Mudanças na matéria orgânica do solo causadas pelo tempo de adoção de um sistema agrossilvopastoril com eucalipto

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Vergütz, Leonardus
Data de Publicação: 2007
Tipo de documento: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: LOCUS Repositório Institucional da UFV
Texto Completo:
Resumo: Soil organic matter (SOM) is the main property that indicates the sustainability of a cropping system, especially in tropical soils. Additionally, SOM is the major global organic C pool, making this pool a very important sink or source of C to the atmosphere, depends on the soil management. Agrossilvipastoral (AGSP) systems known to impove diversity and sustainability of cropping systems. Furthermore, it is expected that this system maintain or increase C stocks in soil when compared with soils under native Cerrado (Brazilian savannah) vegetation. One simple way to compare cropping systems is through the C management index (CMI), proposed by Blair et al. (1995). It compares cropping systems to a reference area. This index is based in a measure of C lability (C oxidizable by potassium permanganate), which isn t very reliable. The objectives of the present work are to study the impact of eucalypt cultivation under agrossilvipastoral systems on C and N stocks of different SOM fractions in an AGSP chronosequence, and to compare these results with those from soils under native vegetation (Cerrado). Additionally, is proposed a modification in the CMI proposed by Blair et al. (1995). A chronosequence compound of six implantation times of an AGSP system was sampled. The zero time is represented by the soil under Cerrado, followed by 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10 year-old AGSP systems. The soil layers sampled in each area were from 0-10, 10-20, 20-40, 40-60 e 60-100 cm deep, taken in the eucalypt planting line and between lines. The soil samples were chemically and physically characterized. It was also determined the total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), C and N in the light organic matter fraction (LOM) and C oxidizable by potassium permanganate, hereafter called labile carbon (LC). Based on these data, the CMI proposed by Blair et al. (1995) was calculated (CMILC), as well as a modified CMI, which is based on the use of C in the LOM (CMILOM). The TOC stocks showed an initial decrease in the 0-10 and 10-20 cm soil layers in the planting line and in the 0-10 and 20-40 cm soil layer between the eucalypt planting line, with a trend to recover in the older stands (10 years). Deeper soil layers (60- 100 cm) showed an initial increase in C stocks, more in the line than in between line, but this increase was not sustainable. Thus, the C losses would be greater for longer rotation cycles. The total C stock up to 100 cm deep, was similar to the initial TOC stock in the planting line, while in the between line the trend was to loose C without returning to the levels observed in the reference (Cerrado) at the end of the cycle. The main change in the N stocks occurred in deeper soil layers (20-40 and 60-100 cm). In these layers, N stocks showed a rapid initial decrease, followed by a great increase. But this last increase was not sustained and by the end of the cycle the N stocks were less than the original ones in the soil under native vegetation. The same trend was observed for the N stocks at 0-100 cm soil layer. The free LOM fraction presented the major changes, what confirms its great sensibility to management changes. The free LOM C and N losses were greater in soils to between planting lines than in the planting line. Labile C, as well as the CMILC, was not a good indicator of the changes that occurred after the implantation of the AGSP system. But the modified CMI, calculated based on the LOM C (CMICLOM) fitted well for all soil layers analyzed. In addition, the CMICLOM showed the best correlation with TOC, thus been more indicated to compare the cropping system studied. These results show the importance to study deeper soil layers; moreover, they can show relatively large losses of C, which are difficult to recover. The AGSP systems caused a decrease of the soil organic C in upper soil layers and the time that takes to it recover to the original stocks are beyond the time frame of the present study. The free light organic matter was the fraction more sensitive to the changes in soil use and management.
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spelling Vergütz, Leonardus, Ivo Ribeiro da, Nairam Félix de, Roberto Ferreira de, Maurício Dutra, IvoÜTZ, Leonardus. Changes in soil organic matter along a chronosequence of an agrossilvipastoral system of eucalypt cultivation. 2007. 45 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2007. organic matter (SOM) is the main property that indicates the sustainability of a cropping system, especially in tropical soils. Additionally, SOM is the major global organic C pool, making this pool a very important sink or source of C to the atmosphere, depends on the soil management. Agrossilvipastoral (AGSP) systems known to impove diversity and sustainability of cropping systems. Furthermore, it is expected that this system maintain or increase C stocks in soil when compared with soils under native Cerrado (Brazilian savannah) vegetation. One simple way to compare cropping systems is through the C management index (CMI), proposed by Blair et al. (1995). It compares cropping systems to a reference area. This index is based in a measure of C lability (C oxidizable by potassium permanganate), which isn t very reliable. The objectives of the present work are to study the impact of eucalypt cultivation under agrossilvipastoral systems on C and N stocks of different SOM fractions in an AGSP chronosequence, and to compare these results with those from soils under native vegetation (Cerrado). Additionally, is proposed a modification in the CMI proposed by Blair et al. (1995). A chronosequence compound of six implantation times of an AGSP system was sampled. The zero time is represented by the soil under Cerrado, followed by 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10 year-old AGSP systems. The soil layers sampled in each area were from 0-10, 10-20, 20-40, 40-60 e 60-100 cm deep, taken in the eucalypt planting line and between lines. The soil samples were chemically and physically characterized. It was also determined the total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), C and N in the light organic matter fraction (LOM) and C oxidizable by potassium permanganate, hereafter called labile carbon (LC). Based on these data, the CMI proposed by Blair et al. (1995) was calculated (CMILC), as well as a modified CMI, which is based on the use of C in the LOM (CMILOM). The TOC stocks showed an initial decrease in the 0-10 and 10-20 cm soil layers in the planting line and in the 0-10 and 20-40 cm soil layer between the eucalypt planting line, with a trend to recover in the older stands (10 years). Deeper soil layers (60- 100 cm) showed an initial increase in C stocks, more in the line than in between line, but this increase was not sustainable. Thus, the C losses would be greater for longer rotation cycles. The total C stock up to 100 cm deep, was similar to the initial TOC stock in the planting line, while in the between line the trend was to loose C without returning to the levels observed in the reference (Cerrado) at the end of the cycle. The main change in the N stocks occurred in deeper soil layers (20-40 and 60-100 cm). In these layers, N stocks showed a rapid initial decrease, followed by a great increase. But this last increase was not sustained and by the end of the cycle the N stocks were less than the original ones in the soil under native vegetation. The same trend was observed for the N stocks at 0-100 cm soil layer. The free LOM fraction presented the major changes, what confirms its great sensibility to management changes. The free LOM C and N losses were greater in soils to between planting lines than in the planting line. Labile C, as well as the CMILC, was not a good indicator of the changes that occurred after the implantation of the AGSP system. But the modified CMI, calculated based on the LOM C (CMICLOM) fitted well for all soil layers analyzed. In addition, the CMICLOM showed the best correlation with TOC, thus been more indicated to compare the cropping system studied. These results show the importance to study deeper soil layers; moreover, they can show relatively large losses of C, which are difficult to recover. The AGSP systems caused a decrease of the soil organic C in upper soil layers and the time that takes to it recover to the original stocks are beyond the time frame of the present study. The free light organic matter was the fraction more sensitive to the changes in soil use and management.A matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) é a principal propriedade indicadora da sustentabilidade de um sistema de cultivo, principalmente em solos sob condições tropicais. Além disso, ela é o maior compartimento de C orgânico no ciclo global deste elemento, sendo extremamente importante para a manutenção dos seus estoques no ambiente. Sistemas agrossilvopastoris (SASPs) representam práticas de manejo agroflorestal que têm como principal objetivo permitir maior diversidade e sustentabilidade do sistema. Sendo assim, espera-se que eles mantenham ou até mesmo elevem os estoques de carbono (C) do solo, quando comparados a uma área sob vegetação nativa, que neste caso é o Cerrado. Uma medida para se comparar sistemas produtivos é o índice de manejo do C (IMC) proposto por Blair et al. (1995), que compara sistemas produtivos com relação à área de referência. Para isso esse índice se baseia em medida não muito confiável de labilidade do C (C oxidável por permanganato de potássio). Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estudar o impacto dos SASPs de cultivo do eucalipto em diferentes frações de C e de N da MOS, como variável do tempo de implantação dos SASPs, tendo a área de vegetação nativa como referencial (Cerrado). Adicionalmente, propõe-se modificação no IMC proposto por Blair et al. (1995). Para isso, foi amostrada uma cronosseqüência composta por seis tempos de implantação dos SASPs, onde o tempo zero foi representado pela área de referência (Cerrado) e os demais com dois, três, quatro, sete e dez anos de implantação. Foram coletadas amostras de solo das camadas de 0-10, 10- 20, 20-40, 40-60 e 60-100 cm, na linha e na entre-linha de cultivo do eucalipto. Foi feita a caracterização física e química desses solos, assim como as determinações de C orgânico total (COT), N total (NT), C na matéria orgânica leve (MOL), N na MOL e C oxidável por permanganato de potássio, como uma medida de labilidade do C (CL). A partir desses dados foram calculados o IMCCL, proposto por Blair et al. (1995) e o IMCCMOL, que é o índice modificado. Os estoques de COT apresentaram perda inicial de C para as camadas superficiais de 0-10 e 10-20 cm na linha e 0-10 e 20-40 cm na entre-linha, com tendência de recuperação ao final do ciclo (dez anos). As camadas mais profundas (60-100 cm), tanto para a linha quanto para a entrelinha, apresentaram acúmulo inicial de C, sendo maior na linha de plantio do que na entre-linha. Porém, esse acúmulo não foi sustentável e as perdas de C nessa camada foram maiores quanto maior for o ciclo. Para o estoque total de C na camada de 0-100 cm, o manejo da linha de plantio manteve os estoques de COS, enquanto na entre-linha há tendência de perda inicial de C num primeiro momento, sem que esses níveis retornem aos originais (Cerrado) no final do décimo e último ano analisado. As principais mudanças nos estoques de NT ocorreram nas camadas mais profundas (20-40 e 60-100 cm). Nestas camadas, após perda acentuada de N, houve tendência de acúmulo desse elemento ao longo do tempo de implantação dos SASPs. Porém esse acúmulo não foi sustentável e ao final do período estudado esses valores eram menores que os originais (Cerrado). Essa mesma tendência foi observada para o estoque de N na camada de 0-100 cm, sendo que para a entre-linha de plantio essas alterações foram mais acentuadas. A fração da MOL foi a que apresentou as maiores alterações, confirmando sua sensibilidade a alterações de manejo. As perdas de C e N da MOL também foram maiores para a entre-linha de plantio de eucalipto do que para a linha. O C lábil (CL), assim como o índice calculado a partir dele (IMCCL) não possibilitaram ajustes dos seus resultados como variável do tempo de implantação dos SASPs. Entretanto o IMC modificado, calculado a partir do C da MOL (IMCCMOL), apresentou bons ajustes para todas as camadas estudadas. Além disso, apresentou correlação mais elevada com o COT, mostrando-se mais indicado para a comparação dos sistemas de manejo estudados. A partir dos resultados desse estudo pode-se perceber a importância de se estudar camadas mais profundas de solo, já que essas camadas podem apresentar perdas de C significativas e de difícil recuperação. A implantação dos SASPs acarretou diminuição dos estoques de COT das camadas superficiais, sendo que o tempo necessário para a recuperação dos estoques originais está além do período de tempo máximo estudado. A fração mais sensível ao manejo adotado foi a MOL livre.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológicoapplication/pdfporUniversidade Federal de ViçosaMestrado em Solos e Nutrição de PlantasUFVBRFertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,Carbono orgânicoMatéria orgânica leveÍndice de manejo do carbonoOrganic carbonLight organic matterCarbon management indexCNPQ::CIENCIAS AGRARIAS::AGRONOMIA::CIENCIA DO SOLOMudanças na matéria orgânica do solo causadas pelo tempo de adoção de um sistema agrossilvopastoril com eucaliptoChanges in soil organic matter along a chronosequence of an agrossilvipastoral system of eucalypt cultivationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessreponame:LOCUS Repositório Institucional da UFVinstname:Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)instacron:UFVORIGINALtexto completo.pdfapplication/pdf266659 completo.pdf.txttexto completo.pdf.txtExtracted texttext/plain81095 completo.pdf.jpgtexto completo.pdf.jpgIM Thumbnailimage/jpeg3771ório InstitucionalPUB Repositório Institucional da UFV - Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)false
dc.title.por.fl_str_mv Mudanças na matéria orgânica do solo causadas pelo tempo de adoção de um sistema agrossilvopastoril com eucalipto
dc.title.alternative.eng.fl_str_mv Changes in soil organic matter along a chronosequence of an agrossilvipastoral system of eucalypt cultivation
title Mudanças na matéria orgânica do solo causadas pelo tempo de adoção de um sistema agrossilvopastoril com eucalipto
spellingShingle Mudanças na matéria orgânica do solo causadas pelo tempo de adoção de um sistema agrossilvopastoril com eucalipto
Vergütz, Leonardus
Carbono orgânico
Matéria orgânica leve
Índice de manejo do carbono
Organic carbon
Light organic matter
Carbon management index
title_short Mudanças na matéria orgânica do solo causadas pelo tempo de adoção de um sistema agrossilvopastoril com eucalipto
title_full Mudanças na matéria orgânica do solo causadas pelo tempo de adoção de um sistema agrossilvopastoril com eucalipto
title_fullStr Mudanças na matéria orgânica do solo causadas pelo tempo de adoção de um sistema agrossilvopastoril com eucalipto
title_full_unstemmed Mudanças na matéria orgânica do solo causadas pelo tempo de adoção de um sistema agrossilvopastoril com eucalipto
title_sort Mudanças na matéria orgânica do solo causadas pelo tempo de adoção de um sistema agrossilvopastoril com eucalipto
author Vergütz, Leonardus
author_facet Vergütz, Leonardus
author_role author
dc.contributor.authorLattes.por.fl_str_mv Vergütz, Leonardus
dc.contributor.advisor-co1.fl_str_mv Silva, Ivo Ribeiro da
dc.contributor.advisor-co2.fl_str_mv Barros, Nairam Félix de
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Novais, Roberto Ferreira de
dc.contributor.referee1.fl_str_mv Costa, Maurício Dutra
dc.contributor.referee2.fl_str_mv Jucksch, Ivo
contributor_str_mv Silva, Ivo Ribeiro da
Barros, Nairam Félix de
Novais, Roberto Ferreira de
Costa, Maurício Dutra
Jucksch, Ivo
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv Carbono orgânico
Matéria orgânica leve
Índice de manejo do carbono
topic Carbono orgânico
Matéria orgânica leve
Índice de manejo do carbono
Organic carbon
Light organic matter
Carbon management index
dc.subject.eng.fl_str_mv Organic carbon
Light organic matter
Carbon management index
description Soil organic matter (SOM) is the main property that indicates the sustainability of a cropping system, especially in tropical soils. Additionally, SOM is the major global organic C pool, making this pool a very important sink or source of C to the atmosphere, depends on the soil management. Agrossilvipastoral (AGSP) systems known to impove diversity and sustainability of cropping systems. Furthermore, it is expected that this system maintain or increase C stocks in soil when compared with soils under native Cerrado (Brazilian savannah) vegetation. One simple way to compare cropping systems is through the C management index (CMI), proposed by Blair et al. (1995). It compares cropping systems to a reference area. This index is based in a measure of C lability (C oxidizable by potassium permanganate), which isn t very reliable. The objectives of the present work are to study the impact of eucalypt cultivation under agrossilvipastoral systems on C and N stocks of different SOM fractions in an AGSP chronosequence, and to compare these results with those from soils under native vegetation (Cerrado). Additionally, is proposed a modification in the CMI proposed by Blair et al. (1995). A chronosequence compound of six implantation times of an AGSP system was sampled. The zero time is represented by the soil under Cerrado, followed by 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10 year-old AGSP systems. The soil layers sampled in each area were from 0-10, 10-20, 20-40, 40-60 e 60-100 cm deep, taken in the eucalypt planting line and between lines. The soil samples were chemically and physically characterized. It was also determined the total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), C and N in the light organic matter fraction (LOM) and C oxidizable by potassium permanganate, hereafter called labile carbon (LC). Based on these data, the CMI proposed by Blair et al. (1995) was calculated (CMILC), as well as a modified CMI, which is based on the use of C in the LOM (CMILOM). The TOC stocks showed an initial decrease in the 0-10 and 10-20 cm soil layers in the planting line and in the 0-10 and 20-40 cm soil layer between the eucalypt planting line, with a trend to recover in the older stands (10 years). Deeper soil layers (60- 100 cm) showed an initial increase in C stocks, more in the line than in between line, but this increase was not sustainable. Thus, the C losses would be greater for longer rotation cycles. The total C stock up to 100 cm deep, was similar to the initial TOC stock in the planting line, while in the between line the trend was to loose C without returning to the levels observed in the reference (Cerrado) at the end of the cycle. The main change in the N stocks occurred in deeper soil layers (20-40 and 60-100 cm). In these layers, N stocks showed a rapid initial decrease, followed by a great increase. But this last increase was not sustained and by the end of the cycle the N stocks were less than the original ones in the soil under native vegetation. The same trend was observed for the N stocks at 0-100 cm soil layer. The free LOM fraction presented the major changes, what confirms its great sensibility to management changes. The free LOM C and N losses were greater in soils to between planting lines than in the planting line. Labile C, as well as the CMILC, was not a good indicator of the changes that occurred after the implantation of the AGSP system. But the modified CMI, calculated based on the LOM C (CMICLOM) fitted well for all soil layers analyzed. In addition, the CMICLOM showed the best correlation with TOC, thus been more indicated to compare the cropping system studied. These results show the importance to study deeper soil layers; moreover, they can show relatively large losses of C, which are difficult to recover. The AGSP systems caused a decrease of the soil organic C in upper soil layers and the time that takes to it recover to the original stocks are beyond the time frame of the present study. The free light organic matter was the fraction more sensitive to the changes in soil use and management.
publishDate 2007 2007-08-01 2008-04-02
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dc.identifier.citation.fl_str_mv VERGÜTZ, Leonardus. Changes in soil organic matter along a chronosequence of an agrossilvipastoral system of eucalypt cultivation. 2007. 45 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2007.
identifier_str_mv VERGÜTZ, Leonardus. Changes in soil organic matter along a chronosequence of an agrossilvipastoral system of eucalypt cultivation. 2007. 45 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2007.
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dc.publisher.program.fl_str_mv Mestrado em Solos e Nutrição de Plantas
dc.publisher.initials.fl_str_mv UFV BR
dc.publisher.department.fl_str_mv Fertilidade do solo e nutrição de plantas; Gênese, Morfologia e Classificação, Mineralogia, Química,
publisher.none.fl_str_mv Universidade Federal de Viçosa
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