A dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidades

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Terezani, Larissa Aurea
Data de Publicação: 2017
Tipo de documento: Tese
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Uninove
Texto Completo: http://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/handle/tede/1725
Resumo: This thesis resulted from the research project that had as its object the presence of the Dance in the curricular proposals of the Degree courses in Physical Education and the identification of the objectives and contents that have been worked in this curricular component with a view to the formation of the Physical Education Teacher related to his/her preparation for the action with the contents of Dance in Basic Education. As a cut-off from this object, we worked with the following research problem: what position does Dance take in the curricular proposals of the degree courses in Physical Education of the City of S??o Paulo and of some of these courses in the Metropolitan Region of S??o Paulo and What objectives and contents have been worked on in this curricular component with a view to the training of Dance teachers for Basic Education? As a result of this problem, some questions were raised and served as a guide in the search and analysis of the data. They were: How to understand Dance and its relationship with education? How is Dance seen in Brazilian official documents as a curricular content in Basic Education? With what objectives and contents does this curricular component work in the courses identified? Can the objectives and contents of Dance as a discipline mentioned in these courses respond to or correspond to what is considered desirable in the researched literature and in the indications of the official Brazilian legislation in relation to it? The initial hypothesis was that, in very few Physical Education Degree Courses, the presence of Dance as a discipline would be found and that, in these few courses, the offer of the discipline would be far from the legal guidelines and related academic production. The objective was to verify the level of presence of the offer of Dance in the Physical Education Degree Courses of the Institutions of Higher Education of the City of S??o Paulo and information about the contents worked in this discipline and if these contents were in tune with the orientations And with at least part of the bibliography of the area. We developed bibliographical, documentary and field research. The hypothesis that, in very few Physical Education Degree Courses, the presence of Dance as a discipline would be found and that, in these courses, the offer of the discipline would be far from the legal guidelines and the academic production related to it, was not confirmed. It was, of course, a welcome non-confirmation, despite the small number of HEIs surveyed. We believe that we have achieved satisfactorily the proposed objectives.
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spelling Lorieri, Marcos AntonioLorieri, Marcos AntonioBaptista, Ana Maria HaddadTodaro, M??nica de ??vilaGimenez, RobertoPonce, Branca Juremahttp://lattes.cnpq.br/9556550734058473Terezani, Larissa Aurea2018-01-24T20:02:14Z2017-08-25Terezani, Larissa Aurea. A dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidades. 2017. 171 f. Tese( Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o) - Universidade Nove de Julho, S??o Paulo.http://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/handle/tede/1725This thesis resulted from the research project that had as its object the presence of the Dance in the curricular proposals of the Degree courses in Physical Education and the identification of the objectives and contents that have been worked in this curricular component with a view to the formation of the Physical Education Teacher related to his/her preparation for the action with the contents of Dance in Basic Education. As a cut-off from this object, we worked with the following research problem: what position does Dance take in the curricular proposals of the degree courses in Physical Education of the City of S??o Paulo and of some of these courses in the Metropolitan Region of S??o Paulo and What objectives and contents have been worked on in this curricular component with a view to the training of Dance teachers for Basic Education? As a result of this problem, some questions were raised and served as a guide in the search and analysis of the data. They were: How to understand Dance and its relationship with education? How is Dance seen in Brazilian official documents as a curricular content in Basic Education? With what objectives and contents does this curricular component work in the courses identified? Can the objectives and contents of Dance as a discipline mentioned in these courses respond to or correspond to what is considered desirable in the researched literature and in the indications of the official Brazilian legislation in relation to it? The initial hypothesis was that, in very few Physical Education Degree Courses, the presence of Dance as a discipline would be found and that, in these few courses, the offer of the discipline would be far from the legal guidelines and related academic production. The objective was to verify the level of presence of the offer of Dance in the Physical Education Degree Courses of the Institutions of Higher Education of the City of S??o Paulo and information about the contents worked in this discipline and if these contents were in tune with the orientations And with at least part of the bibliography of the area. We developed bibliographical, documentary and field research. The hypothesis that, in very few Physical Education Degree Courses, the presence of Dance as a discipline would be found and that, in these courses, the offer of the discipline would be far from the legal guidelines and the academic production related to it, was not confirmed. It was, of course, a welcome non-confirmation, despite the small number of HEIs surveyed. We believe that we have achieved satisfactorily the proposed objectives.Cette th??se r??sulte du projet de recherche qui a eu comme objet la composante de Danse pr??sente dans les propositions de programmes de cours de Dipl??me en ??ducation Physique et l'identification des objectifs et des contenus qui ont ??t?? travaill??es dans ce volet curriculaire en vue de la formation du Ma??tre d'??ducation Physique en ce qui concerne sa pr??paration ?? la performance avec le contenu de la Danse dans l'??ducation de base. Pour couper cet objet, on a travaill?? avec le probl??me de la recherche suivante: quelle est la pr??sence de la composante de la Danse dans les propositions de programmes de cours de dipl??me en ??ducation physique de la ville de S??o Paulo et certains de ces cours dans la r??gion m??tropolitaine de S??o Paulo et dont les objectifs et le contenu ont ??t?? travaill?? dans ce volet de programme destin?? aux enseignants de formation (comme) la danse pour l'??ducation de base? En cons??quence de ce probl??me, des questions ont ??t?? soulev??es et qui ont servies de guide dans l'analyse de la recherche et des donn??es. Ells ??taient: Comment comprendre la Danse et sa relation avec l'??ducation? Comment afficher la Danse, les documents officiels br??siliens tels que le contenu des programmes dans l'??ducation de base? Avec quels objectifs et le contenu de cette composante ??ducative travaille dans les cours identifi??s? Les objectifs et le contenu des cours de Danse, mentionn?? dans ces cours, peut r??pondre ou correspondre ?? ce qui est consid??r?? comme souhaitable dans la litt??rature et des directives des r??glements officiels du Br??sil concernant les m??mes? L'hypoth??se de d??part ??tait que on trouverait tr??s peu de cours de dipl??me en ??ducation physique avec la pr??sence de la discipline de la Danse et que, dans ces quelques cours, l'offre de la discipline serait bien loin des directives juridiques et la recherche universitaire qui s'y rapportent. Comme objectifs on a cherch?? ?? voir le degr?? de repr??sentation de la discipline de la danse dans des cours de dipl??me en ??ducation Physique des ??tablissements d'enseignement sup??rieur de la ville de S??o Paulo et des informations sur le contenu travaill?? dans cette discipline et ces contenus sont en phase avec les directives juridiques et au moins une partie de la litt??rature. On a fait une recherche bibliographique, documentaire et sur le terrain. L'hypoth??se, pas confirm??e, ??tait que dans tr??s peu de cours de dipl??me en ??ducation Physique on trouverait la pr??sence de la discipline de la Danse et que dans ces cours, l'offre de la discipline serait bien loin des directives juridiques et la recherche universitaire concernant. Il ??tait certainement pas une confirmation agr??able, malgr?? le petit nombre d'IES interrog??s. Nous pensons que nous avons atteint les objectifs de mani??re satisfaisante.Esta tesis result?? del proyecto de investigaci??n que tuvo como objeto la presencia del componente Danza en las propuestas curriculares de los cursos de Licenciatura en Educaci??n F??sica y la identificaci??n de los objetivos y contenidos que se han trabajado en este componente curricular con vistas a la formaci??n del Profesor (a) de Educaci??n F??sica relativa a su preparaci??n para la actuaci??n con los contenidos de Danza en la Educaci??n B??sica. Como recorte de este objeto, se trabaj?? con el siguiente problema de investigaci??n: cu??l es la presencia del componente Danza en las propuestas curriculares de los cursos de Licenciatura en Educaci??n F??sica de la Ciudad de S??o Paulo y de algunos de esos cursos en la Regi??n de la Metropolitana de S??o Paulo y ??Qu?? objetivos y contenidos se han trabajado en este componente curricular con vistas a la formaci??n de profesores de Danza para la Educaci??n B??sica? Como desdoblamiento de este problema, algunas cuestiones fueron planteadas y que sirvieron como gu??a en la b??squeda y el an??lisis de los datos. Fueron ellas: ??C??mo entender la Danza y su relaci??n con la educaci??n? ??C??mo es vista la Danza, en los documentos oficiales brasile??os, como contenido curricular en la Educaci??n B??sica? ??Con qu?? objetivos y contenidos este componente curricular se trabaja en los cursos identificados? Los objetivos y contenidos de la disciplina Danza, mencionados en estos cursos, pueden responder o corresponder a lo que es considerado deseable en la literatura investigada y en las indicaciones de la legislaci??n oficial brasile??a con relaci??n a la misma? La hip??tesis inicial era que en muy pocos Cursos de Licenciatura en Educaci??n F??sica se encontrar??a la presencia de la disciplina Danza y que en esos pocos cursos la oferta de la disciplina estar??a muy lejos de las orientaciones legales y de la producci??n acad??mica a ella relativa. Como objetivos se busc?? constatar el nivel de presencia de la oferta de la disciplina Danza en los Cursos de Licenciatura en Educaci??n F??sica de las Instituciones de Ense??anza Superior de la Ciudad de S??o Paulo e informaciones acerca de los contenidos trabajados en esta disciplina y si estos contenidos estaban afinados con las orientaciones Legales al respecto y con, al menos, parte de la bibliograf??a del ??rea. Se desarroll?? una investigaci??n bibliogr??fica, documental y de campo. La hip??tesis de que en muy pocos Cursos de Licenciatura en Educaci??n F??sica se encontrar??a la presencia de la disciplina Danza y que en esos cursos la oferta de la disciplina estar??a muy alejada de las orientaciones legales y de la producci??n acad??mica a ella relativa, no fue confirmada. Fue, por cierto, una grata no confirmaci??n, a pesar del peque??o n??mero de IES investigadas. Juzgamos haber alcanzado satisfactoriamente los objetivos propuestos.Esta tese resultou do projeto de pesquisa que teve como objeto a presen??a do componente Dan??a nas propostas curriculares dos cursos de Licenciatura em Educa????o F??sica e a identifica????o dos objetivos e conte??dos que t??m sido trabalhados neste componente curricular com vistas ?? forma????o do (a) professor (a) de Educa????o F??sica que atuar?? na escola. Como recorte deste objeto, trabalhou-se com o seguinte problema de pesquisa: qual ?? a presen??a do componente Dan??a nas propostas curriculares dos cursos de Licenciatura em Educa????o F??sica da Cidade de S??o Paulo e de alguns desses cursos na Regi??o Metropolitana de S??o Paulo e quais objetivos e conte??dos t??m sido trabalhados neste componente curricular com vistas ?? forma????o de professores (as) de Educa????o F??sica que atuar?? na escola? Como desdobramento deste problema, algumas quest??es foram levantadas e que serviram como guia na busca e na an??lise dos dados. Foram elas: Como entender a Dan??a e sua rela????o com a educa????o? Como ?? vista a Dan??a, nos documentos oficiais brasileiros, como conte??do curricular na Educa????o F??sica? Com que objetivos e conte??dos este componente curricular ?? trabalhado nos cursos identificados? Os objetivos e conte??dos das disciplinas de Dan??a, mencionados nestes cursos, podem responder ou corresponder ao que ?? considerado desej??vel na literatura pesquisada e nas indica????es da legisla????o oficial brasileira com rela????o ?? mesma? A hip??tese inicial era de que, em poucos Cursos de Licenciatura em Educa????o F??sica seria encontrada a presen??a da disciplina Dan??a e que, nesses poucos cursos, a oferta da disciplina estaria bem distante das orienta????es legais e da produ????o acad??mica a ela relativa. Como objetivos buscou-se constatar a presen??a da oferta da disciplina Dan??a nos Cursos de Licenciatura em Educa????o F??sica das Institui????es de Ensino Superior da Cidade de S??o Paulo e informa????es a respeito dos conte??dos trabalhados nesta disciplina e se estes conte??dos estavam afinados com as orienta????es legais a respeito e com, ao menos, parte da bibliografia da ??rea. Foi desenvolvida pesquisa bibliogr??fica e documental. A hip??tese de que, na minoria dos Cursos de Licenciatura em Educa????o F??sica seria encontrada a presen??a da disciplina Dan??a e que, nesses cursos, a oferta da disciplina estaria bem distante das orienta????es legais e da produ????o acad??mica a ela relativa, n??o foi confirmada. Foi, por certo, uma grata n??o confirma????o, apesar do pequeno n??mero de IES pesquisadas. Julgamos ter atingido satisfatoriamente os objetivos propostos.Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2018-01-24T20:02:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Larissa Aurea Terezani de Filippis.pdf: 2740777 bytes, checksum: 7b64d49b5136c615ef7705669cd01ce1 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-24T20:02:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Larissa Aurea Terezani de Filippis.pdf: 2740777 bytes, checksum: 7b64d49b5136c615ef7705669cd01ce1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-25application/pdfporUniversidade Nove de JulhoPrograma de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????oUNINOVEBrasilEduca????oensino superiorforma????o de professores (as) de educa????o f??sicadan??a e educa????ohigher educationtraining of physical education teachersdance and educationenseignement superieurformation d'enseignants en education physiquedanse et educationense??anza superiorformaci??n de profesores (as) de educaci??n f??sicadanza y educaci??nCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOA dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidadesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis-240345818910352367600info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessreponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Uninoveinstname:Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE)instacron:UNINOVEORIGINALLarissa Aurea Terezani de Filippis.pdfLarissa Aurea Terezani de Filippis.pdfapplication/pdf2740777http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/tede/1725/2/Larissa+Aurea+Terezani+de+Filippis.pdf7b64d49b5136c615ef7705669cd01ce1MD52LICENSElicense.txtlicense.txttext/plain; charset=utf-82165http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/tede/1725/1/license.txtbd3efa91386c1718a7f26a329fdcb468MD51tede/17252019-10-17 18:30:30.043oai:localhost: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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertaçõeshttp://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/PRIhttp://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/oai/requestbibliotecatede@uninove.br||bibliotecatede@uninove.bropendoar:2019-10-17T21:30:30Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Uninove - Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE)false
dc.title.por.fl_str_mv A dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidades
title A dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidades
spellingShingle A dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidades
Terezani, Larissa Aurea
ensino superior
forma????o de professores (as) de educa????o f??sica
dan??a e educa????o
higher education
training of physical education teachers
dance and education
enseignement superieur
formation d'enseignants en education physique
danse et education
ense??anza superior
formaci??n de profesores (as) de educaci??n f??sica
danza y educaci??n
title_short A dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidades
title_full A dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidades
title_fullStr A dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidades
title_full_unstemmed A dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidades
title_sort A dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidades
author Terezani, Larissa Aurea
author_facet Terezani, Larissa Aurea
author_role author
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Lorieri, Marcos Antonio
dc.contributor.referee1.fl_str_mv Lorieri, Marcos Antonio
dc.contributor.referee2.fl_str_mv Baptista, Ana Maria Haddad
dc.contributor.referee3.fl_str_mv Todaro, M??nica de ??vila
dc.contributor.referee4.fl_str_mv Gimenez, Roberto
dc.contributor.referee5.fl_str_mv Ponce, Branca Jurema
dc.contributor.authorLattes.fl_str_mv http://lattes.cnpq.br/9556550734058473
dc.contributor.author.fl_str_mv Terezani, Larissa Aurea
contributor_str_mv Lorieri, Marcos Antonio
Lorieri, Marcos Antonio
Baptista, Ana Maria Haddad
Todaro, M??nica de ??vila
Gimenez, Roberto
Ponce, Branca Jurema
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv ensino superior
forma????o de professores (as) de educa????o f??sica
dan??a e educa????o
topic ensino superior
forma????o de professores (as) de educa????o f??sica
dan??a e educa????o
higher education
training of physical education teachers
dance and education
enseignement superieur
formation d'enseignants en education physique
danse et education
ense??anza superior
formaci??n de profesores (as) de educaci??n f??sica
danza y educaci??n
dc.subject.eng.fl_str_mv higher education
training of physical education teachers
dance and education
dc.subject.fra.fl_str_mv enseignement superieur
formation d'enseignants en education physique
danse et education
dc.subject.spa.fl_str_mv ense??anza superior
formaci??n de profesores (as) de educaci??n f??sica
danza y educaci??n
dc.subject.cnpq.fl_str_mv CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO
description This thesis resulted from the research project that had as its object the presence of the Dance in the curricular proposals of the Degree courses in Physical Education and the identification of the objectives and contents that have been worked in this curricular component with a view to the formation of the Physical Education Teacher related to his/her preparation for the action with the contents of Dance in Basic Education. As a cut-off from this object, we worked with the following research problem: what position does Dance take in the curricular proposals of the degree courses in Physical Education of the City of S??o Paulo and of some of these courses in the Metropolitan Region of S??o Paulo and What objectives and contents have been worked on in this curricular component with a view to the training of Dance teachers for Basic Education? As a result of this problem, some questions were raised and served as a guide in the search and analysis of the data. They were: How to understand Dance and its relationship with education? How is Dance seen in Brazilian official documents as a curricular content in Basic Education? With what objectives and contents does this curricular component work in the courses identified? Can the objectives and contents of Dance as a discipline mentioned in these courses respond to or correspond to what is considered desirable in the researched literature and in the indications of the official Brazilian legislation in relation to it? The initial hypothesis was that, in very few Physical Education Degree Courses, the presence of Dance as a discipline would be found and that, in these few courses, the offer of the discipline would be far from the legal guidelines and related academic production. The objective was to verify the level of presence of the offer of Dance in the Physical Education Degree Courses of the Institutions of Higher Education of the City of S??o Paulo and information about the contents worked in this discipline and if these contents were in tune with the orientations And with at least part of the bibliography of the area. We developed bibliographical, documentary and field research. The hypothesis that, in very few Physical Education Degree Courses, the presence of Dance as a discipline would be found and that, in these courses, the offer of the discipline would be far from the legal guidelines and the academic production related to it, was not confirmed. It was, of course, a welcome non-confirmation, despite the small number of HEIs surveyed. We believe that we have achieved satisfactorily the proposed objectives.
publishDate 2017
dc.date.issued.fl_str_mv 2017-08-25
dc.date.accessioned.fl_str_mv 2018-01-24T20:02:14Z
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
format doctoralThesis
status_str publishedVersion
dc.identifier.citation.fl_str_mv Terezani, Larissa Aurea. A dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidades. 2017. 171 f. Tese( Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o) - Universidade Nove de Julho, S??o Paulo.
dc.identifier.uri.fl_str_mv http://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/handle/tede/1725
identifier_str_mv Terezani, Larissa Aurea. A dan??a como componente curricular na licenciatura em educa????o f??sica: desafios e possibilidades. 2017. 171 f. Tese( Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o) - Universidade Nove de Julho, S??o Paulo.
url http://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/handle/tede/1725
dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
language por
dc.relation.cnpq.fl_str_mv -240345818910352367
dc.relation.confidence.fl_str_mv 600
dc.rights.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
eu_rights_str_mv openAccess
dc.format.none.fl_str_mv application/pdf
dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Nove de Julho
dc.publisher.program.fl_str_mv Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o
dc.publisher.initials.fl_str_mv UNINOVE
dc.publisher.country.fl_str_mv Brasil
dc.publisher.department.fl_str_mv Educa????o
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Nove de Julho
dc.source.none.fl_str_mv reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Uninove
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repository.mail.fl_str_mv bibliotecatede@uninove.br||bibliotecatede@uninove.br
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