Silva, A. L. M., Noleto, A. G. H., Borges, A. L. B., Borges, B. d. C. S., Magalhães, G. B., Simões, L. A., & Moura, R. S. d. (2022). Therapeutic approach of cannabidiol on neurodegenerative diseases: Evaluation of the effects on the progression of these diseases and their symptoms.
Referência de acordo com a norma ChicagoSilva, Ana Luiza Magalhães, Ana Gabriela Hannum Noleto, Ana Laura Barra Borges, Bárbara da Costa Santana Borges, Giovanna Borges Magalhães, Luana Alves Simões, e Rodrigo Scaliante de Moura. Therapeutic Approach of Cannabidiol On Neurodegenerative Diseases: Evaluation of the Effects On the Progression of These Diseases and Their Symptoms. 2022.
Referência de acordo com a norma MLASilva, Ana Luiza Magalhães, et al. Therapeutic Approach of Cannabidiol On Neurodegenerative Diseases: Evaluation of the Effects On the Progression of These Diseases and Their Symptoms. 2022.