A natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidiano

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Figueiroa, Danilo da Silva
Data de Publicação: 2018
Tipo de documento: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ
Texto Completo: https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/jspui/5408
Resumo: This work undertakes a study on the nature and moral significance of human actions by the Arthur Schopenhauer?s thought. It is an investigation of the schopenhauerian compassion ethics whose main objective is to highlight the differences and particularities of the metaphysical and mysterious aspects of the compassionate act in relation to compassion as something empirical, everyday or even as a planned action. After a brief exposition of central elements of the metaphysics of the will and metaphysics of the ethics of the Frankfurt philosopher, we try to support the following hypothesis: if Schopenhauer proposed an analysis of the moral and the original ethical phenomenon (compassion) -especially in The world as will and representation - by the metaphysical prism of an action that can be described as immediate and sudden, he also presented the phenomenon of such compassion -notably in some paragraphs of On the basis of morality - under an empirical bias, which even admits the need for considerations with which, only after discussions, for example, it is decided whether or not to carry out a compassionate action. We have shown that these less mysterious aspects of compassion can be noted above all in the virtues of justice and charity, degrees of compassion, or actions derived from it. But we also point out that because of the inclusion of irrational animals in the foundation of morality, textual elements such as praise and support of the thinker to Animal Protective Societies can illustrate the mediate and active face of compassion. For if it is out of compassion that one creates a charitable or protective organization for suffering persons or animals, surely compassion as a mysterious and immediate phenomenon, taken strictly in terms of ?the great mystery of ethics?, would not be enough to move and maintain the action until its final realization. It would also be necessary to recognize the active role of the intellect as a mediator of motives and actions. With this reasoning, we analyze Schopenhauer?s compassion in its ambivalent nature: on the one hand, it would be mysterious and mystical, on the other, empirical, ?practical? and verified in everyday life.
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spelling Debona, VilmarCPF: 341.282.968-48Debona, VilmarBilate, DaniloBittencourt, Renato NunesCPF: 120.233.257-90http://lattes.cnpq.br/6352442282454690Figueiroa, Danilo da Silva2022-02-18T21:52:10Z2018-06-15FIGUEIROA, Danilo da Silva. A natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidiano. 2018. 76 f. Disserta??o (Mestrado em Filosofia) - Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Serop?dica, 2018.https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/jspui/5408This work undertakes a study on the nature and moral significance of human actions by the Arthur Schopenhauer?s thought. It is an investigation of the schopenhauerian compassion ethics whose main objective is to highlight the differences and particularities of the metaphysical and mysterious aspects of the compassionate act in relation to compassion as something empirical, everyday or even as a planned action. After a brief exposition of central elements of the metaphysics of the will and metaphysics of the ethics of the Frankfurt philosopher, we try to support the following hypothesis: if Schopenhauer proposed an analysis of the moral and the original ethical phenomenon (compassion) -especially in The world as will and representation - by the metaphysical prism of an action that can be described as immediate and sudden, he also presented the phenomenon of such compassion -notably in some paragraphs of On the basis of morality - under an empirical bias, which even admits the need for considerations with which, only after discussions, for example, it is decided whether or not to carry out a compassionate action. We have shown that these less mysterious aspects of compassion can be noted above all in the virtues of justice and charity, degrees of compassion, or actions derived from it. But we also point out that because of the inclusion of irrational animals in the foundation of morality, textual elements such as praise and support of the thinker to Animal Protective Societies can illustrate the mediate and active face of compassion. For if it is out of compassion that one creates a charitable or protective organization for suffering persons or animals, surely compassion as a mysterious and immediate phenomenon, taken strictly in terms of ?the great mystery of ethics?, would not be enough to move and maintain the action until its final realization. It would also be necessary to recognize the active role of the intellect as a mediator of motives and actions. With this reasoning, we analyze Schopenhauer?s compassion in its ambivalent nature: on the one hand, it would be mysterious and mystical, on the other, empirical, ?practical? and verified in everyday life.Este trabalho empreende um estudo sobre a natureza e o significado moral das a??es humanas a partir do pensamento de Arthur Schopenhauer. Trata-se de uma investiga??o da chamada ?tica da compaix?o schopenhaueriana que tem por objetivo central destacar as diferen?as e particularidades dos aspectos metaf?sicos e misteriosos do ato compassivo em rela??o ? compaix?o como algo emp?rico, cotidiano ou mesmo como a??o planejada. Ap?s breve exposi??o de elementos centrais da metaf?sica da vontade e da metaf?sica da ?tica do fil?sofo de Frankfurt, procuramos sustentar a seguinte hip?tese: se Schopenhauer prop?s uma an?lise da moral e do fen?meno ?tico origin?rio (a compaix?o) - principalmente em O mundo como vontade e representa??o - pelo prisma metaf?sico de uma a??o que pode ser descrita como imediata e repentina, ele tamb?m apresentou o fen?meno de tal compaix?o - notadamente em alguns par?grafos de Sobre o fundamento da moral - sob um vi?s emp?rico, que admite at? mesmo a necessidade de pondera??es racionais com as quais, somente ap?s debates, por exemplo, decide-se pela execu??o ou n?o de uma a??o compassiva. Mostramos que esses aspectos menos misteriosos da compaix?o podem ser notados, sobretudo, no ?mbito das virtudes da justi?a e da caridade, graus da compaix?o ou a??es derivadas dela. Mas indicamos tamb?m que, devido ? inclus?o dos animais irracionais na fundamenta??o da moralidade, elementos textuais como o elogio e o apoio do pensador ?s Sociedades Protetoras dos Animais podem ilustrar a face mediata e ativa da compaix?o. Pois se ? por compaix?o que algu?m cria uma organiza??o de caridade ou de prote??o a pessoas ou a animais sofredores, decerto a compaix?o como fen?meno misterioso e imediato, tomada estritamente em termos de ?o grande mist?rio da ?tica?, n?o bastaria para mover e manter a a??o at? a sua concretiza??o final. Seria necess?rio reconhecer tamb?m o papel ativo do intelecto como mediador de motivos e a??es. Com este racioc?nio, analisamos a compaix?o schopenhaueriana em sua natureza ambivalente: por um lado, ela seria misteriosa e m?stica, por outro, emp?rica, ?pr?tica? e verificada no cotidiano.Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2022-02-18T21:52:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2018 - Danilo da Silva Figueiroa.pdf: 1296563 bytes, checksum: 49f0b818e2a9378b8b72bae075bb09d6 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2022-02-18T21:52:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2018 - Danilo da Silva Figueiroa.pdf: 1296563 bytes, checksum: 49f0b818e2a9378b8b72bae075bb09d6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-15application/pdfhttps://tede.ufrrj.br/retrieve/68251/2018%20-%20Danilo%20da%20Silva%20Figueiroa.pdf.jpgporUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de JaneiroPrograma de P?s-Gradua??o em FilosofiaUFRRJBrasilInstituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e SociaisBITTENCOURT, Renato Nunes. Justi?a, caridade e compaix?o na Metaf?sica da ?tica de Schopenhauer. 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Revista de Filosofia Aurora, Curitiba, v. 19, n. 25, 2007, pp. 273-303.SchopenhauerMoralCompaix?oMist?rioCotidianoCompassionMysteryEverydayFilosofiaA natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidianoThe nature of compassion in Schopenhauer: mistery and everydayinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessreponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJinstname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)instacron:UFRRJTHUMBNAIL2018 - Danilo da Silva Figueiroa.pdf.jpg2018 - Danilo da Silva Figueiroa.pdf.jpgimage/jpeg3722http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/jspui/5408/4/2018+-+Danilo+da+Silva+Figueiroa.pdf.jpgf8824da556bb67097bbc0b3066000120MD54TEXT2018 - Danilo da Silva Figueiroa.pdf.txt2018 - Danilo da Silva Figueiroa.pdf.txttext/plain205265http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/jspui/5408/3/2018+-+Danilo+da+Silva+Figueiroa.pdf.txtc6721faedd47a047b58196edf9dab06fMD53ORIGINAL2018 - Danilo da Silva Figueiroa.pdf2018 - Danilo da Silva Figueiroa.pdfapplication/pdf1296563http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/jspui/5408/2/2018+-+Danilo+da+Silva+Figueiroa.pdf49f0b818e2a9378b8b72bae075bb09d6MD52LICENSElicense.txtlicense.txttext/plain; charset=utf-82089http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/jspui/5408/1/license.txt7b5ba3d2445355f386edab96125d42b7MD51jspui/54082022-02-19 02:00:20.13oai:localhost: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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertaçõeshttps://tede.ufrrj.br/PUBhttps://tede.ufrrj.br/oai/requestbibliot@ufrrj.br||bibliot@ufrrj.bropendoar:2022-02-19T04:00:20Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)false
dc.title.por.fl_str_mv A natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidiano
dc.title.alternative.eng.fl_str_mv The nature of compassion in Schopenhauer: mistery and everyday
title A natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidiano
spellingShingle A natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidiano
Figueiroa, Danilo da Silva
title_short A natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidiano
title_full A natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidiano
title_fullStr A natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidiano
title_full_unstemmed A natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidiano
title_sort A natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidiano
author Figueiroa, Danilo da Silva
author_facet Figueiroa, Danilo da Silva
author_role author
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Debona, Vilmar
dc.contributor.advisor1ID.fl_str_mv CPF: 341.282.968-48
dc.contributor.referee1.fl_str_mv Debona, Vilmar
dc.contributor.referee2.fl_str_mv Bilate, Danilo
dc.contributor.referee3.fl_str_mv Bittencourt, Renato Nunes
dc.contributor.authorID.fl_str_mv CPF: 120.233.257-90
dc.contributor.authorLattes.fl_str_mv http://lattes.cnpq.br/6352442282454690
dc.contributor.author.fl_str_mv Figueiroa, Danilo da Silva
contributor_str_mv Debona, Vilmar
Debona, Vilmar
Bilate, Danilo
Bittencourt, Renato Nunes
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Schopenhauer
topic Schopenhauer
dc.subject.eng.fl_str_mv Compassion
dc.subject.cnpq.fl_str_mv Filosofia
description This work undertakes a study on the nature and moral significance of human actions by the Arthur Schopenhauer?s thought. It is an investigation of the schopenhauerian compassion ethics whose main objective is to highlight the differences and particularities of the metaphysical and mysterious aspects of the compassionate act in relation to compassion as something empirical, everyday or even as a planned action. After a brief exposition of central elements of the metaphysics of the will and metaphysics of the ethics of the Frankfurt philosopher, we try to support the following hypothesis: if Schopenhauer proposed an analysis of the moral and the original ethical phenomenon (compassion) -especially in The world as will and representation - by the metaphysical prism of an action that can be described as immediate and sudden, he also presented the phenomenon of such compassion -notably in some paragraphs of On the basis of morality - under an empirical bias, which even admits the need for considerations with which, only after discussions, for example, it is decided whether or not to carry out a compassionate action. We have shown that these less mysterious aspects of compassion can be noted above all in the virtues of justice and charity, degrees of compassion, or actions derived from it. But we also point out that because of the inclusion of irrational animals in the foundation of morality, textual elements such as praise and support of the thinker to Animal Protective Societies can illustrate the mediate and active face of compassion. For if it is out of compassion that one creates a charitable or protective organization for suffering persons or animals, surely compassion as a mysterious and immediate phenomenon, taken strictly in terms of ?the great mystery of ethics?, would not be enough to move and maintain the action until its final realization. It would also be necessary to recognize the active role of the intellect as a mediator of motives and actions. With this reasoning, we analyze Schopenhauer?s compassion in its ambivalent nature: on the one hand, it would be mysterious and mystical, on the other, empirical, ?practical? and verified in everyday life.
publishDate 2018
dc.date.issued.fl_str_mv 2018-06-15
dc.date.accessioned.fl_str_mv 2022-02-18T21:52:10Z
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
format masterThesis
status_str publishedVersion
dc.identifier.citation.fl_str_mv FIGUEIROA, Danilo da Silva. A natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidiano. 2018. 76 f. Disserta??o (Mestrado em Filosofia) - Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Serop?dica, 2018.
dc.identifier.uri.fl_str_mv https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/jspui/5408
identifier_str_mv FIGUEIROA, Danilo da Silva. A natureza da compaix?o em Schopenhauer: mist?rio e cotidiano. 2018. 76 f. Disserta??o (Mestrado em Filosofia) - Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Serop?dica, 2018.
url https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/jspui/5408
dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
language por
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