Corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE)

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Santos, Roger Carlos Ferreira Alves
Data de Publicação: 2024
Tipo de documento: Tese
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: Repositório Institucional da UFS
Texto Completo:
Resumo: The present research aimed to investigate the psychophysical repercussions of datafication and surveillance – two non-exclusive facets of the neoliberal capitalism – on the constitution of subjects’ performance under unequal circumstances, specifically those who are part of the list of socially necessary superfluous bodies. The encouragement of entrepreneurship by digital platforms – startups or food techs – companies that promote the connection between commercial establishments, consumers and delivery people is not intended to grant them autonomy, despite the slogan you are your own boss. Thus, under the premise of unlimited freedom, a subtle and effective process of submission of these bodies is hidden through the establishment of self- exploration by inflecting the power techniques of the disciplinary society with the new power techniques of the neoliberal order. If previously the starting point was the docilization of bodies, the new techniques mentioned directly interfere with the control of subjectivities and emotions, as this is a shortcut to body docilization through (self) exploration. New power techniques and instrumental knowledge-power devices contribute, through an efficient and omnipresent algorithmic pedagogy, to successful social domination through the ideal of the self-made man. Therefore, the social research outlined here took as its starting point the real-life process of cyclist app delivery drivers in Aracaju (SE) to understand the use of their bodies in advanced technological society from a peripheral perspective. The capital of Sergipe, in its singularity, constituted the spatial scope of the research, empirically delimiting the theoretical scope of our investigative scope. It was necessary to capture the intertwining between the social structure and the fetishized praxis of these subjects who travel the streets of this city and the guidelines for human action of those who survive carrying out this activity. Representatives of the new underprivileged they experience in their bodies, here understood under the category of totality, the precariousness of work in the formalization of informality process and the existential precariousness established. We approached methodologically a flânerie that encompassed different moments through the following tools and instruments in data collection: a) direct observations recorded in a field diary, b) a questionnaire, and c) semistructured interviews. The population of informal workers who work in technology-mediated transport services includes drivers, as well as motorcycle couriers, and app cyclists. Considering that cyclists carry out an activity with a predominance of physical effort, since their work tool for commuting is the bicycle, they comprised the sample. The material included records in the field diary, the application of 41 questionnaires, and nine interviews. Among the mostly male interviewees, we highlight a single cyclist delivery driver (female) and a nonbinary person. There was a delivery man in transition to a formal occupation, and two of them no longer worked as app cyclist delivery men. The selection criteria were that they worked or had worked for at least three months. The discussion was based on understanding the use of bodies under neoliberal reasoning within the platformization of work based on the effects of physical, moral, psychological, and cognitive degradation that the promises of unlimited freedom impose on subjects under such circumstances. Thus, without any guarantee of return or success, at the simple price of becoming their own bosses or the luck factor, these prototypes of the new underprivileged are guarantors of their enterprise bodies in the face of the social consequences of platformization of work in contemporary capitalism.
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spelling Santos, Roger Carlos Ferreira AlvesSilva, Tania Elias Magno daBarbosa, Ivan Fontes2024-07-22T19:49:41Z2024-07-22T19:49:41Z2024-02-08SANTOS, Roger Carlos Ferreira Alves. Corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE). 2024. 333 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) – Universidade Federal de Sergipe, São Cristóvão, 2024. present research aimed to investigate the psychophysical repercussions of datafication and surveillance – two non-exclusive facets of the neoliberal capitalism – on the constitution of subjects’ performance under unequal circumstances, specifically those who are part of the list of socially necessary superfluous bodies. The encouragement of entrepreneurship by digital platforms – startups or food techs – companies that promote the connection between commercial establishments, consumers and delivery people is not intended to grant them autonomy, despite the slogan you are your own boss. Thus, under the premise of unlimited freedom, a subtle and effective process of submission of these bodies is hidden through the establishment of self- exploration by inflecting the power techniques of the disciplinary society with the new power techniques of the neoliberal order. If previously the starting point was the docilization of bodies, the new techniques mentioned directly interfere with the control of subjectivities and emotions, as this is a shortcut to body docilization through (self) exploration. New power techniques and instrumental knowledge-power devices contribute, through an efficient and omnipresent algorithmic pedagogy, to successful social domination through the ideal of the self-made man. Therefore, the social research outlined here took as its starting point the real-life process of cyclist app delivery drivers in Aracaju (SE) to understand the use of their bodies in advanced technological society from a peripheral perspective. The capital of Sergipe, in its singularity, constituted the spatial scope of the research, empirically delimiting the theoretical scope of our investigative scope. It was necessary to capture the intertwining between the social structure and the fetishized praxis of these subjects who travel the streets of this city and the guidelines for human action of those who survive carrying out this activity. Representatives of the new underprivileged they experience in their bodies, here understood under the category of totality, the precariousness of work in the formalization of informality process and the existential precariousness established. We approached methodologically a flânerie that encompassed different moments through the following tools and instruments in data collection: a) direct observations recorded in a field diary, b) a questionnaire, and c) semistructured interviews. The population of informal workers who work in technology-mediated transport services includes drivers, as well as motorcycle couriers, and app cyclists. Considering that cyclists carry out an activity with a predominance of physical effort, since their work tool for commuting is the bicycle, they comprised the sample. The material included records in the field diary, the application of 41 questionnaires, and nine interviews. Among the mostly male interviewees, we highlight a single cyclist delivery driver (female) and a nonbinary person. There was a delivery man in transition to a formal occupation, and two of them no longer worked as app cyclist delivery men. The selection criteria were that they worked or had worked for at least three months. The discussion was based on understanding the use of bodies under neoliberal reasoning within the platformization of work based on the effects of physical, moral, psychological, and cognitive degradation that the promises of unlimited freedom impose on subjects under such circumstances. Thus, without any guarantee of return or success, at the simple price of becoming their own bosses or the luck factor, these prototypes of the new underprivileged are guarantors of their enterprise bodies in the face of the social consequences of platformization of work in contemporary capitalism.La présente recherche vise à étudier les répercussions psychophysiques de la datafication et de la surveillance – deux facettes indissociables du capitalisme néolibéral – sur la constitution de sujets performants dans des circonstances inégales, notamment ceux qui font partie de la liste des corps superflus socialement nécessaires. L’encouragement à l’entrepreneuriat par les plateformes numériques – startups ou food tech – entreprises qui favorisent la connexion entre les établissements commerciaux, les consommateurs et les livreurs ne vise pas à leur donner de l’autonomie, malgré le slogan vous êtes votre propre patron. Ainsi, sous le principe d’une liberté illimitée, se cache un processus subtil et efficace de soumission de ces corps, à travers la mise en place d’un devenir surveillant de soi, en infléchissant les techniques de pouvoir de la société disciplinaire avec les nouvelles techniques de pouvoir de la ordre néolibéral. Si dans le passé on a commencé par la docilisassions des corps, les nouvelles techniques évoquées interviennent directement dans le contrôle des subjectivités et des émotions, car il s'agit d'un raccourci vers la docilisassions du corps par (l'auto)exploration. Les nouvelles techniques de pouvoir et les dispositifs instrumentaux de savoir pouvoir contribuent, grâce à une pédagogie des algorithmique efficace et omniprésente, à une domination sociale effective à travers l’idéal de self-made-man. Par conséquent, la recherche sociale présentée ici a pris comme point de départ le processus réel des chauffeurs-livreurs cyclistes pour plateformes numériques à Aracaju (SE), pour comprendre l’utilisation de leur corps dans une société technologique avancée, d’un point de vue périphérique. La capitale de Sergipe, dans sa singularité, constituait le champ spatial de la recherche, délimitant empiriquement le champ théorique de notre champ d'investigation. Il était nécessaire de capturer l'imbrication entre la structure sociale et la praxis fétichisée de ces sujets qui parcourent les rues de cette ville et les lignes directrices de l'action humaine de ceux qui survivent en exerçant cette activité. Représentants des nouveaux défavorisés, ils expérimentent dans leur corps, ici entendu sous la catégorie de totalité, la précarité du travail dans un processus de formalisation de l'informalité et la précarité existentielle établie. Méthodologiquement, nous avons abordé une flânerie qui englobait des moments distincts à travers les outils et instruments de collecte de données suivants : a) observations directes enregistrées dans un journal de terrain, b) questionnaire et c) entretiens semi-structurés. La population de travailleurs informels qui travaillent dans service de transport médiatisé par des plateformes numériques comprend des chauffeurs, ainsi que des coursiers à moto et des cyclistes. Considérant que les cyclistes, pour utiliser un vélo, exercent une activité dans laquelle l'effort physique prédomine, ils ont été sélectionnés pour composer notre échantillon. Le matériel comprenait des enregistrements du journal de terrain, l'application de 41 questionnaires et la tenue de neuf entretiens. Parmi les interviewés majoritairement masculins, nous soulignons un livreur cycliste célibataire (femme) et une personne non binaire. Il y avait un livreur en transition vers une profession formelle, et deux d’entre eux que ne travaillaient plus comme livreurs en vélo. Les critères de sélection étaient qu'ils travaillaient ou avaient travaillé pendant deux mois. La discussion était basée sur la compréhension de l'utilisation des corps dans le raisonnement néolibéral, dans le cadre de la plateformisation du travail basée sur les effets de dégradation physique, morale, psychologique et cognitive que les promesses de liberté illimitée imposent aux sujets dans de telles circonstances. Ainsi, sans aucune garantie de retour ou de réussite, au simple prix de devenir leur propre patron ou du facteur chance, ces prototypes des nouveaux défavorisés sont les garants de leurs corps-entreprises face aux conséquences sociales de la plateformisation du travail dans le capitalisme contemporain.A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar as repercussões psicofísicas da datificação e da vigilância – duas facetas não excludentes do capitalismo neoliberal – na constituição dos sujeitos de desempenho sob circunstâncias desiguais, especificamente daqueles que integram o rol dos corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários. O incentivo ao empreendedorismo pelas plataformas digitais – startups ou food techs – empresas que promovem a conexão entre estabelecimentos comerciais, consumidores e entregadores não visa conferir-lhes autonomia, apesar do slogan você é seu próprio chefe. Assim sob a premissa de liberdade ilimitada, oculta um sutil e eficaz processo de submissão desses corpos, pela instauração da feitorização de si, ao inflexionar as técnicas de poder da sociedade disciplinar pelas novas técnicas de poder da ordem neoliberal. Se outrora se partia da docilização dos corpos, as novas técnicas aludidas interferem diretamente no controle das subjetividades e das emoções, posto que esse é um atalho à docilização corporal pela (auto)exploração. As novas técnicas de poder e os dispositivos de saber-poder instrumentário contribuem, por meio de uma eficaz e onipresente pedagogia do algoritmo, uma dominação social efetiva através do ideal do self-made-man. Portanto, a pesquisa social aqui delineada tomou como ponto de partida o processo de vida real dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE), a fim de compreendermos o uso dos seus corpos na sociedade tecnológica avançada, sob uma perspectiva periférica. A capital sergipana, em sua singularidade, constituiu-se no recorte espacial da pesquisa, delimitando empiricamente o recorte teórico do nosso escopo investigativo. Foi mister captar o entrelaçamento entre a estrutura social e a práxis fetichizada desses sujeitos que trafegam pelas vias dessa cidade e as orientações ao agir humano dos que sobrevivem exercendo essa atividade. Representantes dos novos desvalidos, eles experienciam no corpo, aqui compreendido sob a categoria da totalidade, a precarização do trabalho num processo de formalização da informalidade e a precariedade existencial instituída. Aproximamo-nos metodologicamente de uma flânerie que englobou momentos distintos por meio das seguintes ferramentas e instrumentos na coleta de dados: a) observações diretas registradas em diário de campo, b) questionário e c) entrevistas semiestruturadas. A população dos trabalhadores informais que atuam no serviço de transporte mediado por tecnologias abrange motoristas, além de entregadores motoboys e ciclistas de aplicativos. Considerando que os ciclistas realizam uma atividade com predominância de esforço físico, em virtude de o seu instrumento de trabalho para deslocamento ser a bicicleta, eles compuseram a amostra. O material compreendeu os registros no diário de campo, a aplicação de 41 questionários e a realização de nove entrevistas. Entre os entrevistados majoritariamente do gênero masculino, destacamos uma única entregadora ciclista (gênero feminino) e um não-binário. Havia um entregador em transição para uma ocupação formal, e dois deles não exerciam mais a função de entregador ciclista de aplicativo. O critério da seleção era que atuassem ou tivessem atuado por no mínimo três meses. A discussão pautou-se na compreensão do uso dos corpos sob a razão neoliberal, no bojo da plataformização do trabalho a partir dos efeitos de degradação física, moral, psíquica e cognitiva que as promessas de liberdade ilimitada impõem aos sujeitos sob tais circunstâncias. Assim, sem quaisquer garantias de retorno ou sucesso, ao preço singelo de tornarem-se patrões de si ou do fator sorte, esses protótipos dos novos desvalidos são fiadores dos seus corposempreendimento diante das consequências sociais do trabalho plataformizado no capitalismo contemporâneo.São CristóvãoporTrabalhadores autônomosNeoliberalismoCiclistas (emprego)CorpoPrecarização do trabalhoNovos desvalidosEntregadores ciclistasEntregadores de aplicativosBodiePrecariousness of workNew underprivilegedNeoliberalismCyclist app delivery driversCorpPrécarité du travailNouveaux défavorisésNéolibéralismeChauffeurs-livreurs cyclistes pour plateformesCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIACorpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesisPós-Graduação em SociologiaUniversidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSinstname:Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)instacron:UFSinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessLICENSElicense.txtlicense.txttext/plain; charset=utf-81475ório InstitucionalPUBório Institucional da UFS - Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)false
dc.title.pt_BR.fl_str_mv Corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE)
title Corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE)
spellingShingle Corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE)
Santos, Roger Carlos Ferreira Alves
Trabalhadores autônomos
Ciclistas (emprego)
Precarização do trabalho
Novos desvalidos
Entregadores ciclistas
Entregadores de aplicativos
Precariousness of work
New underprivileged
Cyclist app delivery drivers
Précarité du travail
Nouveaux défavorisés
Chauffeurs-livreurs cyclistes pour plateformes
title_short Corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE)
title_full Corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE)
title_fullStr Corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE)
title_full_unstemmed Corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE)
title_sort Corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE)
author Santos, Roger Carlos Ferreira Alves
author_facet Santos, Roger Carlos Ferreira Alves
author_role author Santos, Roger Carlos Ferreira Alves
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Silva, Tania Elias Magno da
dc.contributor.advisor-co1.fl_str_mv Barbosa, Ivan Fontes
contributor_str_mv Silva, Tania Elias Magno da
Barbosa, Ivan Fontes
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Trabalhadores autônomos
Ciclistas (emprego)
Precarização do trabalho
Novos desvalidos
Entregadores ciclistas
Entregadores de aplicativos
topic Trabalhadores autônomos
Ciclistas (emprego)
Precarização do trabalho
Novos desvalidos
Entregadores ciclistas
Entregadores de aplicativos
Precariousness of work
New underprivileged
Cyclist app delivery drivers
Précarité du travail
Nouveaux défavorisés
Chauffeurs-livreurs cyclistes pour plateformes
dc.subject.eng.fl_str_mv Bodie
Precariousness of work
New underprivileged
Cyclist app delivery drivers
dc.subject.fra.fl_str_mv Corp
Précarité du travail
Nouveaux défavorisés
Chauffeurs-livreurs cyclistes pour plateformes
dc.subject.cnpq.fl_str_mv CIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIA
description The present research aimed to investigate the psychophysical repercussions of datafication and surveillance – two non-exclusive facets of the neoliberal capitalism – on the constitution of subjects’ performance under unequal circumstances, specifically those who are part of the list of socially necessary superfluous bodies. The encouragement of entrepreneurship by digital platforms – startups or food techs – companies that promote the connection between commercial establishments, consumers and delivery people is not intended to grant them autonomy, despite the slogan you are your own boss. Thus, under the premise of unlimited freedom, a subtle and effective process of submission of these bodies is hidden through the establishment of self- exploration by inflecting the power techniques of the disciplinary society with the new power techniques of the neoliberal order. If previously the starting point was the docilization of bodies, the new techniques mentioned directly interfere with the control of subjectivities and emotions, as this is a shortcut to body docilization through (self) exploration. New power techniques and instrumental knowledge-power devices contribute, through an efficient and omnipresent algorithmic pedagogy, to successful social domination through the ideal of the self-made man. Therefore, the social research outlined here took as its starting point the real-life process of cyclist app delivery drivers in Aracaju (SE) to understand the use of their bodies in advanced technological society from a peripheral perspective. The capital of Sergipe, in its singularity, constituted the spatial scope of the research, empirically delimiting the theoretical scope of our investigative scope. It was necessary to capture the intertwining between the social structure and the fetishized praxis of these subjects who travel the streets of this city and the guidelines for human action of those who survive carrying out this activity. Representatives of the new underprivileged they experience in their bodies, here understood under the category of totality, the precariousness of work in the formalization of informality process and the existential precariousness established. We approached methodologically a flânerie that encompassed different moments through the following tools and instruments in data collection: a) direct observations recorded in a field diary, b) a questionnaire, and c) semistructured interviews. The population of informal workers who work in technology-mediated transport services includes drivers, as well as motorcycle couriers, and app cyclists. Considering that cyclists carry out an activity with a predominance of physical effort, since their work tool for commuting is the bicycle, they comprised the sample. The material included records in the field diary, the application of 41 questionnaires, and nine interviews. Among the mostly male interviewees, we highlight a single cyclist delivery driver (female) and a nonbinary person. There was a delivery man in transition to a formal occupation, and two of them no longer worked as app cyclist delivery men. The selection criteria were that they worked or had worked for at least three months. The discussion was based on understanding the use of bodies under neoliberal reasoning within the platformization of work based on the effects of physical, moral, psychological, and cognitive degradation that the promises of unlimited freedom impose on subjects under such circumstances. Thus, without any guarantee of return or success, at the simple price of becoming their own bosses or the luck factor, these prototypes of the new underprivileged are guarantors of their enterprise bodies in the face of the social consequences of platformization of work in contemporary capitalism.
publishDate 2024 2024-07-22T19:49:41Z 2024-07-22T19:49:41Z 2024-02-08
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dc.identifier.citation.fl_str_mv SANTOS, Roger Carlos Ferreira Alves. Corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE). 2024. 333 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) – Universidade Federal de Sergipe, São Cristóvão, 2024.
identifier_str_mv SANTOS, Roger Carlos Ferreira Alves. Corpos supérfluos socialmente necessários: o caso dos entregadores ciclistas de aplicativos de Aracaju (SE). 2024. 333 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) – Universidade Federal de Sergipe, São Cristóvão, 2024.
dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
language por
dc.rights.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
eu_rights_str_mv openAccess
dc.publisher.program.fl_str_mv Pós-Graduação em Sociologia
dc.publisher.initials.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)
dc.source.none.fl_str_mv reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFS
instname:Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)
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