Estrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techs

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Ferratti, Gustavo Mendonça
Data de Publicação: 2023
Tipo de documento: Tese
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: Repositório Institucional da UFSCAR
Texto Completo:
Resumo: This doctoral thesis analyzes the intricate relationship between social structure, power, and language of the CEOs of the five largest information technology companies in the West, collectively known as the "Big Five." The research explores the social, material, and linguistic aspects that condition the actions of these agents, while also investigating the diversity of subgroups within such technological elite. The central theoretical premise is that language not only reflects external material reality but also actively helps to construct and transform it through a politically structuring narrative dynamic. The thesis contributes to the field of critical organizational studies, filling the existing gap at the interface of management and other disciplines as computer science and social sciences. It does this through three interdisciplinary and multiparadigmatic articles that use mixed methods and multilevel analyses. The first article is a computational experiment that harmonizes opposing epistemological perspectives in textual analysis, namely: text generation methods with positivist engagement and hermeneutic methods of text analysis with interpretivist engagement. The article proposes a dialogic approach capable of expanding the possibility of creative interactions between researchers and generative linguistic models. With a training corpus of heroic canons of literature, text was stochastically generated and analyzed through the lenses of archetypal theory and literary criticism. The experiment not only indicates the reproduction to some extent of archetypes present in the original literary texts but also suggests a generalist path for theorization and ideation processes in the humanities and social sciences. The second article, through Pierre Bourdieu's reflexive sociology, offers a critical analysis of the trajectories, relations, and capitals of Big Tech CEOs. In it, we analyze the objective relational structure of the CEOs through multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and the dynamics of position-taking in the field through the more subjective controversies of their public speeches, which are approximated by semantic networks and prosopography. The study highlights the distinction of the subgroups of Big Tech CEOs, revealing a highly heterogeneous corporate elite with varied ideological inclinations. It also exposes the complex power dynamics existing between members of this technological elite and the State. The third article investigates the narrative power of Big Tech CEOs on Twitter, mobilizing diverse linguistic perspectives from the currents of natural language processing (NLP), discourse analysis, and antenarratives. It thus uses more structuralist text analysis techniques, such as lexicometry and topic modeling, along with more hermeneutic and qualitative analyses such as discourse and grand narratives. The results reveal that such CEOs use Twitter to legitimize themselves in a space where their economic power is limited. They use a discursive strategy of a neutral-positive tone and accessible vocabulary to increase their popularity. Furthermore, the more powerful CEOs tend to address broad socio-political issues, while the less powerful focus on more technical and innovation aspects of their own company. We believe that the three articles, taken together, outline a novel approach to problematizing and understanding the relationship between social structure, language, and power. Additionally, the unusual combination of methods employed throughout the thesis may assist future researchers in carefully integrating disciplines that are somewhat hermetic today but whose interface has much to contribute to the analysis of different organizations and social groups.
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spelling Ferratti, Gustavo MendonçaSacomano Neto, Mario, Silvio Eduardo Alvarez, Gustavo Mendonça. Estrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techs. 2023. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2023. Disponível em: doctoral thesis analyzes the intricate relationship between social structure, power, and language of the CEOs of the five largest information technology companies in the West, collectively known as the "Big Five." The research explores the social, material, and linguistic aspects that condition the actions of these agents, while also investigating the diversity of subgroups within such technological elite. The central theoretical premise is that language not only reflects external material reality but also actively helps to construct and transform it through a politically structuring narrative dynamic. The thesis contributes to the field of critical organizational studies, filling the existing gap at the interface of management and other disciplines as computer science and social sciences. It does this through three interdisciplinary and multiparadigmatic articles that use mixed methods and multilevel analyses. The first article is a computational experiment that harmonizes opposing epistemological perspectives in textual analysis, namely: text generation methods with positivist engagement and hermeneutic methods of text analysis with interpretivist engagement. The article proposes a dialogic approach capable of expanding the possibility of creative interactions between researchers and generative linguistic models. With a training corpus of heroic canons of literature, text was stochastically generated and analyzed through the lenses of archetypal theory and literary criticism. The experiment not only indicates the reproduction to some extent of archetypes present in the original literary texts but also suggests a generalist path for theorization and ideation processes in the humanities and social sciences. The second article, through Pierre Bourdieu's reflexive sociology, offers a critical analysis of the trajectories, relations, and capitals of Big Tech CEOs. In it, we analyze the objective relational structure of the CEOs through multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and the dynamics of position-taking in the field through the more subjective controversies of their public speeches, which are approximated by semantic networks and prosopography. The study highlights the distinction of the subgroups of Big Tech CEOs, revealing a highly heterogeneous corporate elite with varied ideological inclinations. It also exposes the complex power dynamics existing between members of this technological elite and the State. The third article investigates the narrative power of Big Tech CEOs on Twitter, mobilizing diverse linguistic perspectives from the currents of natural language processing (NLP), discourse analysis, and antenarratives. It thus uses more structuralist text analysis techniques, such as lexicometry and topic modeling, along with more hermeneutic and qualitative analyses such as discourse and grand narratives. The results reveal that such CEOs use Twitter to legitimize themselves in a space where their economic power is limited. They use a discursive strategy of a neutral-positive tone and accessible vocabulary to increase their popularity. Furthermore, the more powerful CEOs tend to address broad socio-political issues, while the less powerful focus on more technical and innovation aspects of their own company. We believe that the three articles, taken together, outline a novel approach to problematizing and understanding the relationship between social structure, language, and power. Additionally, the unusual combination of methods employed throughout the thesis may assist future researchers in carefully integrating disciplines that are somewhat hermetic today but whose interface has much to contribute to the analysis of different organizations and social groups.Cette thèse de doctorat analyse la relation complexe entre la structure sociale, le pouvoir et le langage des PDG des cinq plus grandes entreprises de technologie de l'information de l'Ouest, collectivement connues sous le nom de "Big Five". La recherche explore les aspects sociaux, matériels et linguistiques qui conditionnent les actions de ces agents, tout en examinant la diversité des sous-groupes au sein de cette élite technologique. La prémisse théorique centrale est que le langage ne reflète pas seulement la réalité matérielle externe, mais contribue également activement à la construire et à la transformer à travers une dynamique narrative politiquement structurante. La thèse contribue au domaine des études organisationnelles critiques en comblant le fossé existant à l'interface de la gestion et d'autres disciplines telles que l'informatique et les sciences sociales. Elle le fait à travers trois articles interdisciplinaires et multiparadigmatiques qui utilisent des méthodes mixtes et des analyses multiniveaux. Le premier article est une expérience computationnelle qui harmonise des perspectives épistémologiques opposées dans l'analyse textuelle, à savoir : les méthodes de génération de texte avec un engagement positiviste et les méthodes herméneutiques d'analyse de texte avec un engagement interprétatif. L'article propose une approche dialogique capable d'élargir la possibilité d'interactions créatives entre les chercheurs et les modèles linguistiques génératifs. Avec un corpus d'entraînement des canons héroïques de la littérature, le texte a été généré de manière stochastique et analysé à travers les lentilles de la théorie archétypale et de la critique littéraire. L'expérience indique non seulement la reproduction dans une certaine mesure des archétypes présents dans les textes littéraires originaux, mais suggère également une voie généraliste pour les processus de théorisation et d'idéation dans les sciences humaines et sociales. Le deuxième article, à travers la sociologie réflexive de Pierre Bourdieu, propose une analyse critique des trajectoires, des relations et des capitaux des PDG des Big Tech. Nous y analysons la structure relationnelle objective des PDG à travers l'analyse des correspondances multiples (ACM) et les dynamiques de positionnement sur le terrain à travers les controverses plus subjectives de leurs discours publics, qui sont approchées par des réseaux sémantiques et la prosopographie. L'étude met en évidence la distinction des sous-groupes de PDG des Big Tech, révélant une élite corporative très hétérogène avec des inclinations idéologiques variées. Elle expose également les dynamiques de pouvoir complexes existant entre les membres de cette élite technologique et l'État. Le troisième article examine le pouvoir narratif des PDG des Big Tech sur Twitter, mobilisant diverses perspectives linguistiques issues des courants de traitement automatique du langage naturel (TALN), de l'analyse du discours et des anténarratifs. Il utilise ainsi des techniques d'analyse textuelle plus structuralistes, telles que la lexicométrie et la modélisation de sujets, ainsi que des analyses plus herméneutiques et qualitatives telles que le discours et les grands récits. Les résultats révèlent que ces PDG utilisent Twitter pour se légitimer dans un espace où leur pouvoir économique est limité. Ils utilisent une stratégie discursive d'un ton neutre-positif et d'un vocabulaire accessible pour accroître leur popularité. De plus, les PDG les plus puissants ont tendance à aborder de larges questions socio-politiques, tandis que les moins puissants se concentrent sur des aspects plus techniques et innovants de leur propre entreprise. Nous pensons que les trois articles, pris ensemble, esquissent une approche novatrice pour problématiser et comprendre la relation entre la structure sociale, le langage et le pouvoir. De plus, la combinaison inhabituelle de méthodes utilisées tout au long de la thèse peut aider les futurs chercheurs à intégrer soigneusement des disciplines quelque peu hermétiques aujourd'hui, mais dont l'interface a beaucoup à apporter à l'analyse des différentes organisations et groupes sociaux.Esta tesis doctoral analiza la intrincada relación entre la estructura social, el poder y el lenguaje de los CEOs de las cinco mayores empresas de tecnología de la información en Occidente, conocidas colectivamente como las "Big Five". La investigación explora los aspectos sociales, materiales y lingüísticos que condicionan las acciones de estos agentes, al mismo tiempo que investiga la diversidad de subgrupos dentro de esta élite tecnológica. La premisa teórica central es que el lenguaje no solo refleja la realidad material externa, sino que también ayuda activamente a construirla y transformarla a través de una dinámica narrativa políticamente estructurante. La tesis contribuye al campo de los estudios organizacionales críticos, llenando el vacío existente en la interfaz de la gestión y otras disciplinas como la informática y las ciencias sociales. Lo hace a través de tres artículos interdisciplinarios y multiparadigmáticos que utilizan métodos mixtos y análisis multinivel. El primer artículo es un experimento computacional que armoniza perspectivas epistemológicas opuestas en el análisis textual, a saber: métodos de generación de texto con compromiso positivista y métodos hermenéuticos de análisis de texto con compromiso interpretativo. El artículo propone un enfoque dialógico capaz de ampliar la posibilidad de interacciones creativas entre investigadores y modelos lingüísticos generativos. Con un corpus de entrenamiento de cánones heroicos de literatura, el texto se generó de manera estocástica y se analizó a través de las lentes de la teoría arquetípica y la crítica literaria. El experimento no solo indica la reproducción en cierta medida de arquetipos presentes en los textos literarios originales, sino que también sugiere un camino generalista para los procesos de teorización e ideación en humanidades y ciencias sociales. El segundo artículo, a través de la sociología reflexiva de Pierre Bourdieu, ofrece un análisis crítico de las trayectorias, relaciones y capitales de los CEOs de Big Tech. En él, analizamos la estructura relacional objetiva de los CEOs a través del análisis de correspondencias múltiples (ACM) y las dinámicas de toma de posición en el campo a través de las controversias más subjetivas de sus discursos públicos, que se aproximan mediante redes semánticas y prosopografía. El estudio destaca la distinción de los subgrupos de CEOs de Big Tech, revelando una élite corporativa altamente heterogénea con inclinaciones ideológicas variadas. También expone las complejas dinámicas de poder existentes entre los miembros de esta élite tecnológica y el Estado. El tercer artículo investiga el poder narrativo de los CEOs de Big Tech en Twitter, movilizando diversas perspectivas lingüísticas de corrientes de procesamiento de lenguaje natural (PLN), análisis del discurso y antenarrativas. Utiliza así técnicas de análisis de texto más estructuralistas, como la lexicometría y la modelización de temas, junto con análisis más hermenéuticos y cualitativos como el discurso y las grandes narrativas. Los resultados revelan que dichos CEOs utilizan Twitter para legitimarse en un espacio donde su poder económico está limitado. Utilizan una estrategia discursiva de tono neutro-positivo y vocabulario accesible para aumentar su popularidad. Además, los CEOs más poderosos tienden a abordar amplias cuestiones socio-políticas, mientras que los menos poderosos se centran en aspectos más técnicos e innovadores de su propia empresa. Creemos que los tres artículos, juntos, esbozan un enfoque novedoso para problematizar y comprender la relación entre la estructura social, el lenguaje y el poder. Además, la combinación poco común de métodos empleados a lo largo de la tesis puede ayudar a los futuros investigadores a integrar cuidadosamente disciplinas que hoy en día son algo herméticas, pero cuya interfaz tiene mucho que aportar al análisis de diferentes organizaciones y grupos sociales.Essa tese de doutorado analisa a intricada relação entre estrutura social, poder e linguagem dos CEOs das cinco maiores empresas de tecnologia da informação do Ocidente, coletivamente conhecidas como as "Big Five". A pesquisa explora os aspectos sociais, materiais e linguísticos condicionantes das ações desses agentes, ao mesmo tempo em que investiga a diversidade de subgrupos de tal elite tecnológica. A premissa teórica central é que a linguagem não apenas reflete a realidade material externa, mas também ajuda a construí-la e transformá-la ativamente por uma dinâmica narrativa politicamente estruturante. A tese contribui para o campo dos estudos organizacionais críticos, preenchendo a lacuna existente na interface da gestão e outras disciplinas, como a ciência da computação e as ciências sociais. Faz isso através de três artigos interdisciplinares e multiparadigmáticos que utilizam métodos mistos e análises multiníveis. O primeiro artigo é um experimento computacional que harmoniza perspectivas epistemológicas frequentemente consideradas opostas na análise textual: métodos de geração de texto positivistas (modelagem n-grama) e métodos de interpretação de texto mais hermenêuticos (análise de arquétipos). O artigo se propõe a trazer uma abordagem dialógica que amplia a possibilidade de interações criativas entre pesquisadores e modelos linguísticos generativos. Com um corpus de treinamento de cânones heroicos da literatura, gerou-se texto estocasticamente, analisando-o pelas lentes da teoria arquetípica e da crítica literária. O experimento não apenas indica a reprodução em certa medida de arquétipos presentes nos textos literários originais, mas também sugere um caminho generalista para processos de teorização e ideação nas ciências humanas e sociais. O segundo artigo, por meio da sociologia reflexiva de Pierre Bourdieu, analisa criticamente as trajetórias, relações e capitais dos CEOs das Big Techs. Nele, endereçamos a estrutura relacional objetiva dos CEOs por meio da análise de correspondência múltipla (ACM) e a dinâmica da tomada de posições no campo através das controvérsias mais subjetivas de seus discursos públicos, que são aproximadas por redes semânticas e prosopografia. O estudo destaca a distinção dos subgrupos dos CEOs das Big Techs, revelando uma elite corporativa bastante heterogênea com inclinações ideológicas variadas. Também expõe a complexa dinâmica de poder existente entre os membros dessa elite tecnológica e o Estado. O terceiro artigo investiga o poder narrativo dos CEOs das Big Tech no Twitter, mobilizando perspectivas linguísticas diversas das correntes de processamento de linguagem natural (PLN), análise de discurso e antenarrativas. Utiliza, portanto, técnicas mais estruturalistas de análise de texto, como lexicometria e modelagem de tópicos, juntamente com análises mais hermenêuticas e qualitativas, como a de discurso e de grandes narrativas. Os resultados revelam que tais CEOs usam o Twitter para legitimar-se em um espaço em que seu poder econômico é limitado. Utilizam uma estratégia discursiva de tom neutro-positivo e vocabulário acessível para ampliar sua popularidade. Além disso, os CEOs mais poderosos tendem a abordar questões sociopolíticas amplas, enquanto os menos poderosos focam em aspectos mais técnicos e de inovação de sua própria empresa. Acreditamos que os três artigos, conjuntamente, delineiam uma abordagem inédita para a problematização e compreensão da relação entre estrutura social, linguagem e poder. Além disso, a combinação de métodos pouco usual empregada ao longo da tese pode auxiliar pesquisadores futuros a integrar, com os devidos cuidados, disciplinas hoje um tanto quanto herméticas, mas cuja interface tem muito a contribuir na análise de diferentes organizações e grupos sociais.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)CAPES: Código de financiamento 001porUniversidade Federal de São CarlosCâmpus São CarlosPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção - PPGEPUFSCarAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Brazil socialLinguagemPoderTrajetóriasCapitaisCEOsBig TechsSocial structureLanguagePowerTrajectoriesCapitalsENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA DE PRODUCAOEstrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techsSocial structure, power, and language: a critical study of big tech CEOsEstructura social, poder y lenguaje: un estudio crítico de los CEOs de las big techsStructure sociale, pouvoir et langage: une étude critique des CEOs des big techsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesisreponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSCARinstname:Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR)instacron:UFSCARORIGINALEstrutura_Social_Poder_e_Linguagem.pdfEstrutura_Social_Poder_e_Linguagem.pdfManuscrito da Teseapplication/pdf7885056; charset=utf-81036 texttext/plain649626ório InstitucionalPUBório Institucional da UFSCAR - Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR)false
dc.title.por.fl_str_mv Estrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techs
dc.title.alternative.eng.fl_str_mv Social structure, power, and language: a critical study of big tech CEOs Estructura social, poder y lenguaje: un estudio crítico de los CEOs de las big techs
dc.title.alternative.fra.fl_str_mv Structure sociale, pouvoir et langage: une étude critique des CEOs des big techs
title Estrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techs
spellingShingle Estrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techs
Ferratti, Gustavo Mendonça
Estrutura social
Big Techs
Social structure
title_short Estrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techs
title_full Estrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techs
title_fullStr Estrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techs
title_full_unstemmed Estrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techs
title_sort Estrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techs
author Ferratti, Gustavo Mendonça
author_facet Ferratti, Gustavo Mendonça
author_role author
dc.contributor.advisor-co1orcid.por.fl_str_mv Ferratti, Gustavo Mendonça
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Sacomano Neto, Mario
dc.contributor.advisor-co1.fl_str_mv Candido, Silvio Eduardo Alvarez
contributor_str_mv Sacomano Neto, Mario
Candido, Silvio Eduardo Alvarez
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Estrutura social
topic Estrutura social
Big Techs
Social structure
dc.subject.eng.fl_str_mv Big Techs
Social structure
description This doctoral thesis analyzes the intricate relationship between social structure, power, and language of the CEOs of the five largest information technology companies in the West, collectively known as the "Big Five." The research explores the social, material, and linguistic aspects that condition the actions of these agents, while also investigating the diversity of subgroups within such technological elite. The central theoretical premise is that language not only reflects external material reality but also actively helps to construct and transform it through a politically structuring narrative dynamic. The thesis contributes to the field of critical organizational studies, filling the existing gap at the interface of management and other disciplines as computer science and social sciences. It does this through three interdisciplinary and multiparadigmatic articles that use mixed methods and multilevel analyses. The first article is a computational experiment that harmonizes opposing epistemological perspectives in textual analysis, namely: text generation methods with positivist engagement and hermeneutic methods of text analysis with interpretivist engagement. The article proposes a dialogic approach capable of expanding the possibility of creative interactions between researchers and generative linguistic models. With a training corpus of heroic canons of literature, text was stochastically generated and analyzed through the lenses of archetypal theory and literary criticism. The experiment not only indicates the reproduction to some extent of archetypes present in the original literary texts but also suggests a generalist path for theorization and ideation processes in the humanities and social sciences. The second article, through Pierre Bourdieu's reflexive sociology, offers a critical analysis of the trajectories, relations, and capitals of Big Tech CEOs. In it, we analyze the objective relational structure of the CEOs through multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and the dynamics of position-taking in the field through the more subjective controversies of their public speeches, which are approximated by semantic networks and prosopography. The study highlights the distinction of the subgroups of Big Tech CEOs, revealing a highly heterogeneous corporate elite with varied ideological inclinations. It also exposes the complex power dynamics existing between members of this technological elite and the State. The third article investigates the narrative power of Big Tech CEOs on Twitter, mobilizing diverse linguistic perspectives from the currents of natural language processing (NLP), discourse analysis, and antenarratives. It thus uses more structuralist text analysis techniques, such as lexicometry and topic modeling, along with more hermeneutic and qualitative analyses such as discourse and grand narratives. The results reveal that such CEOs use Twitter to legitimize themselves in a space where their economic power is limited. They use a discursive strategy of a neutral-positive tone and accessible vocabulary to increase their popularity. Furthermore, the more powerful CEOs tend to address broad socio-political issues, while the less powerful focus on more technical and innovation aspects of their own company. We believe that the three articles, taken together, outline a novel approach to problematizing and understanding the relationship between social structure, language, and power. Additionally, the unusual combination of methods employed throughout the thesis may assist future researchers in carefully integrating disciplines that are somewhat hermetic today but whose interface has much to contribute to the analysis of different organizations and social groups.
publishDate 2023 2023-12-07 2024-02-15T17:42:04Z 2024-02-15T17:42:04Z
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
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dc.identifier.citation.fl_str_mv FERRATTI, Gustavo Mendonça. Estrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techs. 2023. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2023. Disponível em:
identifier_str_mv FERRATTI, Gustavo Mendonça. Estrutura social, poder e linguagem: um estudo crítico dos CEOs das big techs. 2023. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2023. Disponível em:
dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
language por
dc.rights.driver.fl_str_mv Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Brazil
rights_invalid_str_mv Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Brazil
eu_rights_str_mv openAccess
dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Câmpus São Carlos
dc.publisher.program.fl_str_mv Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção - PPGEP
dc.publisher.initials.fl_str_mv UFSCar
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Câmpus São Carlos
dc.source.none.fl_str_mv reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSCAR
instname:Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR)
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