Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): espacialização e interações ambientais no município de Mariana (MG)

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Faria, Maola Monique
Data de Publicação: 2012
Tipo de documento: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: LOCUS Repositório Institucional da UFV
Texto Completo:
Resumo: The remaining forests of Minas Gerais harbor great wealth and diversity of native plant species, among these the genus Eremanthus sp., Popularly known as candeia stand out. This grows on shallow soils are not very fertile and yielding pure stands, called monodominant. Its occurrence is also recorded within forests after some disturbance with consequent gap formation, since this is heliophile. The candeia has a high economic potential. Its wood has high durability and can be used as fence posts and also in construction. It also has a substance known as α-bisabolol, essential oil, which has properties antiflogísticas, antibacterial, antifungal and dermatology. The study of the remaining monodominados candeia is needed, since its exploitation and commercialization of its products have been accomplished without the implementation of a management plan that efficiently prime for conservation of the species. This study aims to: classify land use in the northern municipality of Mariana (MG) with a focus on the areas covered by candeia (Eremanthus sp.); Evaluate the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of areas of natural occurrence of candeia in the northern municipality of Mariana (MG); analyze nutrient cycling in mounds on different substrates Quadrilatero Ferrifero in forest systems monodominant of a candeia. We used four images RapidEye's northern municipality of Mariana (MG), with radiometric and geometric corrections. The basemap contains the vector files extracted from highways and hydrography of letters planialtimétricas IBGE. We tested two algorithms for image classification, as follows: MaxVer and SVM employing the software interface of ArcGIS 10 and Envi 4.8. We tested 51 combinations of bands, involving compositions of image RapidEye multispectral bands, two and three principal components of the image (PCAc12 and PCAc123) and NDVI to assess what the best combination for differentiating areas under monodominance candeia of the other classes land use. For the inventory of forest areas under monodominance of a candeia sampled up to 6800 m² candeiais totaling seventeen parcels where the circumferences were measured at 1.30 m above the ground with all CAP stems> 15.7 cm. The total height of each stem was estimated with the aid of a calibrated rod. The parametric structure of the vegetation was analyzed in terms of the forecast variables: number of trees per hectare and basal area. The information in the inventory of the plots for the number of individuals and basal area coverage value, chemical and physical characteristics of the soil, were gathered into a single array analysis, and the data subjected to multivariate statistical techniques. In each of the seventeen areas of natural occurrence of a candeia, a composite sample was collected from surface soil samples and three of the outer wall of termite mounds in each of the areas, which were subjected to physical and chemical analysis routine. The physical and chemical properties of soils of the plots and mounds of each of the fragments were compared by applying the statistical test t. For each mound sampled was calculated relative increment (IC) of the physical and chemical attributes evaluated in relation to the surrounding soil. Regression equation was adjusted between the values observed in soil vs IC for the chemical and physical soil. Tests were performed Spearman correlation between the following physical and chemical properties: pH, P, OM, t e percentage clay soils to the fragments of a candeia and the ground of the external walls of the termites. And the values of Kappa conditional Kappa obtained from different classifiers and different combinations of bands were compared by applying the test statistic z (α = 95%). The ratings obtained from the Maxver algorithm are higher than those obtained from SVM. The information extracted from the thematic map possibly indicate that 29.76% of the study area, approximately 25,320.85 hectares, is covered by a candeia in monodominance. In plots inventoried's low diversity. In forest fragments studied, the lamp has high dominance, frequency and density. The study showed that candeiais are installed in soils with low nutrient content marked where the sum of base and base saturation are markedly lower. The variables, sum of bases, base saturation and number of individuals allowed to group the fragments evaluated in three groups. The figures show that the relative increase in clay soil with less than 15%, the capability of selecting the final particles is greater by termites. The outer walls of the nests differ environment of its surroundings by higher accumulation of organic matter and nutrients, and this accumulation more evident for Ca and Mg. Organic matter is primarily responsible for the relative increase of nutrients in mounds.
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spelling Faria, Maola Monique, Carlos Ernesto Gonçalves Reynaud Filho, Elpídio Inácio, Vicente Paulo, Liovando Marciano daão, Pedro Christo, Maola Monique. Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): spatialization and environmental interactions in the municipality of Mariana (MG). 2012. 71 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2012. remaining forests of Minas Gerais harbor great wealth and diversity of native plant species, among these the genus Eremanthus sp., Popularly known as candeia stand out. This grows on shallow soils are not very fertile and yielding pure stands, called monodominant. Its occurrence is also recorded within forests after some disturbance with consequent gap formation, since this is heliophile. The candeia has a high economic potential. Its wood has high durability and can be used as fence posts and also in construction. It also has a substance known as α-bisabolol, essential oil, which has properties antiflogísticas, antibacterial, antifungal and dermatology. The study of the remaining monodominados candeia is needed, since its exploitation and commercialization of its products have been accomplished without the implementation of a management plan that efficiently prime for conservation of the species. This study aims to: classify land use in the northern municipality of Mariana (MG) with a focus on the areas covered by candeia (Eremanthus sp.); Evaluate the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of areas of natural occurrence of candeia in the northern municipality of Mariana (MG); analyze nutrient cycling in mounds on different substrates Quadrilatero Ferrifero in forest systems monodominant of a candeia. We used four images RapidEye's northern municipality of Mariana (MG), with radiometric and geometric corrections. The basemap contains the vector files extracted from highways and hydrography of letters planialtimétricas IBGE. We tested two algorithms for image classification, as follows: MaxVer and SVM employing the software interface of ArcGIS 10 and Envi 4.8. We tested 51 combinations of bands, involving compositions of image RapidEye multispectral bands, two and three principal components of the image (PCAc12 and PCAc123) and NDVI to assess what the best combination for differentiating areas under monodominance candeia of the other classes land use. For the inventory of forest areas under monodominance of a candeia sampled up to 6800 m² candeiais totaling seventeen parcels where the circumferences were measured at 1.30 m above the ground with all CAP stems> 15.7 cm. The total height of each stem was estimated with the aid of a calibrated rod. The parametric structure of the vegetation was analyzed in terms of the forecast variables: number of trees per hectare and basal area. The information in the inventory of the plots for the number of individuals and basal area coverage value, chemical and physical characteristics of the soil, were gathered into a single array analysis, and the data subjected to multivariate statistical techniques. In each of the seventeen areas of natural occurrence of a candeia, a composite sample was collected from surface soil samples and three of the outer wall of termite mounds in each of the areas, which were subjected to physical and chemical analysis routine. The physical and chemical properties of soils of the plots and mounds of each of the fragments were compared by applying the statistical test t. For each mound sampled was calculated relative increment (IC) of the physical and chemical attributes evaluated in relation to the surrounding soil. Regression equation was adjusted between the values observed in soil vs IC for the chemical and physical soil. Tests were performed Spearman correlation between the following physical and chemical properties: pH, P, OM, t e percentage clay soils to the fragments of a candeia and the ground of the external walls of the termites. And the values of Kappa conditional Kappa obtained from different classifiers and different combinations of bands were compared by applying the test statistic z (α = 95%). The ratings obtained from the Maxver algorithm are higher than those obtained from SVM. The information extracted from the thematic map possibly indicate that 29.76% of the study area, approximately 25,320.85 hectares, is covered by a candeia in monodominance. In plots inventoried's low diversity. In forest fragments studied, the lamp has high dominance, frequency and density. The study showed that candeiais are installed in soils with low nutrient content marked where the sum of base and base saturation are markedly lower. The variables, sum of bases, base saturation and number of individuals allowed to group the fragments evaluated in three groups. The figures show that the relative increase in clay soil with less than 15%, the capability of selecting the final particles is greater by termites. The outer walls of the nests differ environment of its surroundings by higher accumulation of organic matter and nutrients, and this accumulation more evident for Ca and Mg. Organic matter is primarily responsible for the relative increase of nutrients in mounds.Os remanescentes florestais de Minas Gerais abrigam grande riqueza e diversidade de espécies vegetais nativas, dentre essas as espécies do gênero Eremanthus sp., conhecidas popularmente como candeia, se destacam. Esta se desenvolve sobre solos pouco férteis e rasos originando povoamentos puros, denominados de monodominantes. Sua ocorrência também é registrada dentro de florestas após alguma perturbação com consequente formação de clareiras, visto que essa é heliófila. A candeia apresenta alto potencial econômico. Sua madeira apresenta alta durabilidade e resistência podendo ser empregada como moirões e também na construção civil. Além disso, possui uma substância conhecida como α-bisabol, óleo essencial, que possui propriedades antiflogísticas, antibacterianas, antimicóticas e dermatológicas. O estudo dos remanescentes monodominados pela candeia se faz necessário, visto que sua exploração e a comercialização de seus produtos têm sido realizadas sem a implantação de um plano de manejo eficiente que prime pela conservação da espécie. O presente trabalho tem por objetivos: classificar o uso da terra na região norte do município de Mariana (MG) com enfoque para as áreas cobertas por candeia (Eremanthus sp.); avaliar a influência dos fatores ambientais sobre a distribuição das áreas de ocorrência natural de candeia na região norte do município de Mariana (MG); analisar a ciclagem de nutrientes em montículos sobre diferentes substratos do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, em sistemas florestais monodominantes de candeia. Utilizou-se quatro imagens Rapideye da região norte do município de Mariana (MG), com as devidas correções radiométricas e geométricas. A base cartográfica é composta pelos arquivos vetoriais de rodovias e hidrografia extraídos de cartas planialtimétricas do IBGE. Foram testados dois algoritmos de classificação de imagens, sendo eles: MaxVer e SVM, empregando a interface dos softwares ArcGis 10 e Envi 4.8. Foram testadas 51 combinações de bandas, envolvendo composições de bandas multiespectrais da imagem Rapideye, duas e três componentes principais da imagem (PCA2 e PCA3) e o NDVI, a fim de avaliar qual a melhor combinação para diferenciar as áreas sob monodominância de candeia das demais classes de uso do solo. Para a realização do inventário florestal de áreas sob monodominância de candeia, amostrou-se 6800 m² de candeiais, totalizando dezessete parcelas, onde foram medidas as circunferências a 1,30m do solo de todos os fustes com CAP > 15,7 cm. A altura total de cada fuste foi estimada com o auxílio de uma vara calibrada. A estrutura paramétrica da vegetação foi analisada em termos da estimativa das variáveis: número de árvores por hectare e área basal. As informações do inventário das parcelas do referente ao número de indivíduos, área basal e valor de cobertura, características químicas e físicas do solo, foram reunidas em uma única matriz de análise, sendo os dados submetidos a técnicas de estatística multivariada. Em cada uma das dezessete áreas de ocorrência natural de candeia, se coletou uma amostra composta de solo superficial e três amostras da parede externa de montículos de cupins em cada uma das áreas, que foram submetidos a análises físicas e químicas de rotina. Os atributos físicos e químicos dos solos das parcelas e dos montículos de cada um dos fragmentos foram comparados entre si aplicando o teste estatístico t. Para cada montículo amostrado foi calculado o incremento relativo (IC) dos atributos físicos e químicos avaliados em relação ao solo adjacente. Foi ajustada equação de regressão entre os valores observados no solo vs IC, para os atributos químicos e físicos do solo. Foram realizados testes de correlação de Spearman entre as seguintes propriedades físicas e químicas: pH, P, MO, t e porcentagem de argila para os solos dos fragmentos de candeia e o solo das paredes externas dos cupins. Os valores de Kappa e Kappa condicional obtidos a partir de diferentes classificadores e diferente combinações de bandas foram comparados entre si aplicando o teste estatístico z (α = 95%). As classificações obtidas a partir do algoritmo Maxver são superiores aos obtidos a partir do SVM. As informações extraídas do mapa temático permitem indicar que 29,76% da área de estudo, cerca de 25.320,85 ha, se encontra coberta por candeia em monodominância. Nas parcelas inventariadas há baixa diversidade. Nos fragmentos florestais estudados, a candeia apresentou alta dominância, frequência e densidade de indivíduos. O estudo demonstrou que os candeiais estão instalados nos solos com oligotrofismo marcante, onde a soma de base e a saturação de bases são notadamente baixas. As variáveis, soma de bases, saturação por bases e número de indivíduos, permitiram agrupar os fragmentos avaliados em três grupos. Os valores de incremento relativo mostram que em solos com teores de argila menores que 15%, a capacidade de seleção de partículas finais pelos térmitas é maior. As paredes externas dos cupinzeiros se diferenciam do ambiente de seu entorno pelo maior acúmulo de matéria orgânica e nutrientes, sendo este acúmulo mais evidente para Ca e Mg. A matéria orgânica é a principal responsável pelo incremento relativo de nutrientes nos montículos.application/pdfporUniversidade Federal de ViçosaMestrado em Solos e Nutrição de PlantasUFVBRFertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,CompactaçãoDensidade de plantasDéficit de saturação de CCompactionPlant densityDeficit saturation CCNPQ::CIENCIAS AGRARIAS::AGRONOMIA::CIENCIA DO SOLOCandeias (Eremanthus sp.): espacialização e interações ambientais no município de Mariana (MG)Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): spatialization and environmental interactions in the municipality of Mariana (MG)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessreponame:LOCUS Repositório Institucional da UFVinstname:Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)instacron:UFVORIGINALtexto completo .pdfapplication/pdf3744163 completo .pdf.txttexto completo .pdf.txtExtracted texttext/plain140846 completo .pdf.jpgtexto completo .pdf.jpgIM Thumbnailimage/jpeg3492ório InstitucionalPUB Repositório Institucional da UFV - Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)false
dc.title.por.fl_str_mv Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): espacialização e interações ambientais no município de Mariana (MG)
dc.title.alternative.eng.fl_str_mv Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): spatialization and environmental interactions in the municipality of Mariana (MG)
title Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): espacialização e interações ambientais no município de Mariana (MG)
spellingShingle Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): espacialização e interações ambientais no município de Mariana (MG)
Faria, Maola Monique
Densidade de plantas
Déficit de saturação de C
Plant density
Deficit saturation C
title_short Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): espacialização e interações ambientais no município de Mariana (MG)
title_full Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): espacialização e interações ambientais no município de Mariana (MG)
title_fullStr Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): espacialização e interações ambientais no município de Mariana (MG)
title_full_unstemmed Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): espacialização e interações ambientais no município de Mariana (MG)
title_sort Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): espacialização e interações ambientais no município de Mariana (MG)
author Faria, Maola Monique
author_facet Faria, Maola Monique
author_role author
dc.contributor.authorLattes.por.fl_str_mv Faria, Maola Monique
dc.contributor.advisor-co1.fl_str_mv Schaefer, Carlos Ernesto Gonçalves Reynaud
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Fernandes Filho, Elpídio Inácio
dc.contributor.referee1.fl_str_mv Soares, Vicente Paulo
dc.contributor.referee2.fl_str_mv Costa, Liovando Marciano da
dc.contributor.referee3.fl_str_mv Brandão, Pedro Christo
contributor_str_mv Schaefer, Carlos Ernesto Gonçalves Reynaud
Fernandes Filho, Elpídio Inácio
Soares, Vicente Paulo
Costa, Liovando Marciano da
Brandão, Pedro Christo
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Compactação
Densidade de plantas
Déficit de saturação de C
topic Compactação
Densidade de plantas
Déficit de saturação de C
Plant density
Deficit saturation C
dc.subject.eng.fl_str_mv Compaction
Plant density
Deficit saturation C
description The remaining forests of Minas Gerais harbor great wealth and diversity of native plant species, among these the genus Eremanthus sp., Popularly known as candeia stand out. This grows on shallow soils are not very fertile and yielding pure stands, called monodominant. Its occurrence is also recorded within forests after some disturbance with consequent gap formation, since this is heliophile. The candeia has a high economic potential. Its wood has high durability and can be used as fence posts and also in construction. It also has a substance known as α-bisabolol, essential oil, which has properties antiflogísticas, antibacterial, antifungal and dermatology. The study of the remaining monodominados candeia is needed, since its exploitation and commercialization of its products have been accomplished without the implementation of a management plan that efficiently prime for conservation of the species. This study aims to: classify land use in the northern municipality of Mariana (MG) with a focus on the areas covered by candeia (Eremanthus sp.); Evaluate the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of areas of natural occurrence of candeia in the northern municipality of Mariana (MG); analyze nutrient cycling in mounds on different substrates Quadrilatero Ferrifero in forest systems monodominant of a candeia. We used four images RapidEye's northern municipality of Mariana (MG), with radiometric and geometric corrections. The basemap contains the vector files extracted from highways and hydrography of letters planialtimétricas IBGE. We tested two algorithms for image classification, as follows: MaxVer and SVM employing the software interface of ArcGIS 10 and Envi 4.8. We tested 51 combinations of bands, involving compositions of image RapidEye multispectral bands, two and three principal components of the image (PCAc12 and PCAc123) and NDVI to assess what the best combination for differentiating areas under monodominance candeia of the other classes land use. For the inventory of forest areas under monodominance of a candeia sampled up to 6800 m² candeiais totaling seventeen parcels where the circumferences were measured at 1.30 m above the ground with all CAP stems> 15.7 cm. The total height of each stem was estimated with the aid of a calibrated rod. The parametric structure of the vegetation was analyzed in terms of the forecast variables: number of trees per hectare and basal area. The information in the inventory of the plots for the number of individuals and basal area coverage value, chemical and physical characteristics of the soil, were gathered into a single array analysis, and the data subjected to multivariate statistical techniques. In each of the seventeen areas of natural occurrence of a candeia, a composite sample was collected from surface soil samples and three of the outer wall of termite mounds in each of the areas, which were subjected to physical and chemical analysis routine. The physical and chemical properties of soils of the plots and mounds of each of the fragments were compared by applying the statistical test t. For each mound sampled was calculated relative increment (IC) of the physical and chemical attributes evaluated in relation to the surrounding soil. Regression equation was adjusted between the values observed in soil vs IC for the chemical and physical soil. Tests were performed Spearman correlation between the following physical and chemical properties: pH, P, OM, t e percentage clay soils to the fragments of a candeia and the ground of the external walls of the termites. And the values of Kappa conditional Kappa obtained from different classifiers and different combinations of bands were compared by applying the test statistic z (α = 95%). The ratings obtained from the Maxver algorithm are higher than those obtained from SVM. The information extracted from the thematic map possibly indicate that 29.76% of the study area, approximately 25,320.85 hectares, is covered by a candeia in monodominance. In plots inventoried's low diversity. In forest fragments studied, the lamp has high dominance, frequency and density. The study showed that candeiais are installed in soils with low nutrient content marked where the sum of base and base saturation are markedly lower. The variables, sum of bases, base saturation and number of individuals allowed to group the fragments evaluated in three groups. The figures show that the relative increase in clay soil with less than 15%, the capability of selecting the final particles is greater by termites. The outer walls of the nests differ environment of its surroundings by higher accumulation of organic matter and nutrients, and this accumulation more evident for Ca and Mg. Organic matter is primarily responsible for the relative increase of nutrients in mounds.
publishDate 2012 2012-07-27 2013-05-09
2015-03-26T13:53:24Z 2015-03-26T13:53:24Z
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
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dc.identifier.citation.fl_str_mv FARIA, Maola Monique. Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): spatialization and environmental interactions in the municipality of Mariana (MG). 2012. 71 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2012.
identifier_str_mv FARIA, Maola Monique. Candeias (Eremanthus sp.): spatialization and environmental interactions in the municipality of Mariana (MG). 2012. 71 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2012.
dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
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dc.rights.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de Viçosa
dc.publisher.program.fl_str_mv Mestrado em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas
dc.publisher.initials.fl_str_mv UFV BR
dc.publisher.department.fl_str_mv Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de Viçosa
dc.source.none.fl_str_mv reponame:LOCUS Repositório Institucional da UFV
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