Sustainable Event and Festival In Cirebon, Indonesia: In Islamic Marketing Perspective / Evento y Festival Sostenible en Cirebon, Indonesia: En Perspectiva del Marketing Islámico

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Jaelani, Aan
Data de Publicação: 2020
Outros Autores: Setyawan, Edy, Aziz, Abdul, Wahyuningsih, Nining, Djuwita, Diana
Tipo de documento: Artigo
Idioma: eng
Título da fonte: Rosa dos Ventos (Caxias do Sul)
Texto Completo:
Resumo: ABSTRACTThis article will explore the sustainability of events and festivals on tourism activities held in Cirebon, Indonésia. The city, known as the ‘City of Guardians’, is very popular with religious tourism destinations that are branded for tourism products. Events and festivals that are held on an ongoing basis can become tourist attractions, used as a marketing place, and a strategy to create an image of the destination, thus attracting tourists' visits. The methodology used is the document review approach and trend analysis to observe and analyze the various events and festivals held from 2015 to 2019 and the shariah marketing mix that they apply. This article concludes that the shariah marketing mix in promoting events and festivals from various existing tourism segments, such as religious and traditional tourism, arts and cultural tourism, culinary tourism, nature tourism, and local economic tourism, has demonstrated a new concept for marketing tourism products, which emphasizes aspects of locality and uniqueness. So that this tourist destination is not only more potential and crowded by tourists, but also has shown the sustainability of the event and the festival itself.KEYWORDSTourism; Events; Festivals; Islamic Marketing; Shariah Marketing Mix; Cirebon, Indonesia. RESUMENEste artículo explorará la sustentabilidad de eventos y festivales sobre actividades turísticas realizadas en Cirebon. La ciudad, conocida como la "Ciudad de los Guardianes", es muy popular entre los destinos de turismo religioso que son marcados por los productos turísticos. Los eventos y festivales que se realizan de manera continua pueden convertirse en atracciones turísticas, utilizados como espacio de marketing es una estrategia para crear una imagen de destino, atrayendo así las visitas de los turistas. La metodología utilizada es el enfoque de revisión de documentos y el análisis de tendencias para observar y analizar los diversos eventos y festivales celebrados de 2015 hasta 2019 y la combinación de marketing de Shariah que aplican. Este artículo concluye que la mezcla de marketing de la Shariah en la promoción de eventos y festivales de varios segmentos turísticos existentes, como el turismo religioso y tradicional, el turismo artístico y cultural, el turismo culinario, el turismo de naturaleza y el turismo económico local ha demostrado un nuevo concepto para comercializar productos turísticos, que enfatiza aspectos de localidad y exclusividad.  Para que este destino turístico no solo sea más potencial y lleno de turistas, sino que también tenga mostrado la sustentabilidad del evento y del propio festival.  (Translate: Ronaldo L. Diaz).PALABRAS CLAVE:  Turismo; Eventos; Festivales; Marketing Mix Islámico; Shariah Marketing Mix, Cirebon, Indonesia.  AUTORIAAan Jaelani – Doctor. Associate Professor Department of Islamic Economics, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: Setyawan – Doctor. Associate Professor Department of Islamic Economics, IAIN Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: edysetyawano@gmail.comAbdul Aziz – Doctor. Associate Professor Department of Islamic Economics, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: Wahyuningsih - Senior Lecturers, Department of Islamic Management, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: Djuwita - Senior Lecturers of Management. Department of Islamic Management, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: REFERENCESAbati Morey, G., & Peñarroya, M. (2010). El viaje al corazón de las redes sociales: objetivos, herramientas 2.0 y factores de éxito. Harvard-Deusto Marketing & Ventas, 99, 64-68. LinkAbuznaid, S. (2012). Islamic marketing: Addressing the Muslim market. Humanities, 26(6), 1473-1503. LinkAli, A. J., & Al-Aali, A. (2015). Marketing and ethics: What Islamic ethics have contributed and the challenges ahead. Journal of Business Ethics, 129(4), 833-845. LinkAlizade, R., Mehrani, H., & Didekhani, H. (2014). A study on the effect of selected marketing mix elements on brand equity with mediating role of brand equity in Etka Chain Stores-Golestan Province. Kuwait Chapter of the Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 3(11), 184-195. LinkAl-Jayyousi, O. R. (2016). Islam and Sustainable Development. London: Taylor & Francis Group.Alserhan, B. A. (2017). The principles of Islamic marketing. London: Routledge.Arham, M. (2010). Islamic perspectives on marketing. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 1(2), 149-164. LinkAsih, S. M., & Asih, S. K. (2015). Marketing Strategy Implementation in Developing Sharia Tourism in Indonesia. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research, 84, 133-137. LinkBinter, U., Ferjan, M., & Neves, J. V. (2016). Marketing Mix and Tourism Destination Image: The Study of Destination Bled, Slovenia. Organizacija, 49(4), 209-223. LinkBitner, M. J., & Booms, B. H. (1982). Trends in travel and tourism marketing: The changing structure of distribution channels. Journal of Travel Research, 20(4), 39-44. LinkBlake, A., Arbache, J. S., Sinclair, M. T., & Teles, V. (2008). Tourism and poverty relief. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(1), 107-126. LinkBoissevain, J. (1999). Continuity and revitalization in European ritual: the case of San Bessu. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 5(3), 461-469. Link Bonnemaison, S. (1990). City policies and cyclical events. Design Quarterly, 147, 24-32. LinkBrocklesby, M. A., & Fisher, E. (2003). Community development in sustainable livelihoods approaches–an introduction. Community Development Journal, 38(3), 185-198. Link Brown, G. P., & Essex, S. J. (1989). Tourism policies in the public sector. In: Witt, S. F., & Moutinho, L. (eds.) (1989). Tourism Marketing and Management Handbook. New York: Prentice Hall.Burns, P. M., & Holden, A. (1995). Tourism: A new perspective. Prentic e Hall.Butler, R. W. (1999). Sustainable tourism: A state‐of‐the‐art review. Tourism Geographies, 1(1), 7-25. LinkCiriković, E. (2014). Marketing mix in Tourism. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(2), 111-117. LinkConstantinides, E. (2006). The marketing mix revisited: towards the 21st century marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 22(3-4), 407-438. LinkCroes, R., & Vanegas Sr, M. (2008). Cointegration and causality between tourism and poverty reduction. Journal of Travel Research, 47(1), 94-103. LinkDamirchi, G.V., & Shafai, Z. (2011). A Guideline to Islamic marketing mix. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(3), 1339-1347. LinkDavies, T., & Cahill, S. (2000). Environmental implications of the tourism industry. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future.Dickson, C., & Arcodia, C. (2010). Promoting sustainable event practice: The role of professional associations. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(2), 236-244. LinkEnsor, J., Robertson, M., & Ali-Knight, J. (2011). Eliciting the dynamics of leading a sustainable event: Key informant responses. Event Management, 15(4), 315-327. LinkFalassi, A. (Ed.). (1987). Time out of time: Essays on the festival. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. Farrell, K. (2001). Human resource issues as barriers to staff retention and development in the tourism industry. Irish Journal of Management, 22(2), 121-140. Link Font, X., & McCabe, S. (2017). Sustainability and marketing in tourism: Its contexts, paradoxes, approaches, challenges and potential. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25(7), 869-883. LinkFormica, S. (1998). The development of festivals and special events studies. Festival Management and Event Tourism, 5(3), 131–137. LinkGetz, D. (1989). Special events: Defining the product. Tourism Management, 10(2), 135–137. LinkGetz, D. (2004). Bidding on events: Critical success factors. Journal of Convention and Exhibition Management, 5(2), 1–24. LinkGetz, D. (2008). Event tourism: Definition, evolution, and research. Tourism Management, 29(1), 403–428. LinkGetz, D. (2009). Policy for sustainable and responsible festivals and events: Institutionalization of a new paradigm. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 1(1), 61-78. LinkGetz, D., & Andersson, T. D. (2008). Sustainable festivals: On becoming an institution. Event Management, 12(1), 1-17. LinkGibson, H. J., Kaplanidou, K., & Kang, S. J. (2012). Small-scale event sport tourism: A case study in sustainable tourism. Sport Management Review, 15(2), 160-170. LinkGotham, K. (2002). Marketing mardi gras: Commodification, spectacle and the political economy of tourism in New Orleans. Urban Studies, 39(10), 1735–1756. LinkHaq, F. M. (2014). The significance of partnership as a marketing strategy for Islamic spiritual tourism. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 5(2), 258-272. LinkHassan, A., Chachi, A., & Abdul Latiff, S. (2008). Islamic marketing ethics and its impact on customer satisfaction in the Islamic banking industry. JKAU: Islamic Economy, 21(1), 27-46. LinkHawkins, D. E., & Mann, S. (2007). The World Bank’s role in tourism development. Annals of Tourism Research, 34(2), 348-363. LinkHenderson, S. (2011). The development of competitive advantage through sustainable event management. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 3(3), 245-257. LinkHolmes, K., Hughes, M., Mair, J., & Carlsen, J. (2015). Events and sustainability. Routledge.Hudson, S. (2008). Tourism and hospitality marketing. London: Sage Publications.Islam, T., & Chandrasekaran, U. (2013). Halal marketing: Growing the pie. International Journal of Management Research and Reviews, 3(12), 3938. LinkJackson, N. (2013). Promoting and marketing events: Theory and practice. London: Routledge.Jaelani, A. (2016). Cirebon as the Silk Road: A New Approach of Heritage Tourisme and Creative Economy. 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spelling Sustainable Event and Festival In Cirebon, Indonesia: In Islamic Marketing Perspective / Evento y Festival Sostenible en Cirebon, Indonesia: En Perspectiva del Marketing IslámicoIslamic Economics/Tourism Management/Halal TourismTourism; Turismo; Events; Eventos; Festivals; Festivales; Islamic Marketing; Marketing Mix Islámico; Shariah Marketing Mix; Cirebon, Indonesia.ABSTRACTThis article will explore the sustainability of events and festivals on tourism activities held in Cirebon, Indonésia. The city, known as the ‘City of Guardians’, is very popular with religious tourism destinations that are branded for tourism products. Events and festivals that are held on an ongoing basis can become tourist attractions, used as a marketing place, and a strategy to create an image of the destination, thus attracting tourists' visits. The methodology used is the document review approach and trend analysis to observe and analyze the various events and festivals held from 2015 to 2019 and the shariah marketing mix that they apply. This article concludes that the shariah marketing mix in promoting events and festivals from various existing tourism segments, such as religious and traditional tourism, arts and cultural tourism, culinary tourism, nature tourism, and local economic tourism, has demonstrated a new concept for marketing tourism products, which emphasizes aspects of locality and uniqueness. So that this tourist destination is not only more potential and crowded by tourists, but also has shown the sustainability of the event and the festival itself.KEYWORDSTourism; Events; Festivals; Islamic Marketing; Shariah Marketing Mix; Cirebon, Indonesia. RESUMENEste artículo explorará la sustentabilidad de eventos y festivales sobre actividades turísticas realizadas en Cirebon. La ciudad, conocida como la "Ciudad de los Guardianes", es muy popular entre los destinos de turismo religioso que son marcados por los productos turísticos. Los eventos y festivales que se realizan de manera continua pueden convertirse en atracciones turísticas, utilizados como espacio de marketing es una estrategia para crear una imagen de destino, atrayendo así las visitas de los turistas. La metodología utilizada es el enfoque de revisión de documentos y el análisis de tendencias para observar y analizar los diversos eventos y festivales celebrados de 2015 hasta 2019 y la combinación de marketing de Shariah que aplican. Este artículo concluye que la mezcla de marketing de la Shariah en la promoción de eventos y festivales de varios segmentos turísticos existentes, como el turismo religioso y tradicional, el turismo artístico y cultural, el turismo culinario, el turismo de naturaleza y el turismo económico local ha demostrado un nuevo concepto para comercializar productos turísticos, que enfatiza aspectos de localidad y exclusividad.  Para que este destino turístico no solo sea más potencial y lleno de turistas, sino que también tenga mostrado la sustentabilidad del evento y del propio festival.  (Translate: Ronaldo L. Diaz).PALABRAS CLAVE:  Turismo; Eventos; Festivales; Marketing Mix Islámico; Shariah Marketing Mix, Cirebon, Indonesia.  AUTORIAAan Jaelani – Doctor. Associate Professor Department of Islamic Economics, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: Setyawan – Doctor. Associate Professor Department of Islamic Economics, IAIN Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: edysetyawano@gmail.comAbdul Aziz – Doctor. Associate Professor Department of Islamic Economics, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: Wahyuningsih - Senior Lecturers, Department of Islamic Management, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: Djuwita - Senior Lecturers of Management. Department of Islamic Management, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: REFERENCESAbati Morey, G., & Peñarroya, M. (2010). El viaje al corazón de las redes sociales: objetivos, herramientas 2.0 y factores de éxito. Harvard-Deusto Marketing & Ventas, 99, 64-68. LinkAbuznaid, S. (2012). Islamic marketing: Addressing the Muslim market. Humanities, 26(6), 1473-1503. LinkAli, A. J., & Al-Aali, A. (2015). Marketing and ethics: What Islamic ethics have contributed and the challenges ahead. Journal of Business Ethics, 129(4), 833-845. LinkAlizade, R., Mehrani, H., & Didekhani, H. (2014). A study on the effect of selected marketing mix elements on brand equity with mediating role of brand equity in Etka Chain Stores-Golestan Province. Kuwait Chapter of the Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 3(11), 184-195. LinkAl-Jayyousi, O. R. (2016). Islam and Sustainable Development. London: Taylor & Francis Group.Alserhan, B. A. (2017). The principles of Islamic marketing. London: Routledge.Arham, M. (2010). Islamic perspectives on marketing. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 1(2), 149-164. LinkAsih, S. M., & Asih, S. K. (2015). Marketing Strategy Implementation in Developing Sharia Tourism in Indonesia. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research, 84, 133-137. LinkBinter, U., Ferjan, M., & Neves, J. V. (2016). Marketing Mix and Tourism Destination Image: The Study of Destination Bled, Slovenia. Organizacija, 49(4), 209-223. LinkBitner, M. J., & Booms, B. H. (1982). Trends in travel and tourism marketing: The changing structure of distribution channels. Journal of Travel Research, 20(4), 39-44. LinkBlake, A., Arbache, J. S., Sinclair, M. T., & Teles, V. (2008). Tourism and poverty relief. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(1), 107-126. LinkBoissevain, J. (1999). Continuity and revitalization in European ritual: the case of San Bessu. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 5(3), 461-469. Link Bonnemaison, S. (1990). City policies and cyclical events. Design Quarterly, 147, 24-32. LinkBrocklesby, M. A., & Fisher, E. (2003). Community development in sustainable livelihoods approaches–an introduction. Community Development Journal, 38(3), 185-198. Link Brown, G. P., & Essex, S. J. (1989). Tourism policies in the public sector. In: Witt, S. F., & Moutinho, L. (eds.) (1989). Tourism Marketing and Management Handbook. New York: Prentice Hall.Burns, P. M., & Holden, A. (1995). Tourism: A new perspective. Prentic e Hall.Butler, R. W. (1999). Sustainable tourism: A state‐of‐the‐art review. Tourism Geographies, 1(1), 7-25. LinkCiriković, E. (2014). Marketing mix in Tourism. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(2), 111-117. LinkConstantinides, E. (2006). The marketing mix revisited: towards the 21st century marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 22(3-4), 407-438. LinkCroes, R., & Vanegas Sr, M. (2008). Cointegration and causality between tourism and poverty reduction. Journal of Travel Research, 47(1), 94-103. LinkDamirchi, G.V., & Shafai, Z. (2011). A Guideline to Islamic marketing mix. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(3), 1339-1347. LinkDavies, T., & Cahill, S. (2000). Environmental implications of the tourism industry. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future.Dickson, C., & Arcodia, C. (2010). Promoting sustainable event practice: The role of professional associations. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(2), 236-244. LinkEnsor, J., Robertson, M., & Ali-Knight, J. (2011). Eliciting the dynamics of leading a sustainable event: Key informant responses. Event Management, 15(4), 315-327. LinkFalassi, A. (Ed.). (1987). Time out of time: Essays on the festival. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. Farrell, K. (2001). Human resource issues as barriers to staff retention and development in the tourism industry. Irish Journal of Management, 22(2), 121-140. Link Font, X., & McCabe, S. (2017). Sustainability and marketing in tourism: Its contexts, paradoxes, approaches, challenges and potential. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25(7), 869-883. LinkFormica, S. (1998). The development of festivals and special events studies. Festival Management and Event Tourism, 5(3), 131–137. LinkGetz, D. (1989). Special events: Defining the product. Tourism Management, 10(2), 135–137. LinkGetz, D. (2004). Bidding on events: Critical success factors. Journal of Convention and Exhibition Management, 5(2), 1–24. LinkGetz, D. (2008). Event tourism: Definition, evolution, and research. Tourism Management, 29(1), 403–428. LinkGetz, D. (2009). Policy for sustainable and responsible festivals and events: Institutionalization of a new paradigm. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 1(1), 61-78. LinkGetz, D., & Andersson, T. D. (2008). Sustainable festivals: On becoming an institution. Event Management, 12(1), 1-17. LinkGibson, H. J., Kaplanidou, K., & Kang, S. J. (2012). Small-scale event sport tourism: A case study in sustainable tourism. Sport Management Review, 15(2), 160-170. LinkGotham, K. (2002). Marketing mardi gras: Commodification, spectacle and the political economy of tourism in New Orleans. Urban Studies, 39(10), 1735–1756. LinkHaq, F. M. (2014). The significance of partnership as a marketing strategy for Islamic spiritual tourism. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 5(2), 258-272. LinkHassan, A., Chachi, A., & Abdul Latiff, S. (2008). Islamic marketing ethics and its impact on customer satisfaction in the Islamic banking industry. JKAU: Islamic Economy, 21(1), 27-46. LinkHawkins, D. E., & Mann, S. (2007). The World Bank’s role in tourism development. Annals of Tourism Research, 34(2), 348-363. LinkHenderson, S. (2011). The development of competitive advantage through sustainable event management. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 3(3), 245-257. LinkHolmes, K., Hughes, M., Mair, J., & Carlsen, J. (2015). Events and sustainability. Routledge.Hudson, S. (2008). Tourism and hospitality marketing. London: Sage Publications.Islam, T., & Chandrasekaran, U. (2013). Halal marketing: Growing the pie. International Journal of Management Research and Reviews, 3(12), 3938. LinkJackson, N. (2013). Promoting and marketing events: Theory and practice. London: Routledge.Jaelani, A. (2016). Cirebon as the Silk Road: A New Approach of Heritage Tourisme and Creative Economy. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 3(2), 264-283. LinkJaelani, A. (2016a). Islamic Tourism Development in Cirebon: The Study Heritage Tourism in Islamic Economic Perspective. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 3(2), 215-235. Link Jaelani, A. (2017). Halal tourism industry in Indonesia: Potential and prospects. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7(3), 25-34. Link Jaelani, A., Setyawan, E., & Hasyim, N. (2016). Religious Heritage Tourism and Creative Economy in Cirebon: The Diversity of Religious, Cultures and Culinary. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 3(1), 63-76. LinkJafari, A. (2012). Islamic marketing: insights from a critical perspective. Journal of Islamic marketing, 3(1), 22-34. LinkJaniskee, B. (1980). South Carolina's harvest festivals: Rural delights for day tripping urbanites. Journal of Cultural Geography, 1(1), 96-104. LinkJones, C. (2012). Festivals and events in emergent economies: A sea change, and for whom?. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 3(1), 9-11. LinkJones, M. L. (2017). Sustainable event management: A practical guide. Routledge.Kates, R. W. (2011). What kind of a science is sustainability science?. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(49), 19449-19450. LinkKhalid, F. M. (2002). Islam and the Environment. Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, 5(1), 332-339. Link  Kolb, B. M. (2006). Tourism marketing for cities and towns: Using branding and events to attract tourism. London: Routledge.Kotler, P. & Keller, K. (2009). Marketing management. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.Kotler, P. dan Armstrong, G. (2006). Principles of marketing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.Kotler, P., Bowen, J. T., and Makens, J.C. (2010). Marketing for hospitality and tourism. Prentice Hall.Kotler, P., Bowen, J. T., Makens, J., & Baloglu, S. (2017). Marketing for hospitality and tourism. Boston, MA: Pearson Education.Lawton, L. J., & Weaver, D. B. (2010). Normative and innovative sustainable resource management at birding festivals. Tourism Management, 31(4), 527-536. LinkLi, X. & Petrick, J.F. (2006). A review of festival and event motivation studies. Event Management, 9, 239. Link Logar, I. (2010). Sustainable tourism management in Crikvenica, Croatia: An assessment of policy instruments. Tourism Management, 31(1), 125-135. LinkLyck, L., Long, P., & Grige, A. X. (eds.) (2012). Tourism, Festivals and Cultural Events in Times of Crisis. Frederiksberg: Copenhagen Business School Press.Matheson, C. M. (2005). Festivity and sociability: A study of a Celtic music festival. Tourism Culture & Communication, 5(3), 149-163. Link Mathieson, A. & Wall, G. (1982). Tourism, Economic, Physical and Social Impacts. Harlow: Longmans.Musgrave, J., & Raj, R. (2009). Introduction to a conceptual framework for sustainable events. Event management and sustainability.Nathania, A.A. (2013). Tourism & travel agency management. Jakarta: STP Trisakti.Pine, B., & Gilmore, J. (1999). The experience economy: Work is theatre and every business a stage. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.Pomering, A., Noble, G., & Johnson, L. W. (2011). Conceptualising a contemporary marketing mix for sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19(8), 953-969. LinkPrayitno, P. (2017, 27 dec.). 26 tourism agenda in Cirebon 2017. Liputan. Link Prentice, R., & Andersen, V. (2003). Festival as creative destination. Annals of Tourism Research, 30(1), 7-30. LinkQuinn, B. (2006). Problematising ‘festival tourism’: Arts festivals and sustainable development in Ireland. Journal of sustainable tourism, 14(3), 288-306. LinkRafiq, M., & Ahmed, P. K. (1995). Using the 7Ps as a generic marketing mix: An exploratory survey of UK and European marketing academics. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 13(9), 4-15. LinkRaj, R., & Vignali, C. (2010). Creating local experiences of cultural tourism through sustainable festivals. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 1(1), 51-67. LinkRiaz, W., & Tanveer, A. (2012). Marketing mix, not branding. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 1(11), 43-52. LinkRolfe, H. (1992). Arts festivals in the UK. London: Policy studies institute.Saeed, M., Ahmed, Z. U., & Mukhtar, S. M. (2001). International marketing ethics from an Islamic perspective: a value-maximization approach. Journal of Business Ethics, 32(2), 127-142. LinkSandıkçı, Ö. (2011). Researching Islamic marketing: past and future perspectives. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 2(3), 246-258. LinkSandıkcı, Ö., & Rice, G. (eds.). (2011). Handbook of Islamic marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing.Sardar, Z., Inayatullah, S., & Boxwell, G. (2003). Islam, Postmodernism and Other Futures a Ziauddin Sardar Reader.Schulenkorf, N. (2012). Sustainable community development through sport and events: A conceptual framework for sport-for-development projects. Sport Management Review, 15(1), 1-12. LinkSchuster, J. M. (2001). Ephemera, temporary urbanism and imaging. 361-396. In: Vales, L. J., & Warner, S. B. (eds). Imaging the City: Continuing Struggles and New Directions New Brunswick: CUPR Books. Sharpley, R. (2000). Tourism and sustainable development: Exploring the theoretical divide. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 8(1), 1-19. LinkShin, H. (2004). Cultural festivals and regional identities in South Korea. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 22, 619-632. LinkStokes, R. (2004). A framework for the analysis of events—tourism knowledge networks. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 11(2), 108–123. LinkSula, M. S. & Kartajaya, H. (2006). Shariah marketing. Bandung: Mizan. Turner, V. (Ed.). (1982). Celebration: Studies in festivity and ritual. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.Urry, J. (1995). Consuming places. London: Routledge.Walker, P. (2017). Sustainability: a discipline and a political agenda?. Environmental Hazards, 16(2), 93-98. LinkWilson, J. A. (2012). The new wave of transformational Islamic marketing. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 3(1), 5-11. Link  Wilson, J. A., & Grant, J. (2013). Islamic marketing–a challenger to the classical marketing canon?. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 4(1), 7-21. LinkWilson, J. A., & Liu, J. (2011). The challenges of Islamic branding: navigating emotions and halal. Journal of Islamic marketing, 2(1), 28-42. Link  Yıldırım, T. B., Ak, T., & Ölmez, Z. (2008). Assessment of the natural-cultural resources in Çanakkale for nature-based tourism. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 10(6), 871-881. LinkZarrad, H. & Debabi, M. (2015). Islamic marketing ethics: A literature review. International Journal of Management Research & Review, 5(2). LinkZineldin, M., & Philipson, S. (2007). Kotler and Borden are not dead: myth of relationship marketing and truth of the 4Ps. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 24(4), 229-241. LinkZolfani, S. H., Sedaghat, M., Maknoon, R., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2015). Sustainable tourism: a comprehensive literature review on frameworks and applications. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 28(1), 1-30. LinkZukin, S. (1995). The Cultures of Cities. Cambridge. MA: Blackwell. PROCESSO EDITORIAL Recebido: 7 FEV 20; Aceito: 24 SET 20.   ROSA DOS VENTOS - Turismo e HospitalidadeFaculty of Shariah and Islamic Economic, IAIN Syekh Nurjati CirebonJaelani, AanSetyawan, EdyAziz, AbdulWahyuningsih, NiningDjuwita, Diana2020-11-09info:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersionArtigo Avaliado pelos Paresapplication/pdf DOS VENTOS - Turismo e Hospitalidade; v. 12, n. 4 (2020): Revista Rosa dos Ventos - Turismo e Hospitalidade2178-9061reponame:Rosa dos Ventos (Caxias do Sul)instname:Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS)instacron:UCSeng autorais 2020 Aan Jaelani, Edy Setyawan, Abdul Aziz, Nining Wahyuningsih, Diana Djuwitainfo:eu-repo/semantics/ dos Ventos (Caxias do Sul) - Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS)false
dc.title.none.fl_str_mv Sustainable Event and Festival In Cirebon, Indonesia: In Islamic Marketing Perspective / Evento y Festival Sostenible en Cirebon, Indonesia: En Perspectiva del Marketing Islámico
title Sustainable Event and Festival In Cirebon, Indonesia: In Islamic Marketing Perspective / Evento y Festival Sostenible en Cirebon, Indonesia: En Perspectiva del Marketing Islámico
spellingShingle Sustainable Event and Festival In Cirebon, Indonesia: In Islamic Marketing Perspective / Evento y Festival Sostenible en Cirebon, Indonesia: En Perspectiva del Marketing Islámico
Jaelani, Aan
Islamic Economics/Tourism Management/Halal Tourism
Tourism; Turismo; Events; Eventos; Festivals; Festivales; Islamic Marketing; Marketing Mix Islámico; Shariah Marketing Mix; Cirebon, Indonesia.
title_short Sustainable Event and Festival In Cirebon, Indonesia: In Islamic Marketing Perspective / Evento y Festival Sostenible en Cirebon, Indonesia: En Perspectiva del Marketing Islámico
title_full Sustainable Event and Festival In Cirebon, Indonesia: In Islamic Marketing Perspective / Evento y Festival Sostenible en Cirebon, Indonesia: En Perspectiva del Marketing Islámico
title_fullStr Sustainable Event and Festival In Cirebon, Indonesia: In Islamic Marketing Perspective / Evento y Festival Sostenible en Cirebon, Indonesia: En Perspectiva del Marketing Islámico
title_full_unstemmed Sustainable Event and Festival In Cirebon, Indonesia: In Islamic Marketing Perspective / Evento y Festival Sostenible en Cirebon, Indonesia: En Perspectiva del Marketing Islámico
title_sort Sustainable Event and Festival In Cirebon, Indonesia: In Islamic Marketing Perspective / Evento y Festival Sostenible en Cirebon, Indonesia: En Perspectiva del Marketing Islámico
author Jaelani, Aan
author_facet Jaelani, Aan
Setyawan, Edy
Aziz, Abdul
Wahyuningsih, Nining
Djuwita, Diana
author_role author
author2 Setyawan, Edy
Aziz, Abdul
Wahyuningsih, Nining
Djuwita, Diana
author2_role author
dc.contributor.none.fl_str_mv Faculty of Shariah and Islamic Economic, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon Jaelani, Aan
Setyawan, Edy
Aziz, Abdul
Wahyuningsih, Nining
Djuwita, Diana
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Islamic Economics/Tourism Management/Halal Tourism
Tourism; Turismo; Events; Eventos; Festivals; Festivales; Islamic Marketing; Marketing Mix Islámico; Shariah Marketing Mix; Cirebon, Indonesia.
topic Islamic Economics/Tourism Management/Halal Tourism
Tourism; Turismo; Events; Eventos; Festivals; Festivales; Islamic Marketing; Marketing Mix Islámico; Shariah Marketing Mix; Cirebon, Indonesia.
description ABSTRACTThis article will explore the sustainability of events and festivals on tourism activities held in Cirebon, Indonésia. The city, known as the ‘City of Guardians’, is very popular with religious tourism destinations that are branded for tourism products. Events and festivals that are held on an ongoing basis can become tourist attractions, used as a marketing place, and a strategy to create an image of the destination, thus attracting tourists' visits. The methodology used is the document review approach and trend analysis to observe and analyze the various events and festivals held from 2015 to 2019 and the shariah marketing mix that they apply. This article concludes that the shariah marketing mix in promoting events and festivals from various existing tourism segments, such as religious and traditional tourism, arts and cultural tourism, culinary tourism, nature tourism, and local economic tourism, has demonstrated a new concept for marketing tourism products, which emphasizes aspects of locality and uniqueness. So that this tourist destination is not only more potential and crowded by tourists, but also has shown the sustainability of the event and the festival itself.KEYWORDSTourism; Events; Festivals; Islamic Marketing; Shariah Marketing Mix; Cirebon, Indonesia. RESUMENEste artículo explorará la sustentabilidad de eventos y festivales sobre actividades turísticas realizadas en Cirebon. La ciudad, conocida como la "Ciudad de los Guardianes", es muy popular entre los destinos de turismo religioso que son marcados por los productos turísticos. Los eventos y festivales que se realizan de manera continua pueden convertirse en atracciones turísticas, utilizados como espacio de marketing es una estrategia para crear una imagen de destino, atrayendo así las visitas de los turistas. La metodología utilizada es el enfoque de revisión de documentos y el análisis de tendencias para observar y analizar los diversos eventos y festivales celebrados de 2015 hasta 2019 y la combinación de marketing de Shariah que aplican. Este artículo concluye que la mezcla de marketing de la Shariah en la promoción de eventos y festivales de varios segmentos turísticos existentes, como el turismo religioso y tradicional, el turismo artístico y cultural, el turismo culinario, el turismo de naturaleza y el turismo económico local ha demostrado un nuevo concepto para comercializar productos turísticos, que enfatiza aspectos de localidad y exclusividad.  Para que este destino turístico no solo sea más potencial y lleno de turistas, sino que también tenga mostrado la sustentabilidad del evento y del propio festival.  (Translate: Ronaldo L. Diaz).PALABRAS CLAVE:  Turismo; Eventos; Festivales; Marketing Mix Islámico; Shariah Marketing Mix, Cirebon, Indonesia.  AUTORIAAan Jaelani – Doctor. Associate Professor Department of Islamic Economics, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: Setyawan – Doctor. Associate Professor Department of Islamic Economics, IAIN Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: edysetyawano@gmail.comAbdul Aziz – Doctor. Associate Professor Department of Islamic Economics, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: Wahyuningsih - Senior Lecturers, Department of Islamic Management, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: Djuwita - Senior Lecturers of Management. Department of Islamic Management, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia. Orcid: Email: REFERENCESAbati Morey, G., & Peñarroya, M. (2010). El viaje al corazón de las redes sociales: objetivos, herramientas 2.0 y factores de éxito. Harvard-Deusto Marketing & Ventas, 99, 64-68. LinkAbuznaid, S. (2012). Islamic marketing: Addressing the Muslim market. Humanities, 26(6), 1473-1503. LinkAli, A. J., & Al-Aali, A. (2015). Marketing and ethics: What Islamic ethics have contributed and the challenges ahead. 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International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 3(1), 9-11. LinkJones, M. L. (2017). Sustainable event management: A practical guide. Routledge.Kates, R. W. (2011). What kind of a science is sustainability science?. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(49), 19449-19450. LinkKhalid, F. M. (2002). Islam and the Environment. Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, 5(1), 332-339. Link  Kolb, B. M. (2006). Tourism marketing for cities and towns: Using branding and events to attract tourism. London: Routledge.Kotler, P. & Keller, K. (2009). Marketing management. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.Kotler, P. dan Armstrong, G. (2006). Principles of marketing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.Kotler, P., Bowen, J. T., and Makens, J.C. (2010). Marketing for hospitality and tourism. Prentice Hall.Kotler, P., Bowen, J. T., Makens, J., & Baloglu, S. (2017). Marketing for hospitality and tourism. Boston, MA: Pearson Education.Lawton, L. J., & Weaver, D. B. (2010). Normative and innovative sustainable resource management at birding festivals. Tourism Management, 31(4), 527-536. LinkLi, X. & Petrick, J.F. (2006). A review of festival and event motivation studies. Event Management, 9, 239. Link Logar, I. (2010). Sustainable tourism management in Crikvenica, Croatia: An assessment of policy instruments. Tourism Management, 31(1), 125-135. LinkLyck, L., Long, P., & Grige, A. X. (eds.) (2012). Tourism, Festivals and Cultural Events in Times of Crisis. Frederiksberg: Copenhagen Business School Press.Matheson, C. M. (2005). Festivity and sociability: A study of a Celtic music festival. Tourism Culture & Communication, 5(3), 149-163. Link Mathieson, A. & Wall, G. (1982). Tourism, Economic, Physical and Social Impacts. Harlow: Longmans.Musgrave, J., & Raj, R. (2009). Introduction to a conceptual framework for sustainable events. Event management and sustainability.Nathania, A.A. (2013). Tourism & travel agency management. Jakarta: STP Trisakti.Pine, B., & Gilmore, J. (1999). The experience economy: Work is theatre and every business a stage. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.Pomering, A., Noble, G., & Johnson, L. W. (2011). Conceptualising a contemporary marketing mix for sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19(8), 953-969. LinkPrayitno, P. (2017, 27 dec.). 26 tourism agenda in Cirebon 2017. Liputan. Link Prentice, R., & Andersen, V. (2003). Festival as creative destination. Annals of Tourism Research, 30(1), 7-30. LinkQuinn, B. (2006). Problematising ‘festival tourism’: Arts festivals and sustainable development in Ireland. Journal of sustainable tourism, 14(3), 288-306. LinkRafiq, M., & Ahmed, P. K. (1995). Using the 7Ps as a generic marketing mix: An exploratory survey of UK and European marketing academics. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 13(9), 4-15. LinkRaj, R., & Vignali, C. (2010). Creating local experiences of cultural tourism through sustainable festivals. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 1(1), 51-67. LinkRiaz, W., & Tanveer, A. (2012). Marketing mix, not branding. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 1(11), 43-52. LinkRolfe, H. (1992). Arts festivals in the UK. London: Policy studies institute.Saeed, M., Ahmed, Z. U., & Mukhtar, S. M. (2001). International marketing ethics from an Islamic perspective: a value-maximization approach. Journal of Business Ethics, 32(2), 127-142. LinkSandıkçı, Ö. (2011). Researching Islamic marketing: past and future perspectives. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 2(3), 246-258. LinkSandıkcı, Ö., & Rice, G. (eds.). (2011). Handbook of Islamic marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing.Sardar, Z., Inayatullah, S., & Boxwell, G. (2003). Islam, Postmodernism and Other Futures a Ziauddin Sardar Reader.Schulenkorf, N. (2012). Sustainable community development through sport and events: A conceptual framework for sport-for-development projects. Sport Management Review, 15(1), 1-12. LinkSchuster, J. M. (2001). Ephemera, temporary urbanism and imaging. 361-396. In: Vales, L. J., & Warner, S. B. (eds). Imaging the City: Continuing Struggles and New Directions New Brunswick: CUPR Books. Sharpley, R. (2000). Tourism and sustainable development: Exploring the theoretical divide. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 8(1), 1-19. LinkShin, H. (2004). Cultural festivals and regional identities in South Korea. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 22, 619-632. LinkStokes, R. (2004). A framework for the analysis of events—tourism knowledge networks. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 11(2), 108–123. LinkSula, M. S. & Kartajaya, H. (2006). Shariah marketing. Bandung: Mizan. Turner, V. (Ed.). (1982). Celebration: Studies in festivity and ritual. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.Urry, J. (1995). Consuming places. London: Routledge.Walker, P. (2017). Sustainability: a discipline and a political agenda?. Environmental Hazards, 16(2), 93-98. LinkWilson, J. A. (2012). The new wave of transformational Islamic marketing. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 3(1), 5-11. Link  Wilson, J. A., & Grant, J. (2013). Islamic marketing–a challenger to the classical marketing canon?. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 4(1), 7-21. LinkWilson, J. A., & Liu, J. (2011). The challenges of Islamic branding: navigating emotions and halal. Journal of Islamic marketing, 2(1), 28-42. Link  Yıldırım, T. B., Ak, T., & Ölmez, Z. (2008). Assessment of the natural-cultural resources in Çanakkale for nature-based tourism. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 10(6), 871-881. LinkZarrad, H. & Debabi, M. (2015). Islamic marketing ethics: A literature review. International Journal of Management Research & Review, 5(2). LinkZineldin, M., & Philipson, S. (2007). Kotler and Borden are not dead: myth of relationship marketing and truth of the 4Ps. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 24(4), 229-241. LinkZolfani, S. H., Sedaghat, M., Maknoon, R., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2015). Sustainable tourism: a comprehensive literature review on frameworks and applications. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 28(1), 1-30. LinkZukin, S. (1995). The Cultures of Cities. Cambridge. MA: Blackwell. PROCESSO EDITORIAL Recebido: 7 FEV 20; Aceito: 24 SET 20.   
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dc.publisher.none.fl_str_mv ROSA DOS VENTOS - Turismo e Hospitalidade
publisher.none.fl_str_mv ROSA DOS VENTOS - Turismo e Hospitalidade
dc.source.none.fl_str_mv ROSA DOS VENTOS - Turismo e Hospitalidade; v. 12, n. 4 (2020): Revista Rosa dos Ventos - Turismo e Hospitalidade
reponame:Rosa dos Ventos (Caxias do Sul)
instname:Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS)
instname_str Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS)
instacron_str UCS
institution UCS
reponame_str Rosa dos Ventos (Caxias do Sul)
collection Rosa dos Ventos (Caxias do Sul) Rosa dos Ventos (Caxias do Sul) - Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS)
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