileira, a pesquisa científica teve papel fundamental para gerar inovações. Viu-se a criação de órgãos e instituições de pesquisa e difusão, como a EMBRAPA e a EMBRATER. Consolidou-se também, nessa época, os cursos de pós-graduação das escolas de ciências agrárias. Contudo, para que surja a pesquisa é necessário que alguém tenha interesse e force o seu surgimento. O que se percebe é que a pesquisa científica gerada pelas instituições está subordinada a interesses econômicos, políticos e ideológicos de diferentes forças que atuam na sociedade. Diante disso, levantou-se a seguinte questão: como a Escola Superior de Agricultura de Lavras (ESAL), atualmente Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), através de seus pesquisadores, tem respondido à demanda por inovações tecnológicas por grupos de interesse, para estimular a oferta de novas tecnologias e contribuir para o desenvolvimento do setor rural? O objetivo geral consistiu em identificar as variáveis econômicas, sociais e políticas que afetam o processo de geração de tecnologia da UFLA. Especificamente, buscou-se identificar os principais tipos de demanda a partir de grupos de interesse que incidem sobre as pesquisas conduzidas na UFLA; avaliar a influência desses tipos sobre o desempenho da instituição na oferta de pesquisa gerada; e, finalmente, identificar as contribuições da UFLA em pesquisas por culturas. O estudo baseou-se no modelo de oferta e demanda de um bem público, que leva em consideração tanto o modelo de inovação induzida, como a teoria de grupos de interesse. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os professores/pesquisadores da UFLA, por amostra intencional, e através de análises de documentos e relatórios de produção científica da instituição. A UFLA atende a três grupos de interesse em inovações tecnológicas que possuem demandas distintas denominadas: demanda estatal, demanda de mercado e demanda científica. Em maior número, constatou-se que essa instituição atende à demanda estatal, fazendo pesquisa em função das agências de fomento governamentais (como CNPq, FINEP, CAPES e FAPEMIG), ou seja, se há o recurso há pesquisa, se não há o recurso não se realizam pesquisas. Observou-se que a demanda de mercado também é atendida, pois há um número razoável de pesquisas sendo realizadas para firmas privadas, mas de uma forma não institucionalizada. Os convênios não são estabelecidos entre a instituição UFLA e a iniciativa privada, mas entre a firma e o professor/pesquisador. A Fundação de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão (FAEPE), vinculada a UFLA, é o órgão especializado no estabelecimento de tais convênios. A demanda de pesquisa existente na sociedade por parte de produtores, consumidores, associações, etc muitas vezes não é levada à instituição, e desta forma, não tem influenciado a realização de muitas pesquisas. E a pesquisa básica, que se constitui na demanda científica ou própria da comunidade científica, está cada vez mais sendo deixada em segundo plano, em função da preferência por pesquisas de rápida aplicabilidade, com respostas imediatas. Em função do atendimento a todas essas demandas, a oferta de inovações pela instituição sofre determinadas influências. Constatou-se pela revista Ciência e Prática, editada na própria universidade, e através das dissertações dos cursos de mestrado, que as culturas domésticas (alimentos básicos, hortaliças e frutas) foram as mais pesquisadas se comparadas às culturas de exportação (café, soja, citros, algodão e outras). Mas, proporcionalmente, as culturas de exportação tiveram um destaque relevante em número de pesquisas, pois enquanto as culturas domésticas são em maior número, as exportáveis concentram-se em um grupo menor. O feijão foi o produto mais pesquisado na UFLA, seguido pelo café. O feijão por esforços individuais e persistência de alguns professores/pesquisadores e o café pelas características da própria região onde está inserida a universidade. Dois outros fatores comprometem a oferta de inovações pela instituição: a carga horária excessiva dedicada ao ensino, por parte de alguns professores, sobrando-lhes pouco tempo para se dedicar à pesquisa e a falta de um pólo centralizador que consiga organizar tudo o que se produziu e se produz em termos de pesquisa na instituição. Na busca de informações sobre projetos de pesquisas passados, notou-se que muito já se perdeu, o que compromete um estudo mais avançado. Tendo em vista a grande quantidade de pesquisa realizada na instituição, pouco se gerou para a extensão formal. Ao analisar os Boletins Técnicos e as Circulares Técnicas publicadas pela Coordenadoria de Extensão (COORDEX) da UFLA, observou-se que um reduzido número de estudos geraram trabalhos divulgados pela extensão. Paralelamente, ocorre a inexistência de uma ligação entre o que foi mais pesquisado com o que foi mais divulgado pela COORDEX.Universidade Federal de LavrasPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Administração RuralUFLAbrasilDepartamento de Administração e EconomiaReis, Ricardo PereiraAlencar, EdgardMoura Filho, Jovino Amâncio deGomes, Marcos Affonso OrtizCarvalho, Heloisa Rosa2019-04-25T15:41:01Z2019-04-25T15:41:01Z2019-04-251995-11-22info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesisapplication/pdfCARVALHO, H. R.. Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLA. 2019. 67 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Rural)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 1995.ório Institucional da UFLAinstname:Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)instacron:UFLA2019-04-25T15:43:25Zoai:localhost:1/33872Repositório InstitucionalPUB || repositorio.biblioteca@ufla.bropendoar:2019-04-25T15:43:25Repositório Institucional da UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)false
dc.title.none.fl_str_mv Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLA
title Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLA
spellingShingle Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLA
Carvalho, Heloisa Rosa
Inovações agrícolas
Pesquisa agrícola
Oferta e procura
Demanda (Teoria econômica)
Extensão rural
title_short Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLA
title_full Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLA
title_fullStr Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLA
title_full_unstemmed Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLA
title_sort Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLA
author Carvalho, Heloisa Rosa
author_facet Carvalho, Heloisa Rosa
author_role author
dc.contributor.none.fl_str_mv Reis, Ricardo Pereira
Alencar, Edgard
Moura Filho, Jovino Amâncio de
Gomes, Marcos Affonso Ortiz Carvalho, Heloisa Rosa
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Inovações agrícolas
Pesquisa agrícola
Oferta e procura
Demanda (Teoria econômica)
Extensão rural
topic Inovações agrícolas
Pesquisa agrícola
Oferta e procura
Demanda (Teoria econômica)
Extensão rural
description The economical development of Brazil in the last decades was directed to urbanization and industrialization, consisting of the increase in industrial activity compared to agriculture. Industrialization was presented as the solution to generate development. The rural sector, pointed out as responsible for the slowness of development, should modernize itself. In this way, in the mid sixties, Brazil opted for modernization of the agricultural sector by means of technological changes. However, the modernization process was not homogeneous and as such it generated inequality among products, producers and regions. In this process to modernize the Brazilian agriculture, scientific research had a fundamental role to generate innovations. Research and diffusion organizations and institutions like EMBRAPA and EMBRATER were created. Simultaneously, graduate courses in the agricultural science schools were Consolidated. However, for research to come forth it is necessary that someone be interested and forces its emergence. What is noticed is that the scientific research generated by those institutions is subordinated to economical, political and ideological interests of different forces that exist in society. In this context, the following question was raised: how has Superior Agriculture School of Lavras (ESAL), currently Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), through its researchers, responded to the demand for technological innovations, by groups of interest, to stimulate the supply of new technologies and contribute to the rural sector development? The general objetive consisted in identifying the economical, social and political variables that affect the process of generation of technology at UFLA. Specifically, it was tried to identify the groups of interest that demand UFLA's research; to evaluate the influence of these groups on the institution's perfomance in supplying generated research; and, finally, to identify the contributions from UFLA in research by products. The study was based on the model of supply and demand of a public asset, which takes in consideration both the induced innovation model and the theory of groups of interest. The data collection was done through semi-structured interviews with the professors/researchers at UFLA, selected by intentional sample, and through analysis of documents and scientific production reports of the institution. The UFLA attends three technological innovation groups of interest which have distinct demands denominated. State demand, market demand and scientific demand. It was confirmed that this institution attends more the state demand, doing research for government funded agencies (like CNPq, FINEP, CAPES and FAPEMIG). In other words, if there are funds there are researches; if there are no funds researches are not done. It was observed that the market demand is also met because there is a reasonable number of research being done for private companies, but not in an institutionalized form. The contracts are not established between the institution UFLA and private enterprises, but between a company and the professor/researcher. The Foundation of Support of Teaching, Research and Extension (FAEPE), working with UFLA, is the specialized organ in establishing such contracts. The existing research demand in society by some producers, consumers, associations, etc, is not often brought to the institution, so it has not influenced the realization of several researchs. The basic research, coming from scientific demand or from the scientific community itself has been given less and less priority due to the preference for quickly applicable research with immediate responses. By attending all these demands, the supply of innovations by the institution suffers certain influences. It was confirmed through the 'Science and Practice' magazine, edited by the university itself, and through the master courses dissertations, that domestic products (basic food, vegetables and fruits) were the most researched ones compared to export products (coffee, soybean, citrus, cotton and others). Proportionally though, export products stood out significantly in number of researchs done because while the domestic cultures are in greater number, the exportable ones concentrate themselves in a smaller group. Bean was the most researched product at UFLA, followed by coffee. Bean because of individual efforts and persistence of some professors/researchers, and coffee because of the characteristics of the region itself where the university is located. Two other facts difficult the supply of innovations by the institution: the excessive work load dedicated to teaching of some professors, and the lack of a centralized sector able to organize everything produced and being produced in terms of research at the institution. In searching for information on past research projects, it was noticed that much of them has been lost. Considering the great number of research done at the institution, of can besaid that little was generated for formal extension. In analysing the Technical Bulletins and the Technical Circulars published by the Extension Coordination (COORDEX) at UFLA, it was observed that a reduced number of studies generated works disseminated by the extension. In parallel, there is no straight connection between what was mostly researched with what was mostly disseminated through COORDEX.
publishDate 1995 1995-11-22
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
format masterThesis
status_str publishedVersion
dc.identifier.uri.fl_str_mv CARVALHO, H. R.. Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLA. 2019. 67 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Rural)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 1995.
identifier_str_mv CARVALHO, H. R.. Geração de tecnologia agrícola em uma instituição de ensino e pesquisa: o caso da UFLA. 2019. 67 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Rural)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 1995.
dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
language por
dc.rights.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
eu_rights_str_mv openAccess
dc.format.none.fl_str_mv application/pdf
dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de Lavras
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração Rural
Departamento de Administração e Economia
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de Lavras
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração Rural
Departamento de Administração e Economia
dc.source.none.fl_str_mv reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFLA
instname:Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)
instname_str Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)
instacron_str UFLA
institution UFLA
reponame_str Repositório Institucional da UFLA
collection Repositório Institucional da UFLA Repositório Institucional da UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)
repository.mail.fl_str_mv ||
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