Interações entre o predador Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) e o parasitóide Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Soares, Marcus Alvarenga
Data de Publicação: 2010
Tipo de documento: Tese
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: LOCUS Repositório Institucional da UFV
Texto Completo:
Resumo: The use of more than one natural enemy for pests control can increase the efficiency of the biological control, mainly, when those organisms act on different apprenticeships of the pests. The diversification of the beneficial fauna can reduce the population of herbivores and the disturbance of the ecosystems, increasing the local stability. The objective was to determine the existence of competition and intraguild predation among Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and immature of Palmistichus elaeisis Delvare & LaSalle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and the effect of those phenomena in those natural enemies' biology. In the chapter I Thyrinteina arnobia (Stoll) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) and the host alternative Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) pupae were exposed to the parasitism for six females of P. elaeisis. To verify the selectivity of the predator a healthy pupa (T1) and another parasited by P. elaeisis (T2) were willing in opposite faces of Petri dishes. Podisus nigrispinus females were liberated, individually, in the center of those dishes and the preference of each female for pupae was observed. In the chapter II a hundred P. nigrispinus females were weighed and individualized in Petri dishes. Twenty-five of those females received for three consecutive days T. molitor healthy pupae (T1), while other 75 received pupae with one (T2) or nine (T3) or 18 days (T4) of the parasitism for P. elaeisis. The predation was allowed by 24 hours with the pupae being weighed before and after that period and substituted for a new. In the fourth day, the P. nigrispinus females were weighed again to evaluate the final weight of the same ones. In the chapter III pupae of the host alternative T. molitor were exposed to the parasitism for P. elaeisis for 24 hours. Those pupae containing P. elaeisis larvae or pupae were individualized in Petri dishes with a P. nigrispinus female. The treatments consisted of the no predation (T1) or 24 (T2) and 48 hours (T3) of the predator with the pupas. The pupas were removed of the Petri dishes and individualized in glass tubes. The cycle (egg-adult), the emergency, the longevity, the sexual reason and the morphometric parameters of P. elaeisis adults were appraised. In the chapters IV and V the treatments were P. nigrispinus nymphs fed with pupae of T. molitor parasited by P. elaeisis (T1); P. nigrispinus nymphs with parasited pupae or healthy in equivalent proportions (1:1) (T2) and P. nigrispinus nymphs with healthy pupae (T3). After the emergency P. nigrispinus adults received the same diet and they were put inside white sacks involving leaves of Eucalyptus spp. with a couple for sack. Podisus nigrispinus is selective, when avoiding parasited pupae and, when that doesn't happen, the intraguild predation happens in a symmetrical way. The consumption of the parasited preys biomass was smaller than the healthy ones and it increased with the progression of the parasitoid development. Podisus nigrispinus females reach the ideal weight (>60 mg) for larger fecundity same feeding of parasited preys. The intraguild predation affects the P. elaeisis emergency and biology. The number of adults emerged by pupa and the sexual reason of that parasitoid decreased when the host stayed with the predator for 48 hours. Host pupae with parasitoids in the larvae apprenticeship present positive effects in the biology, like as smaller cycle (egg-adult) and larger longevity of their females. Podisus nigrispinus can coexist with P. elaeisis and to have reduced impact in the acting of their nymphs for that competitor. Podisus nigrispinus nymphs in intense competition with P. elaeisis have your cycle increased in until eight days but predator survival stays high. The corporal mass of the nymphs and adults of P. nigrispinus were smaller with parasited pupae. The intense intraguild predation can also to reduce the oviposition and taxes of population growth and to increase the adults' of P. nigrispinus mortality but without provoking the exclusion of the species. However, balanced competitions (1:1) with parasitoids have smaller impact in adults of that predator. The reduced impact of the competition or intraguild predation between P. nigrispinus and P. elaeisis shows that the predator cannot exclude P. elaeisis of the area or the reverse and those natural enemies possess coexistence strategies in the same habitat.
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spelling Soares, Marcus Alvarenga, Germano Leão Demolinão, José Eduardo, José Cola, Mara Garcia, Rosenilson, Marcus Alvarenga. Interactions among the predator Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and the parasitoid Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). 2010. 119 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência entomológica; Tecnologia entomológica) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2010. use of more than one natural enemy for pests control can increase the efficiency of the biological control, mainly, when those organisms act on different apprenticeships of the pests. The diversification of the beneficial fauna can reduce the population of herbivores and the disturbance of the ecosystems, increasing the local stability. The objective was to determine the existence of competition and intraguild predation among Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and immature of Palmistichus elaeisis Delvare & LaSalle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and the effect of those phenomena in those natural enemies' biology. In the chapter I Thyrinteina arnobia (Stoll) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) and the host alternative Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) pupae were exposed to the parasitism for six females of P. elaeisis. To verify the selectivity of the predator a healthy pupa (T1) and another parasited by P. elaeisis (T2) were willing in opposite faces of Petri dishes. Podisus nigrispinus females were liberated, individually, in the center of those dishes and the preference of each female for pupae was observed. In the chapter II a hundred P. nigrispinus females were weighed and individualized in Petri dishes. Twenty-five of those females received for three consecutive days T. molitor healthy pupae (T1), while other 75 received pupae with one (T2) or nine (T3) or 18 days (T4) of the parasitism for P. elaeisis. The predation was allowed by 24 hours with the pupae being weighed before and after that period and substituted for a new. In the fourth day, the P. nigrispinus females were weighed again to evaluate the final weight of the same ones. In the chapter III pupae of the host alternative T. molitor were exposed to the parasitism for P. elaeisis for 24 hours. Those pupae containing P. elaeisis larvae or pupae were individualized in Petri dishes with a P. nigrispinus female. The treatments consisted of the no predation (T1) or 24 (T2) and 48 hours (T3) of the predator with the pupas. The pupas were removed of the Petri dishes and individualized in glass tubes. The cycle (egg-adult), the emergency, the longevity, the sexual reason and the morphometric parameters of P. elaeisis adults were appraised. In the chapters IV and V the treatments were P. nigrispinus nymphs fed with pupae of T. molitor parasited by P. elaeisis (T1); P. nigrispinus nymphs with parasited pupae or healthy in equivalent proportions (1:1) (T2) and P. nigrispinus nymphs with healthy pupae (T3). After the emergency P. nigrispinus adults received the same diet and they were put inside white sacks involving leaves of Eucalyptus spp. with a couple for sack. Podisus nigrispinus is selective, when avoiding parasited pupae and, when that doesn't happen, the intraguild predation happens in a symmetrical way. The consumption of the parasited preys biomass was smaller than the healthy ones and it increased with the progression of the parasitoid development. Podisus nigrispinus females reach the ideal weight (>60 mg) for larger fecundity same feeding of parasited preys. The intraguild predation affects the P. elaeisis emergency and biology. The number of adults emerged by pupa and the sexual reason of that parasitoid decreased when the host stayed with the predator for 48 hours. Host pupae with parasitoids in the larvae apprenticeship present positive effects in the biology, like as smaller cycle (egg-adult) and larger longevity of their females. Podisus nigrispinus can coexist with P. elaeisis and to have reduced impact in the acting of their nymphs for that competitor. Podisus nigrispinus nymphs in intense competition with P. elaeisis have your cycle increased in until eight days but predator survival stays high. The corporal mass of the nymphs and adults of P. nigrispinus were smaller with parasited pupae. The intense intraguild predation can also to reduce the oviposition and taxes of population growth and to increase the adults' of P. nigrispinus mortality but without provoking the exclusion of the species. However, balanced competitions (1:1) with parasitoids have smaller impact in adults of that predator. The reduced impact of the competition or intraguild predation between P. nigrispinus and P. elaeisis shows that the predator cannot exclude P. elaeisis of the area or the reverse and those natural enemies possess coexistence strategies in the same habitat.O uso de mais de uma espécie de inimigo natural para o controle de pragas pode aumentar a eficiência do controle biológico, principalmente, quando esses organismos atuam sobre diferentes estágios da praga. A diversificação da fauna benéfica pode reduzir a população de herbívoros e quanto mais diversa, maior o tempo sem perturbação dos ecossistemas, maior o número de conexões formadas e a estabilidade local. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar se existe competição e predação intraguilda entre Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) e imaturos de Palmistichus elaeisis Delvare & LaSalle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) e o efeito desses fenômenos na biologia desses inimigos naturais. No capítulo I pupas de Thyrinteina arnobia (Stoll) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) e do hospedeiro alternativo Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) foram expostas ao parasitismo por seis fêmeas de P. elaeisis. Para verificar a seletividade do predador uma pupa sadia (T1) e outra parasitada por P. elaeisis (T2) foram dispostas em faces opostas de uma placa de Petri. Fêmeas de P. nigrispinus foram liberadas, individualmente, no centro dessas placas e a preferência de cada fêmea por pupa, sadia ou parasitada por P. elaeisis, foi observada. No capítulo II cem fêmeas de P. nigrispinus foram pesadas e individualizadas em placas de Petri. Vinte e cinco dessas fêmeas receberam, por três dias consecutivos, pupas de T. molitor sadias (T1), enquanto outras 75 receberam pupas com um (T2) ou nove (T3) ou 18 dias (T4) do parasitismo por P. elaeisis. A predação foi permitida por 24 horas com as pupas sendo pesadas antes e após esse período e substituídas por novas. No quarto dia, as fêmeas de P. nigrispinus foram novamente pesadas para se avaliar o peso final das mesmas. No capítulo III pupas do hospedeiro alternativo Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) foram expostas ao parasitismo por P. elaeisis por 24 horas. Essas pupas, contendo larvas ou pupas de P. elaeisis, foram individualizadas em placas de Petri com um chumaço de algodão embebido com água destilada e com uma fêmea de P. nigrispinus. Os tratamentos consistiram dos períodos sem predação (T1) ou com 24 (T2) e 48 horas (T3) do predador com as pupas. A seguir, as pupas foram retiradas das placas de Petri e individualizadas em tubos de vidro. O ciclo (ovo-adulto), a emergência, a longevidade, a razão sexual e os parâmetros morfométricos de adultos de P. elaeisis foram avaliados. Nos capítulos IV e V os tratamentos foram ninfas de P. nigrispinus alimentadas com pupas de T. molitor parasitadas por P. elaeisis (T1); ninfas de P. nigrispinus com pupas parasitadas ou sadias em proporções equivalentes (1:1) (T2) e ninfas de P. nigrispinus com pupas sadias (T3). Após a emergência os adultos de P. nigrispinus receberam a mesma dieta das ninfas que os originaram e foram sexados, individualizados em sacos brancos de organza envolvendo folhas de Eucalyptus spp. e acasalados, com um casal por saco de organza. Podisus nigrispinus é seletivo, ao evitar presas parasitadas e, quando isso não ocorre, a predação intraguilda ocorre de forma simétrica. O consumo da biomassa de presas parasitadas foi menor que o das sadias e aumentou com a progressão ontogenética do parasitóide. Fêmeas de P. nigrispinus atingem o peso ideal (>60 mg), para maior fecundidade, mesmo se alimentando de presas parasitadas. A predação intraguilda afeta a emergência e a biologia do parasitóide P. elaeisis. O número de adultos emergidos por pupa e a razão sexual desse parasitóide diminuiram, quando o hospedeiro permaneceu com o predador por 48h. Pupas hospedeiras, com parasitóides no estágio de larva, quando predadas, apresentam efeitos positivos na biologia de P. elaeisis, como menor ciclo (ovo-adulto) e maior longevidade de suas fêmeas. Podisus nigrispinus pode coexistir com P. elaeisis e ter reduzido impacto no desempenho de suas ninfas por esse competidor. Ninfas de P. nigrispinus, em intensa competição com imaturos de P. elaeisis, têm seu ciclo aumentado em, até, oito dias, mas sua sobrevivência permanece alta. A massa corpórea das ninfas e adultos de P. nigrispinus foi menor com pupas parasitadas, mas seus adultos mantiveram a largura da cabeça característica da espécie. A predação intraguilda intensa pode, também, reduzir a oviposição e taxas de crescimento populacional e aumentar a mortalidade de adultos de P. nigrispinus, mas sem provocar a exclusão da espécie. No entanto, competições equilibradas (1:1) com parasitóides têm menor impacto em adultos desse predador. O reduzido impacto da competição ou predação intraguilda entre P. nigrispinus e P. elaeisis, mostra que esse predador não pode excluir P. elaeisis da área, ou vice versa e esses inimigos naturais possuem estratégias de coexistência no mesmo habitat.Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Geraisapplication/pdfporUniversidade Federal de ViçosaDoutorado em EntomologiaUFVBRCiência entomológica; Tecnologia entomológicaCompetiçãoLepidopteraPredação intraguildaCompetitionLepidopteraIntraguild predationCNPQ::CIENCIAS AGRARIAS::AGRONOMIA::FITOSSANIDADEInterações entre o predador Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) e o parasitóide Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)Interactions among the predator Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and the parasitoid Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessreponame:LOCUS Repositório Institucional da UFVinstname:Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)instacron:UFVORIGINALtexto completo.pdfapplication/pdf572291 completo.pdf.txttexto completo.pdf.txtExtracted texttext/plain205416 completo.pdf.jpgtexto completo.pdf.jpgIM Thumbnailimage/jpeg3622ório InstitucionalPUB Repositório Institucional da UFV - Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)false
dc.title.por.fl_str_mv Interações entre o predador Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) e o parasitóide Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
dc.title.alternative.eng.fl_str_mv Interactions among the predator Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and the parasitoid Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
title Interações entre o predador Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) e o parasitóide Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
spellingShingle Interações entre o predador Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) e o parasitóide Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
Soares, Marcus Alvarenga
Predação intraguilda
Intraguild predation
title_short Interações entre o predador Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) e o parasitóide Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
title_full Interações entre o predador Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) e o parasitóide Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
title_fullStr Interações entre o predador Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) e o parasitóide Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
title_full_unstemmed Interações entre o predador Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) e o parasitóide Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
title_sort Interações entre o predador Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) e o parasitóide Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
author Soares, Marcus Alvarenga
author_facet Soares, Marcus Alvarenga
author_role author
dc.contributor.authorLattes.por.fl_str_mv Soares, Marcus Alvarenga
dc.contributor.advisor-co1.fl_str_mv Leite, Germano Leão Demolin
dc.contributor.advisor-co2.fl_str_mv Serrão, José Eduardo
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Zanuncio, José Cola
dc.contributor.referee1.fl_str_mv Tavares, Mara Garcia
dc.contributor.referee2.fl_str_mv Pinto, Rosenilson
contributor_str_mv Leite, Germano Leão Demolin
Serrão, José Eduardo
Zanuncio, José Cola
Tavares, Mara Garcia
Pinto, Rosenilson
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Competição
Predação intraguilda
topic Competição
Predação intraguilda
Intraguild predation
dc.subject.eng.fl_str_mv Competition
Intraguild predation
description The use of more than one natural enemy for pests control can increase the efficiency of the biological control, mainly, when those organisms act on different apprenticeships of the pests. The diversification of the beneficial fauna can reduce the population of herbivores and the disturbance of the ecosystems, increasing the local stability. The objective was to determine the existence of competition and intraguild predation among Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and immature of Palmistichus elaeisis Delvare & LaSalle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and the effect of those phenomena in those natural enemies' biology. In the chapter I Thyrinteina arnobia (Stoll) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) and the host alternative Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) pupae were exposed to the parasitism for six females of P. elaeisis. To verify the selectivity of the predator a healthy pupa (T1) and another parasited by P. elaeisis (T2) were willing in opposite faces of Petri dishes. Podisus nigrispinus females were liberated, individually, in the center of those dishes and the preference of each female for pupae was observed. In the chapter II a hundred P. nigrispinus females were weighed and individualized in Petri dishes. Twenty-five of those females received for three consecutive days T. molitor healthy pupae (T1), while other 75 received pupae with one (T2) or nine (T3) or 18 days (T4) of the parasitism for P. elaeisis. The predation was allowed by 24 hours with the pupae being weighed before and after that period and substituted for a new. In the fourth day, the P. nigrispinus females were weighed again to evaluate the final weight of the same ones. In the chapter III pupae of the host alternative T. molitor were exposed to the parasitism for P. elaeisis for 24 hours. Those pupae containing P. elaeisis larvae or pupae were individualized in Petri dishes with a P. nigrispinus female. The treatments consisted of the no predation (T1) or 24 (T2) and 48 hours (T3) of the predator with the pupas. The pupas were removed of the Petri dishes and individualized in glass tubes. The cycle (egg-adult), the emergency, the longevity, the sexual reason and the morphometric parameters of P. elaeisis adults were appraised. In the chapters IV and V the treatments were P. nigrispinus nymphs fed with pupae of T. molitor parasited by P. elaeisis (T1); P. nigrispinus nymphs with parasited pupae or healthy in equivalent proportions (1:1) (T2) and P. nigrispinus nymphs with healthy pupae (T3). After the emergency P. nigrispinus adults received the same diet and they were put inside white sacks involving leaves of Eucalyptus spp. with a couple for sack. Podisus nigrispinus is selective, when avoiding parasited pupae and, when that doesn't happen, the intraguild predation happens in a symmetrical way. The consumption of the parasited preys biomass was smaller than the healthy ones and it increased with the progression of the parasitoid development. Podisus nigrispinus females reach the ideal weight (>60 mg) for larger fecundity same feeding of parasited preys. The intraguild predation affects the P. elaeisis emergency and biology. The number of adults emerged by pupa and the sexual reason of that parasitoid decreased when the host stayed with the predator for 48 hours. Host pupae with parasitoids in the larvae apprenticeship present positive effects in the biology, like as smaller cycle (egg-adult) and larger longevity of their females. Podisus nigrispinus can coexist with P. elaeisis and to have reduced impact in the acting of their nymphs for that competitor. Podisus nigrispinus nymphs in intense competition with P. elaeisis have your cycle increased in until eight days but predator survival stays high. The corporal mass of the nymphs and adults of P. nigrispinus were smaller with parasited pupae. The intense intraguild predation can also to reduce the oviposition and taxes of population growth and to increase the adults' of P. nigrispinus mortality but without provoking the exclusion of the species. However, balanced competitions (1:1) with parasitoids have smaller impact in adults of that predator. The reduced impact of the competition or intraguild predation between P. nigrispinus and P. elaeisis shows that the predator cannot exclude P. elaeisis of the area or the reverse and those natural enemies possess coexistence strategies in the same habitat.
publishDate 2010 2010-09-10 2011-10-19
2015-03-26T12:35:53Z 2015-03-26T12:35:53Z
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dc.identifier.citation.fl_str_mv SOARES, Marcus Alvarenga. Interactions among the predator Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and the parasitoid Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). 2010. 119 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência entomológica; Tecnologia entomológica) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2010.
identifier_str_mv SOARES, Marcus Alvarenga. Interactions among the predator Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) and the parasitoid Palmistichus elaeisis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). 2010. 119 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência entomológica; Tecnologia entomológica) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2010.
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dc.publisher.program.fl_str_mv Doutorado em Entomologia
dc.publisher.initials.fl_str_mv UFV BR
dc.publisher.department.fl_str_mv Ciência entomológica; Tecnologia entomológica
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de Viçosa
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