Logo do OasisBR

The Oasisbr

The Brazilian Open Access Publications and Scientific Data Portal (Oasisbr) is an initiative of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict) that brings together scientific production and research data in open access, published in scientific journals, digital repositories of scientific publications, digital repositories of research data and digital libraries of theses and dissertations.

In this way, Oasisbr aims to gather, give visibility and access to a good part of the scientific content produced by researchers working in Brazilian and Portuguese institutions, published in aggregating systems of production and scientific data.

Through a single interface, Oasisbr provides access to the most diverse types of documents that contain scientific information, namely: scientific articles, books, book chapters, conference articles, research data sets, preprints, dissertations, theses, graduation monographs, etc. In addition, Oasisbr also provides access to the scientific content present in the Open Access Scientific Repository of Portugal (RCAAP)

  • Contribute to increasing the visibility of scientific production researchers from Brazilian and Portuguese institutions, nationally and internationally;
  • To offer the most different professionals involved with scientific communication, open and fast access to a large volume of scientific production and qualified research data sets;
  • To favor the increase of scientific exchange between researchers, nationally and internationally;
  • Stimulate the creation of open access scientific platforms, such as: scientific journals, digital repositories of scientific publications, digital repositories of research data and digital libraries of theses and dissertations;
  • Stimulate the adoption of Open Science practices in the context of national scientific communication;
  • Provide reliable data and information that avoid duplication of efforts and resources for research development;
  • Act as a national provider of open access scientific platforms, collecting and providing access to the most different types of documents;

To aggregate the national scientific production in open access into a single portal, Oasisbr uses a platform that, on a weekly basis, collects the content made available by the providers that integrate Oasisbr.

The contents aggregated by Oasisbr are also collected by the Open Access Scientific Repository of Portugal (RCAAP), and, in the same way, the contents made available by RCAAP are collected by Oasisbr and made available to the Brazilian scientific community. The contents aggregated by Oasisbr are also collected by the Network of Open Access Repositories for Science (LA Referencia) , which in turn is collected by the European aggregator OpenAIRE .

This information network enables Oasisbr to fulfill its primary mission of increasing the impact of Brazilian Science around the world.

  • Make use of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) or compatible protocol (upon specific evaluation);
  • Manage and deposit documents of an academic nature;
  • Adopt Dublin Core or compatible metadata scheme (upon specific evaluation);
  • Describe the documents using the descriptive fields/basic metadata required by Oasisbr, which are: Title, Author, Summary, Key words, Date of publication or deposit, Document type and Language.
  • Make the documents available in full text;
  • Maintain a permanent Internet connection;
  • Do not request login and password so that the user can access the document in full text;
  • Explicitly indicate that the documents deposited are open access, except for those with a contrary indication;
  • Forward to the Oasisbr team a letter containing the source data and the responsible manager, according to the model;
  • All collection sources must be maintained by Brazilian organizations, unless previously agreed;
  • Use DRIVER controlled vocabulary.;

  • Make use of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) or compatible protocol (upon specific evaluation);
  • Deposit documents of a scientific and/or technological nature;
  • Adopt Dublin Core or compatible metadata scheme (upon specific evaluation);
  • Describe the documents using the descriptive fields/basic metadata required by Oasisbr, which are: Title, Author, Summary, Key words, Date of publication or deposit, Document type and Language.
  • Make the documents available in full text;
  • Maintain a permanent Internet connection;
  • Do not request login and password so that the user can access the document in full text;
  • Explicitly indicate that the documents deposited are open access, except for those with a contrary indication;
  • Forward to the Oasisbr team a letter containing the source data and the responsible manager, according to the model;
  • All collection sources must be maintained by Brazilian organizations, unless previously agreed;
  • To be collected by the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD).

  • Make use of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) or compatible protocol (upon specific evaluation);
  • Publish documents of a scientific nature;
  • Adopt Dublin Core or compatible metadata scheme (upon specific evaluation);
  • Describe the documents using the descriptive fields/basic metadata required by Oasisbr, which are: Title, Author, Summary, Key words, Date of publication or deposit, Document type and Language.
  • Make the documents available in full text;
  • Maintain a permanent Internet connection;
  • Do not request login and password so that the user can access the document in full text;
  • Explicitly indicate that the documents deposited are open access, except for those with a contrary indication;
  • Forward to the Oasisbr team a letter containing the source data and the responsible manager, according to the model;
  • All collection sources must be maintained by Brazilian organizations, unless previously agreed;
  • Explicit indication of adoption of scientific arbitration;
  • Publish conference proceedings or articles on their own page;
  • Explicit indication of the editorial board or similar;
  • At least 66% of the editorial board members must be external to the conference's home institution.

  • Make use of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) or compatible protocol (upon specific evaluation);
  • Manage and deposit documents and/or data sets of a scientific and/or technological nature;
  • Adopt Dublin Core , DataCite or compatible metadata scheme (upon specific evaluation);
  • Describe the documents using the descriptive fields/basic metadata required by Oasisbr, which are: Title, Author, Summary, Key words, Date of publication or deposit, Document type and Language.
  • Collect information sources that make available, in full text, documents and research data sets;
  • Maintain a permanent Internet connection;
  • Do not request login and password so that the user can access the document in full text;
  • Explicitly indicate that the documents deposited are open access, except for those with a contrary indication;
  • Forward to the Oasisbr team a letter containing the source data and the responsible manager, according to the model;
  • All collection sources must be maintained by Brazilian organizations, unless previously agreed;
  • Use DRIVER controlled vocabulary.;

  • Make use of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) or compatible protocol (upon specific evaluation);
  • Manage and deposit documents and/or data sets of a scientific and/or technological nature;
  • Adopt Dublin Core or compatible metadata scheme (upon specific evaluation);
  • Describe the documents using the descriptive fields/basic metadata required by Oasisbr, which are: Title, Author, Summary, Key words, Date of publication or deposit, Document type and Language.
  • Make the documents available in full text;
  • Maintain a permanent Internet connection;
  • Do not request login and password so that the user can access the document in full text;
  • Explicitly indicate that the documents deposited are open access, except for those with a contrary indication;
  • Forward to the Oasisbr team a letter containing the source data and the responsible manager, according to the model;
  • All collection sources must be maintained by Brazilian organizations, unless previously agreed;
  • Use DRIVER controlled vocabulary.;

  • Make use of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) or compatible protocol (upon specific evaluation);
  • Manage and deposit datasets of a scientific and/or technological nature;
  • Adopt DataCite or compatible metadata schema (upon specific evaluation);
  • Describe the documents using the descriptive fields/basic metadata required by Oasisbr, which are: Title, Author, Project summary, Key words, Date of publication or deposit, Dataset type, Set file format,Document access type (dct:accessRights - use COAR Access Right Vocabulary controlled vocabulary);
  • Make the research datasets available in full text;
  • Maintain a permanent Internet connection;
  • Do not request login and password so that the user can access the document in full text;
  • Explicitly indicate that the documents deposited are open access, except for those with a contrary indication;
  • Forward to the Oasisbr team a letter containing the source data and the responsible manager, according to the model;
  • All collection sources must be maintained by Brazilian organizations, unless previously agreed;
  • Be unique to research data.

  • Make use of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) or compatible protocol (upon specific evaluation);
  • Manage and deposit documents of a scientific and/or technological nature;
  • Adopt Dublin Core or compatible metadata scheme (upon specific evaluation);
  • Describe the documents using the descriptive fields/basic metadata required by Oasisbr, which are: Title, Author, Summary, Key words, Date of publication or deposit, Document type and Language.
  • Make the documents available in full text;
  • Maintain a permanent Internet connection;
  • Do not request login and password so that the user can access the document in full text;
  • Explicitly indicate that the documents deposited are open access, except for those with a contrary indication;
  • Forward to the Oasisbr team a letter containing the source data and the responsible manager, according to the model;
  • All collection sources must be maintained by Brazilian organizations, unless previously agreed;
  • Use DRIVER controlled vocabulary.;

  • Make use of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) or compatible protocol (upon specific evaluation);
  • Publish documents of a scientific nature;
  • Adopt Dublin Core or compatible metadata scheme (upon specific evaluation);
  • Describe the documents using the descriptive fields/basic metadata required by Oasisbr, which are: Title, Author, Summary, Key words, Date of publication or deposit, Document type and Language.
  • Make the documents available in full text;
  • Maintain a permanent Internet connection;
  • Do not request login and password so that the user can access the document in full text;
  • Explicitly indicate that the documents deposited are open access, except for those with a contrary indication;
  • Journals must be maintained by Brazilian organizations, unless previously agreed;
  • Register editorial policies in Diadorim and/or Miguilim , declaring that the journal is open access .
  • Be indexed in at least one of the indexers: Latindex (Catalog 2.0), SciELO Brazil, Redalyc, DOAJ.

  • Make use of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) or compatible protocol (upon specific evaluation);
  • Manage and deposit documents of a scientific and/or technological nature;
  • Adopt Dublin Core or compatible metadata scheme (upon specific evaluation);
  • Describe the documents using the descriptive fields/basic metadata required by Oasisbr, which are: Title, Author, Summary, Key words, Date of publication or deposit, Document type and Language.
  • Make the documents available in full text;
  • Maintain a permanent Internet connection;
  • Do not request login and password so that the user can access the document in full text;
  • Explicitly indicate that the documents deposited are open access, except for those with a contrary indication;
  • Forward to the Oasisbr team a letter containing the source data and the responsible manager, according to the model;
  • All collection sources must be maintained by Brazilian organizations, unless previously agreed;
  • Be exclusive for preprints deposit;
  • All documents must have marks, on each page, that make it clear that it is a preprint (watermarks, bibliographic legends or similar).

Os usuários do Currículo Lattes, do CNPq, contam com a possibilidade de terem suas teses e dissertações certificadas pelo Oasisbr - Portal Brasileiro de Publicações e Dados Científicos em Acesso Aberto. Mais de um milhão de teses e dissertações brasileiras do Currículo Lattes já contam automaticamente com o selo Oasisbr.

O selo de certificação é exibido nas informações do currículo do usuário, nas seções de informações acadêmicas/titulação e orientações concluídas. Com o selo, é possível comprovar, de maneira rápida e simples, a autoria/orientação concluída da tese ou dissertação e acessar o documento em acesso aberto no Oasisbr. O certificado poderá ser emitido de forma automática pelo Currículo Lattes ou cadastrado manualmente pelo usuário.

Com a nova funcionalidade, o CV Lattes poderá verificar se a tese ou dissertação inserida no currículo do pesquisador está disponível em alguma base ou repositório acadêmico. Este será o primeiro passo para outras certificações à caminho.

A tese ou dissertação cadastrada na plataforma Lattes poderá ser certificada apenas se o documento estiver inserido no portal Oasisbr, então, primeiramente o usuário deverá se certificar entrando no site do portal. Em um primeiro momento a certificação Lattes pelo Oasisbr pode ser realizada para Teses e Dissertações defendidas e orientadas por programas de pós-graduação brasileiros, a certificação de outros documentos acontecerá de forma gradual.

IMPORTANTE! A importação será realizada apenas se os dados do título e ano de publicação estiverem condizentes, tanto no Oasisbr quanto no seu currículo Lattes.

Se o documento não estiver cadastrado no Portal Oasis, pedimos que notifique a instituição depositante, solicitando o cadastramento do repositório junto ao nosso portal através do e-mail oasisbr@ibict.br.

Ao acessar o seu espaço de edição do Currículo Lattes e inserir os dados de uma tese ou dissertação, o pesquisador ou acadêmico pode importar informações do Oasisbr pelo seu ID Lattes ou número do ORCID e verificar quais são os documentos cadastrados no Oasisbr. Os dados importados já vem com o selo para serem exibidos automaticamente no perfil público. Ao clicar no selo, o usuário poderá acessar o documento no Oasisbr.

Veja aqui o Passo a passo para certificação