Sistemas de culturas em plantio direto adaptados à pequena propriedade relacionados com a erosão e atributos de um argissolo vermelho

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Lanzanova, Mastrângello Enivar
Data de Publicação: 2009
Tipo de documento: Tese
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: Manancial - Repositório Digital da UFSM
Texto Completo:
Resumo: Considering soil management systems, are rare the research projects that are carried on by a time period long enough to several soil attributes may be expressed conveniently. The no-till system influences several soil attributes and in this context, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of tillage system with the use of cover crops in winter and summer, on some chemical and physical soil attributes after long-term adoption of the system. Also aimed to evaluate the corn grain yield, dry matter production and carbon by different cropping systems, the stock of organic carbon and nitrogen in the soil, and also to investigate the no-till effect in reducing soil loss and water compared with the soil in its original state and the soil kept permanently uncovered and exposed to climate action. The experiment began in 1991 in a soil classified as Paleudalf. The experiment uses, since 2001, as treatments, the crop systems described as follows: (1) Corn (Zea mays L.) + jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis DC) / Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) (MFP), (2) Soil Permanently Discovered (SDES), (3) Maize / fallow / soybean / fallow (POU), (4) Corn / ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) + common vetch (Vicia sativa) / soybean / common vetch + rye grass (ryegrass) (AZEV), (5) Maize + velvet bean (Styzolobium cinereum) / Soybean (MUC), (6) Native pasture (CNA), and (7) Maize / oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiferus Metzg.) / Soybean / oilseed radish (NFO). The results showed that the soil permanently uncovered causes severe damages in attributes of soil fertility, mainly the content of organic matter and soil potassium. The analysis of only soil pH was not sufficient to characterize the state of soil acidity, it is necessary to know the concentration of other components such as aluminum exchangeable and levels of calcium + magnesium. The residual effect of lime application before the implementation of no-tillage, in the value of pH, exchangeable aluminum and phosphorus, exceed 16 years. There was a direct relationship between the pH of the soil and its organic matter content, and an inverse relationship between the value of pH and aluminum, with the increasing depth in the soil for all treatments. For the physical attributes evaluated, the results showed that the maintenance of the soil surface permanently unprotected promotes rapid degradation of them, with formation of surface sealing and reduced water infiltration. The soil total porosity and macroporosity, 0.0.- 0.10 m depth, were closely related. The resistance penetration showed higher resistance in the surface layer (up to 0.03 m) of treatment SDES, and NFO presented the highest values at depths of 0.16 and 0.18 m. Lower rates of water infiltration in soil were observed over all time periods (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min) studied, in the treatments SDES and CNA, while the others stay constantly above these and similar. No-tillage with the use of cover crops, after a long period of use, was efficient in maintaining physical attributes, such as density and porosity of soil conditions favorable to plant growth, while other attributes that improved, as the rate of water infiltration, compared with its initial condition of native pastures. Regarding the production of corn, no-till system using green manure in summer and winter, after a long period, provided higher yields than systems that use fallow. The soil cultivation from a native condition determined losses in their organic carbon content, but this can be recovered with the use of no-tillage system with a high input of plant residues rich in carbon and nitrogen. Maintenance of the surface soil exposed to erosion for a long period, caused significant losses in its carbon content and total nitrogen. No-tillage with the use of summer green manures (velvet bean) and winter (rye + vetch), promoted increases in the organic carbon stock in the soil layer of 0.0 0.05 m in relation to their initial stock. However, the layer from 0.0 to 0.20 m depth, none crop system has reached the rated values found in the reference treatment, in this case, the native grasses. The results for soil and water conservation were amazing. The maintenance of soil surface exposed rain erosive action for a long period, led to the progressive loss of a soil layer of about 1 cm per year, equivalent to approximately 150 t ha-1 of soil. No-tillage had, in some years, water losses smaller than those found under native pasture. Compared with the losses sustained in soil continuously discovered, the reduction of soil loss by notillage system reached 99.9%. No-tillage was more effective in reducing soil loss than the loss of water in crop systems. The wettest and most erosive rains occurred in the months from October to March, coinciding with the period for the development and the grain harvest of summer crops, for the conditions of Santa Maria, RS.
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spelling Sistemas de culturas em plantio direto adaptados à pequena propriedade relacionados com a erosão e atributos de um argissolo vermelhoCrop systems under no tillage adapted to small farm and it s relationship with erosion and attributes of a typic paleudalfPlantio diretoRotação de culturasAdubos verdesConservação do soloQualidade do soloNo-tillageCrop rotationGreen manureSoil conservationSoil qualityCNPQ::CIENCIAS AGRARIAS::ENGENHARIA AGRICOLAConsidering soil management systems, are rare the research projects that are carried on by a time period long enough to several soil attributes may be expressed conveniently. The no-till system influences several soil attributes and in this context, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of tillage system with the use of cover crops in winter and summer, on some chemical and physical soil attributes after long-term adoption of the system. Also aimed to evaluate the corn grain yield, dry matter production and carbon by different cropping systems, the stock of organic carbon and nitrogen in the soil, and also to investigate the no-till effect in reducing soil loss and water compared with the soil in its original state and the soil kept permanently uncovered and exposed to climate action. The experiment began in 1991 in a soil classified as Paleudalf. The experiment uses, since 2001, as treatments, the crop systems described as follows: (1) Corn (Zea mays L.) + jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis DC) / Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) (MFP), (2) Soil Permanently Discovered (SDES), (3) Maize / fallow / soybean / fallow (POU), (4) Corn / ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) + common vetch (Vicia sativa) / soybean / common vetch + rye grass (ryegrass) (AZEV), (5) Maize + velvet bean (Styzolobium cinereum) / Soybean (MUC), (6) Native pasture (CNA), and (7) Maize / oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiferus Metzg.) / Soybean / oilseed radish (NFO). The results showed that the soil permanently uncovered causes severe damages in attributes of soil fertility, mainly the content of organic matter and soil potassium. The analysis of only soil pH was not sufficient to characterize the state of soil acidity, it is necessary to know the concentration of other components such as aluminum exchangeable and levels of calcium + magnesium. The residual effect of lime application before the implementation of no-tillage, in the value of pH, exchangeable aluminum and phosphorus, exceed 16 years. There was a direct relationship between the pH of the soil and its organic matter content, and an inverse relationship between the value of pH and aluminum, with the increasing depth in the soil for all treatments. For the physical attributes evaluated, the results showed that the maintenance of the soil surface permanently unprotected promotes rapid degradation of them, with formation of surface sealing and reduced water infiltration. The soil total porosity and macroporosity, 0.0.- 0.10 m depth, were closely related. The resistance penetration showed higher resistance in the surface layer (up to 0.03 m) of treatment SDES, and NFO presented the highest values at depths of 0.16 and 0.18 m. Lower rates of water infiltration in soil were observed over all time periods (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min) studied, in the treatments SDES and CNA, while the others stay constantly above these and similar. No-tillage with the use of cover crops, after a long period of use, was efficient in maintaining physical attributes, such as density and porosity of soil conditions favorable to plant growth, while other attributes that improved, as the rate of water infiltration, compared with its initial condition of native pastures. Regarding the production of corn, no-till system using green manure in summer and winter, after a long period, provided higher yields than systems that use fallow. The soil cultivation from a native condition determined losses in their organic carbon content, but this can be recovered with the use of no-tillage system with a high input of plant residues rich in carbon and nitrogen. Maintenance of the surface soil exposed to erosion for a long period, caused significant losses in its carbon content and total nitrogen. No-tillage with the use of summer green manures (velvet bean) and winter (rye + vetch), promoted increases in the organic carbon stock in the soil layer of 0.0 0.05 m in relation to their initial stock. However, the layer from 0.0 to 0.20 m depth, none crop system has reached the rated values found in the reference treatment, in this case, the native grasses. The results for soil and water conservation were amazing. The maintenance of soil surface exposed rain erosive action for a long period, led to the progressive loss of a soil layer of about 1 cm per year, equivalent to approximately 150 t ha-1 of soil. No-tillage had, in some years, water losses smaller than those found under native pasture. Compared with the losses sustained in soil continuously discovered, the reduction of soil loss by notillage system reached 99.9%. No-tillage was more effective in reducing soil loss than the loss of water in crop systems. The wettest and most erosive rains occurred in the months from October to March, coinciding with the period for the development and the grain harvest of summer crops, for the conditions of Santa Maria, RS.Em se tratando de sistemas de manejo do solo, são raros os trabalhos de pesquisa que são conduzidos por um período longo o suficiente para que muitos atributos do solo possam expressar-se convenientemente. O sistema plantio direto influencia muitos atributos do solo. O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar o efeito do sistema plantio direto com uso de plantas de cobertura de inverno e verão em alguns atributos químicos e físicos do solo, após 16 anos de adoção. Objetivou também avaliar a produtividade de grãos de milho, a produção de matéria seca e carbono pelos diferentes sistemas de culturas, o estoque de carbono orgânico e nitrogênio no solo, além de verificar o efeito dos diferentes sistemas de culturas na redução das perdas de solo e água, em comparação com o solo em seu estado original e com o solo mantido permanentemente descoberto e exposto a ação do clima. O experimento teve início no ano de 1991, em um solo classificado como Argissolo Vermelho distrófico arênico. O mesmo utiliza, desde o ano 2001, como tratamentos, os seguintes sistemas de culturas: (1) Milho (Zea mays L.) + feijão de porco (Canavalia ensiformis DC)/soja (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) (MFP); (2) Solo permanentemente descoberto (SDES); (3) Milho/pousio/soja/pousio (POU); (4) Milho/azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) + ervilhaca comum (Vicia sativa)/soja/azevém + ervilhaca comum (AZEV); (5) Milho + mucuna cinza (Styzolobium cinereum)/soja (MUC); (6) Campo nativo (CNA); e (7) Milho/nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiferus Metzg.)/soja/nabo forrageiro (NFO). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o solo mantido permanentemente descoberto influenciou negativamente os atributos de fertilidade do solo avaliados, principalmente o conteúdo de matéria orgânica e potássio do solo. A análise apenas do pH do solo não foi suficiente para caracterizar o estado de acidez do solo, sendo necessário conhecer a concentração dos demais componentes, como o alumínio trocável e os teores de cálcio + magnésio. O efeito residual da aplicação de calcário, antes da implantação do sistema plantio direto, no valor do pH, teor de alumínio e fósforo trocável, ultrapassou 16 anos. Verificou-se uma relação direto entre o valor do pH do solo e o seu teor de matéria orgânica, e uma relação inversa entre o valor do pH e o teor de alumínio trocável, com o incremento na profundidade no solo, para todos os tratamentos avaliados. Para os atributos físicos avaliados, os resultados demonstraram que a manutenção da superfície do solo permanentemente descoberta e desprotegida promove intensa degradação dos mesmos, com formação de selamento superficial e redução da infiltração de água. A porosidade total e a macroporosidade do solo, até 0,10 m de profundidade, apresentaram estreita relação entre si. A resistência do solo ao penetrômetro evidenciou uma camada de maior resistência na superfície (até 0,03 m) do tratamento SDES, e o NFO apresentou os maiores valores nas profundidades de 0,16 e 0,18 m. Menores taxas de infiltração de água no solo foram verificadas, ao longo de todos os tempos avaliados (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 90 e 120 min), nos tratamentos SDES e CNA, enquanto os demais mantiveram-se constantemente acima destes e semelhantes entre si. O sistema plantio direto com uso de plantas de cobertura do solo, após 16 anos de utilização, mostrou-se eficiente em manter atributos físicos, como a densidade e porosidade do solo em condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento vegetal, ao mesmo tempo em que melhorou outros atributos, como a taxa de infiltração de água, em comparação com a condição inicial de campo nativo. Com relação a produção de grãos de milho, o sistema plantio direto com utilização de adubos verdes de verão e inverno proporcionou maiores rendimentos do que o sistema que utiliza pousio invernal. O cultivo do solo a partir de um campo nativo determinou perdas no conteúdo de carbono orgânico, porém este foi possível de ser recuperado com a utilização de plantio direto com elevado aporte de resíduos vegetais ricos em carbono e nitrogênio, como ocorreu no tratamento AZEV. A manutenção da superfície do solo exposta aos agentes erosivos provocou perdas significativas no conteúdo de carbono e nitrogênio total. O sistema plantio direto com utilização de adubos verdes de verão (mucuna) e de inverno (azevém+ervilhaca) promoveu incrementos no estoque de carbono orgânico total do solo na camada superficial, de 0,0 0,05 m, em relação a seu estoque inicial. Contudo, na camada de 0,0 0,20 m de profundidade, nenhum sistema de culturas avaliado alcançou os valores encontrados no tratamento referência, no caso, o campo nativo. Os resultados referentes à conservação do solo e da água foram surpreendentes. A manutenção da superfície do solo exposta às condições climáticas e à ação erosiva da chuva, por 16 anos, determinou a perda progressiva de uma camada de solo de aproximadamente 1 cm de espessura por ano, equivalente a aproximadamente 150 t ha-1 ano-1 de solo. O sistema plantio direto promoveu, em alguns anos, perdas de água menores do que as verificadas em campo nativo. Em comparação com as perdas verificadas em solo permanentemente descoberto, a redução das perdas de solo pelo sistema plantio direto chegou a 99,9%. O plantio direto foi mais eficiente em reduzir as perdas de solo do que as perdas de água das áreas com sistemas de culturas. As maiores precipitações e as chuvas mais erosivas ocorreram nos meses de outubro a março, coincidindo com o período destinado à implantação e a colheita de grãos das culturas de verão, para as condições de Santa Maria, RS.Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBREngenharia AgrícolaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia AgrícolaEltz, Flavio Luiz Foletto, Elemar Antonino, Ildegardis, Telmo Jorge Carneiro, Thome, Mastrângello Enivar2010-03-262010-03-262009-11-16info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesisapplication/pdfapplication/pdfLANZANOVA, Mastrângello Enivar. CROP SYSTEMS UNDER NO TILLAGE ADAPTED TO SMALL FARM AND IT S RELATIONSHIP WITH EROSION AND ATTRIBUTES OF A TYPIC PALEUDALF. 2009. 264 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2009. - Repositório Digital da UFSMinstname:Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) Digital de Teses e Dissertações||tedebc@gmail.comopendoar:2022-01-04T19:05:05Manancial - Repositório Digital da UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)false
dc.title.none.fl_str_mv Sistemas de culturas em plantio direto adaptados à pequena propriedade relacionados com a erosão e atributos de um argissolo vermelho
Crop systems under no tillage adapted to small farm and it s relationship with erosion and attributes of a typic paleudalf
title Sistemas de culturas em plantio direto adaptados à pequena propriedade relacionados com a erosão e atributos de um argissolo vermelho
spellingShingle Sistemas de culturas em plantio direto adaptados à pequena propriedade relacionados com a erosão e atributos de um argissolo vermelho
Lanzanova, Mastrângello Enivar
Plantio direto
Rotação de culturas
Adubos verdes
Conservação do solo
Qualidade do solo
Crop rotation
Green manure
Soil conservation
Soil quality
title_short Sistemas de culturas em plantio direto adaptados à pequena propriedade relacionados com a erosão e atributos de um argissolo vermelho
title_full Sistemas de culturas em plantio direto adaptados à pequena propriedade relacionados com a erosão e atributos de um argissolo vermelho
title_fullStr Sistemas de culturas em plantio direto adaptados à pequena propriedade relacionados com a erosão e atributos de um argissolo vermelho
title_full_unstemmed Sistemas de culturas em plantio direto adaptados à pequena propriedade relacionados com a erosão e atributos de um argissolo vermelho
title_sort Sistemas de culturas em plantio direto adaptados à pequena propriedade relacionados com a erosão e atributos de um argissolo vermelho
author Lanzanova, Mastrângello Enivar
author_facet Lanzanova, Mastrângello Enivar
author_role author
dc.contributor.none.fl_str_mv Eltz, Flavio Luiz Foletto
Cassol, Elemar Antonino
Bertol, Ildegardis
Amado, Telmo Jorge Carneiro
Lovato, Thome Lanzanova, Mastrângello Enivar
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Plantio direto
Rotação de culturas
Adubos verdes
Conservação do solo
Qualidade do solo
Crop rotation
Green manure
Soil conservation
Soil quality
topic Plantio direto
Rotação de culturas
Adubos verdes
Conservação do solo
Qualidade do solo
Crop rotation
Green manure
Soil conservation
Soil quality
description Considering soil management systems, are rare the research projects that are carried on by a time period long enough to several soil attributes may be expressed conveniently. The no-till system influences several soil attributes and in this context, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of tillage system with the use of cover crops in winter and summer, on some chemical and physical soil attributes after long-term adoption of the system. Also aimed to evaluate the corn grain yield, dry matter production and carbon by different cropping systems, the stock of organic carbon and nitrogen in the soil, and also to investigate the no-till effect in reducing soil loss and water compared with the soil in its original state and the soil kept permanently uncovered and exposed to climate action. The experiment began in 1991 in a soil classified as Paleudalf. The experiment uses, since 2001, as treatments, the crop systems described as follows: (1) Corn (Zea mays L.) + jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis DC) / Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) (MFP), (2) Soil Permanently Discovered (SDES), (3) Maize / fallow / soybean / fallow (POU), (4) Corn / ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) + common vetch (Vicia sativa) / soybean / common vetch + rye grass (ryegrass) (AZEV), (5) Maize + velvet bean (Styzolobium cinereum) / Soybean (MUC), (6) Native pasture (CNA), and (7) Maize / oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiferus Metzg.) / Soybean / oilseed radish (NFO). The results showed that the soil permanently uncovered causes severe damages in attributes of soil fertility, mainly the content of organic matter and soil potassium. The analysis of only soil pH was not sufficient to characterize the state of soil acidity, it is necessary to know the concentration of other components such as aluminum exchangeable and levels of calcium + magnesium. The residual effect of lime application before the implementation of no-tillage, in the value of pH, exchangeable aluminum and phosphorus, exceed 16 years. There was a direct relationship between the pH of the soil and its organic matter content, and an inverse relationship between the value of pH and aluminum, with the increasing depth in the soil for all treatments. For the physical attributes evaluated, the results showed that the maintenance of the soil surface permanently unprotected promotes rapid degradation of them, with formation of surface sealing and reduced water infiltration. The soil total porosity and macroporosity, 0.0.- 0.10 m depth, were closely related. The resistance penetration showed higher resistance in the surface layer (up to 0.03 m) of treatment SDES, and NFO presented the highest values at depths of 0.16 and 0.18 m. Lower rates of water infiltration in soil were observed over all time periods (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min) studied, in the treatments SDES and CNA, while the others stay constantly above these and similar. No-tillage with the use of cover crops, after a long period of use, was efficient in maintaining physical attributes, such as density and porosity of soil conditions favorable to plant growth, while other attributes that improved, as the rate of water infiltration, compared with its initial condition of native pastures. Regarding the production of corn, no-till system using green manure in summer and winter, after a long period, provided higher yields than systems that use fallow. The soil cultivation from a native condition determined losses in their organic carbon content, but this can be recovered with the use of no-tillage system with a high input of plant residues rich in carbon and nitrogen. Maintenance of the surface soil exposed to erosion for a long period, caused significant losses in its carbon content and total nitrogen. No-tillage with the use of summer green manures (velvet bean) and winter (rye + vetch), promoted increases in the organic carbon stock in the soil layer of 0.0 0.05 m in relation to their initial stock. However, the layer from 0.0 to 0.20 m depth, none crop system has reached the rated values found in the reference treatment, in this case, the native grasses. The results for soil and water conservation were amazing. The maintenance of soil surface exposed rain erosive action for a long period, led to the progressive loss of a soil layer of about 1 cm per year, equivalent to approximately 150 t ha-1 of soil. No-tillage had, in some years, water losses smaller than those found under native pasture. Compared with the losses sustained in soil continuously discovered, the reduction of soil loss by notillage system reached 99.9%. No-tillage was more effective in reducing soil loss than the loss of water in crop systems. The wettest and most erosive rains occurred in the months from October to March, coinciding with the period for the development and the grain harvest of summer crops, for the conditions of Santa Maria, RS.
publishDate 2009 2009-11-16
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
format doctoralThesis
status_str publishedVersion
dc.identifier.uri.fl_str_mv LANZANOVA, Mastrângello Enivar. CROP SYSTEMS UNDER NO TILLAGE ADAPTED TO SMALL FARM AND IT S RELATIONSHIP WITH EROSION AND ATTRIBUTES OF A TYPIC PALEUDALF. 2009. 264 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2009.
identifier_str_mv LANZANOVA, Mastrângello Enivar. CROP SYSTEMS UNDER NO TILLAGE ADAPTED TO SMALL FARM AND IT S RELATIONSHIP WITH EROSION AND ATTRIBUTES OF A TYPIC PALEUDALF. 2009. 264 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2009.
dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
language por
dc.rights.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
eu_rights_str_mv openAccess
dc.format.none.fl_str_mv application/pdf
dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Engenharia Agrícola
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Agrícola
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Engenharia Agrícola
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Agrícola
dc.source.none.fl_str_mv reponame:Manancial - Repositório Digital da UFSM
instname:Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
instname_str Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
instacron_str UFSM
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reponame_str Manancial - Repositório Digital da UFSM
collection Manancial - Repositório Digital da UFSM Manancial - Repositório Digital da UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
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