Bullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de caso

Detalhes bibliográficos
Autor(a) principal: Alencar, Erotides Romero Dantas
Data de Publicação: 2018
Tipo de documento: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Título da fonte: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Uninove
Texto Completo: http://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/handle/tede/1916
Resumo: Every day, students around the world suffer from a kind of violence, masquerading as a joke. Today it is known that it can cause serious complications to the psychic development of students, generating from ego fragility to, in more extreme cases, suicide and serial homicides. The intentional repetition of assigning nicknames to colleagues, taking advantage of marked physical characteristics; Mockery, mockery and / or intimidation with the intent of provoking explosive reactions, causing suffering to those who suffer from them and thus are not understood as jokes but as bullying. The present research aimed to understand, based on the theoretical framework of Edgar Morin (2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2014, 2015), the relationship between the bullying phenomenon and the school performance of students who have been victims at some point Of his life trajectory. Authors who work on violence have been consulted: Abramovay and Rua (2003), Elias (2011), Laterman (2000), Michaud (2001) and Sposito (2001). In order to support the discussion about bullying, we have listed authors such as Fante (2005), Lopes Neto (2005), Pereira (2009), Antunes (2010), Silva (2010), Beane (2011), Tudisco (2011), Franco (2014), Rossato and Rossato (2013), among others. We chose the case study modality, anchored in the qualitative research. The instrument selected was the open interview with the aim of guaranteeing the full expression of the subjects interviewed. Field research occurred in February 2017 at the Federal Institute of Piau?? - Campus Parna??ba with six high school students who volunteered to give their testimony. The investigation made it possible to verify the existence of bullying in the life of the students from the youngest age lasting until the adolescence moment of the life in which they are. The fact that it is in school makes the school space change its meaning for these victims, from a place of socialization to a hostile environment, where "traumatic" moments of anxiety are experienced with the possibility of a new Attack and the study is no longer a priority to avoid the situation and / or be accepted by its peers. It also made it possible to understand the feelings of anger, pain, anguish and ways of dealing with the situations of bullying experienced. We conclude that in the school context bullying is manifested by disrespect for diversity, intolerance of differences and an attempt of hegemony through power. It entails serious complications to students' psychic development, self-esteem and learning, as well as interfere with the mission and significance of the school. Thinking from the perspective of prevention and fight against bullying we understand that much more than tolerating differences, it is necessary to foster acceptance in the new, which would in fact be a paradigm shift and to rethink education in the light of complex thinking.
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spelling Dias, Elaine Teresinha Dal MasDias, Elaine Teresinha Dal MasSilva, Maur??cio Pedro daBartholomeu, Danielhttp://lattes.cnpq.br/6836112662778001Alencar, Erotides Romero Dantas2018-09-26T19:39:38Z2018-03-26Alencar, Erotides Romero Dantas. Bullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de caso. 2018. 149 f. Disserta????o( Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o) - Universidade Nove de Julho, S??o Paulo.http://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/handle/tede/1916Every day, students around the world suffer from a kind of violence, masquerading as a joke. Today it is known that it can cause serious complications to the psychic development of students, generating from ego fragility to, in more extreme cases, suicide and serial homicides. The intentional repetition of assigning nicknames to colleagues, taking advantage of marked physical characteristics; Mockery, mockery and / or intimidation with the intent of provoking explosive reactions, causing suffering to those who suffer from them and thus are not understood as jokes but as bullying. The present research aimed to understand, based on the theoretical framework of Edgar Morin (2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2014, 2015), the relationship between the bullying phenomenon and the school performance of students who have been victims at some point Of his life trajectory. Authors who work on violence have been consulted: Abramovay and Rua (2003), Elias (2011), Laterman (2000), Michaud (2001) and Sposito (2001). In order to support the discussion about bullying, we have listed authors such as Fante (2005), Lopes Neto (2005), Pereira (2009), Antunes (2010), Silva (2010), Beane (2011), Tudisco (2011), Franco (2014), Rossato and Rossato (2013), among others. We chose the case study modality, anchored in the qualitative research. The instrument selected was the open interview with the aim of guaranteeing the full expression of the subjects interviewed. Field research occurred in February 2017 at the Federal Institute of Piau?? - Campus Parna??ba with six high school students who volunteered to give their testimony. The investigation made it possible to verify the existence of bullying in the life of the students from the youngest age lasting until the adolescence moment of the life in which they are. The fact that it is in school makes the school space change its meaning for these victims, from a place of socialization to a hostile environment, where "traumatic" moments of anxiety are experienced with the possibility of a new Attack and the study is no longer a priority to avoid the situation and / or be accepted by its peers. It also made it possible to understand the feelings of anger, pain, anguish and ways of dealing with the situations of bullying experienced. We conclude that in the school context bullying is manifested by disrespect for diversity, intolerance of differences and an attempt of hegemony through power. It entails serious complications to students' psychic development, self-esteem and learning, as well as interfere with the mission and significance of the school. Thinking from the perspective of prevention and fight against bullying we understand that much more than tolerating differences, it is necessary to foster acceptance in the new, which would in fact be a paradigm shift and to rethink education in the light of complex thinking.Todos los d??as, los estudiantes en todo el mundo sufren con un tipo de violencia, enmascarada en forma de broma. Hoy se sabe que puede acarrear serias complicaciones al desarrollo ps??quico de los alumnos, generando desde fragilidad egoica hasta, en casos m??s extremos, el suicidio y homicidios en serie. La repetici??n intencional de atribuir apodos en colegas, aprovech??ndose de caracter??sticas f??sicas sobresalientes; Burlas, humillazos, y/o intimidaciones con el intento de provocar reacciones explosivas, provocan sufrimiento en quien las sufre y, siendo as??, no son entendidas como juegos sino como bullying. La presente investigaci??n tuvo como objetivo comprender, apoy??ndose en el referencial te??rico de Edgar Morin (2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2014, 2015), c??mo el fen??meno bullying afecta el desempe??o escolar de alumnos que hayan sido v??ctimas en alg??n momento de su trayectoria de vida. Se consultaron a autores que trabajan con la tem??tica de la violencia: Abramovay y Rua (2003), Elias (2011), Laterman (2000), Michaud (2001) y Sposito (2001). Para fundamentar la discusi??n sobre el bullying, se establecieron autores como: Fante (2005), Lopes Neto (2005), Pereira (2009), Antunes (2010), Silva (2010), Beane (2011), Tudisco (2011) Franco (2014), Rossato y Rossato (2013), entre otros. Se opt?? por la modalidad de estudio de caso, anclada en la investigaci??n cualitativa. El instrumento seleccionado fue la entrevista abierta en la perspectiva de garantizar la plena expresi??n de los sujetos entrevistados. La investigaci??n de campo ocurri?? en el mes de febrero de 2017, en el Instituto Federal de Piau?? - Campus Parna??ba con seis alumnos de la ense??anza media que se dispuso a dar su testimonio. La investigaci??n posibilit?? verificar la existencia del bullying en la vida de los estudiantes desde la m??s tierna edad que se propaga hasta la adolescencia momento de la vida en que se encuentran. El hecho de ser en la escuela hace que el espacio escolar cambie de significado a esas v??ctimas, dejando de ser un lugar de socializaci??n pasando a ser considerado un ambiente hostil, donde se vivencian momentos "traum??ticos" generadores de ansiedad con la posibilidad de un nuevo ataque, y el estudio deja de ser prioridad para evitar la situaci??n y/o ser aceptado por sus pares. Posibilit?? tambi??n comprender los sentimientos de furia, dolor, angustia y formas de lidiar con las situaciones de bullying vivenciadas. Concluimos que en el contexto escolar, el bullying se manifiesta por el irrespeto a las diversidades, intolerancia a las diferencias y un intento de hegemon??a por medio del poder. A??ade serias complicaciones al desarrollo ps??quico de los alumnos, en la autoestima y en el aprendizaje, adem??s de interferir en la misi??n y significaci??n de la escuela. Pensando en la perspectiva de prevenci??n y de combate al bullying comprendemos que mucho m??s que tolerar las diferencias es necesario fomentar en la ense??anza la aceptaci??n a lo nuevo, lo que de hecho ser??a un cambio de paradigma y de repensar a la educaci??n a la luz del pensamiento complejo.Todos os dias, alunos no mundo todo sofrem com um tipo de viol??ncia, mascarada na forma de brincadeira. Hoje ?? sabido que ela pode acarretar s??rias complica????es ao desenvolvimento ps??quico, gerando desde fragilidade eg??ica at??, em casos mais extremos, o suic??dio e homic??dios em s??rie. A repeti????o intencional de atribuir apelidos em colegas, aproveitando-se de caracter??sticas f??sicas marcantes; zombarias, tro??as e/ou intimida????es com o intento de provocar rea????es explosivas, provocam sofrimento em quem as sofre e, sendo assim, n??o s??o entendidas como brincadeiras e sim como bullying. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender, apoiando-se no referencial te??rico de Edgar Morin (2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2014, 2015), como o fen??meno bullying se relaciona ao desempenho escolar de alunos que tenham sido v??timas em algum momento de sua trajet??ria de vida. Consultaram-se autores que trabalham com a tem??tica da viol??ncia: Abramovay e Rua (2003), Elias (2011), Laterman (2000), Michaud (2001) e Sposito (2001). Para fundamentar a discuss??o sobre o bullying, elencou-se autores como: Fante (2005), Lopes Neto (2005), Pereira (2009), Antunes (2010), Silva (2010), Beane (2011), Tudisco (2011), Franco (2014), Rossato e Rossato (2013), entre outros. Optou-se pela modalidade de estudo de caso, ancorada na pesquisa de abordagemqualitativa. O instrumento selecionado foi a entrevista aberta na perspectiva de garantir a plena express??o dos sujeitos entrevistados. A pesquisa de campo ocorreu no m??s de fevereiro de 2017, no Instituto Federal do Piau?? ??? Campus Parna??ba com seis alunos do ensino m??dio que se disponibilizaram a dar seuseu ou seus? depoimento. A investiga????o possibilitou verificar a exist??ncia do bullying na vida dos estudantes desde a mais tenra idade durando at?? a adolesc??ncia momento da vida em que se encontram. O fato de ser na escola faz com que o espa??o escolar mude de significado para essas v??timas, deixando de ser um local de socializa????o passando a ser considerado um ambiente hostil, onde s??o vivenciados momentos ???traum??ticos??? geradores de ansiedade, com a possibilidade de um novo ataque, e o estudo deixa de ser prioridade para evitar a situa????o e/ou ser aceito por seus pares. Possibilitou tamb??m compreender os sentimentos de raiva, dor, ang??stia e formas de lidar com as situa????es de bullying vivenciadas. Conclu??mos que no contexto escolar, o bullying se manifesta pelo desrespeito ??s diversidades, intoler??ncia ??s diferen??as e uma tentativa de hegemonia por meio do poder. Acarreta s??rias complica????es ao desenvolvimento ps??quico dos alunos, na autoestima e no aprendizado, al??m de interferir na miss??o e significa????o da escola. Pensando na perspectiva de preven????o e de combate a este problema, compreendemos que muito mais do que tolerar as diferen??as ?? necess??rio fomentar no ensino a aceita????o ao novo, o que de fato seria uma mudan??a de paradigma e de repensar ?? educa????o ?? luz do pensamento complexo.Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2018-09-26T19:39:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Erotides Romero Dantas Alencar.pdf: 1545545 bytes, checksum: 0bdbc46be403726f7136e1c5313514f3 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-26T19:39:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Erotides Romero Dantas Alencar.pdf: 1545545 bytes, checksum: 0bdbc46be403726f7136e1c5313514f3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-26application/pdfporUniversidade Nove de JulhoPrograma de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????oUNINOVEBrasilEduca????obullyingexperi??nciassubjetividadepensamento complexobullyingexperiencessubjectivitycomplex thinkingbullyingexperienciassubjetividadpensamiento complejoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOBullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de casoRelationship between Bullying and School performance of students of the Federal Institute of Piau?? campus Parna??ba: a case studyRelaci??n entre bullying y desempe??o escolar de alumnos del Instituto Federal de Piau?? campus Parna??ba: un estudio de casoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis-240345818910352367600info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessreponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Uninoveinstname:Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE)instacron:UNINOVEORIGINALErotides Romero Dantas Alencar.pdfErotides Romero Dantas Alencar.pdfapplication/pdf1545545http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/tede/1916/2/Erotides+Romero+Dantas+Alencar.pdf0bdbc46be403726f7136e1c5313514f3MD52LICENSElicense.txtlicense.txttext/plain; charset=utf-82165http://localhost:8080/tede/bitstream/tede/1916/1/license.txtbd3efa91386c1718a7f26a329fdcb468MD51tede/19162018-09-26 16:39:38.75oai:localhost: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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertaçõeshttp://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/PRIhttp://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/oai/requestbibliotecatede@uninove.br||bibliotecatede@uninove.bropendoar:2018-09-26T19:39:38Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da Uninove - Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE)false
dc.title.por.fl_str_mv Bullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de caso
dc.title.alternative.eng.fl_str_mv Relationship between Bullying and School performance of students of the Federal Institute of Piau?? campus Parna??ba: a case study
dc.title.alternative.spa.fl_str_mv Relaci??n entre bullying y desempe??o escolar de alumnos del Instituto Federal de Piau?? campus Parna??ba: un estudio de caso
title Bullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de caso
spellingShingle Bullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de caso
Alencar, Erotides Romero Dantas
pensamento complexo
complex thinking
pensamiento complejo
title_short Bullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de caso
title_full Bullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de caso
title_fullStr Bullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de caso
title_full_unstemmed Bullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de caso
title_sort Bullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de caso
author Alencar, Erotides Romero Dantas
author_facet Alencar, Erotides Romero Dantas
author_role author
dc.contributor.advisor1.fl_str_mv Dias, Elaine Teresinha Dal Mas
dc.contributor.referee1.fl_str_mv Dias, Elaine Teresinha Dal Mas
dc.contributor.referee2.fl_str_mv Silva, Maur??cio Pedro da
dc.contributor.referee3.fl_str_mv Bartholomeu, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorLattes.fl_str_mv http://lattes.cnpq.br/6836112662778001
dc.contributor.author.fl_str_mv Alencar, Erotides Romero Dantas
contributor_str_mv Dias, Elaine Teresinha Dal Mas
Dias, Elaine Teresinha Dal Mas
Silva, Maur??cio Pedro da
Bartholomeu, Daniel
dc.subject.por.fl_str_mv bullying
pensamento complexo
topic bullying
pensamento complexo
complex thinking
pensamiento complejo
dc.subject.eng.fl_str_mv bullying
complex thinking
dc.subject.spa.fl_str_mv bullying
pensamiento complejo
dc.subject.cnpq.fl_str_mv CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO
description Every day, students around the world suffer from a kind of violence, masquerading as a joke. Today it is known that it can cause serious complications to the psychic development of students, generating from ego fragility to, in more extreme cases, suicide and serial homicides. The intentional repetition of assigning nicknames to colleagues, taking advantage of marked physical characteristics; Mockery, mockery and / or intimidation with the intent of provoking explosive reactions, causing suffering to those who suffer from them and thus are not understood as jokes but as bullying. The present research aimed to understand, based on the theoretical framework of Edgar Morin (2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2014, 2015), the relationship between the bullying phenomenon and the school performance of students who have been victims at some point Of his life trajectory. Authors who work on violence have been consulted: Abramovay and Rua (2003), Elias (2011), Laterman (2000), Michaud (2001) and Sposito (2001). In order to support the discussion about bullying, we have listed authors such as Fante (2005), Lopes Neto (2005), Pereira (2009), Antunes (2010), Silva (2010), Beane (2011), Tudisco (2011), Franco (2014), Rossato and Rossato (2013), among others. We chose the case study modality, anchored in the qualitative research. The instrument selected was the open interview with the aim of guaranteeing the full expression of the subjects interviewed. Field research occurred in February 2017 at the Federal Institute of Piau?? - Campus Parna??ba with six high school students who volunteered to give their testimony. The investigation made it possible to verify the existence of bullying in the life of the students from the youngest age lasting until the adolescence moment of the life in which they are. The fact that it is in school makes the school space change its meaning for these victims, from a place of socialization to a hostile environment, where "traumatic" moments of anxiety are experienced with the possibility of a new Attack and the study is no longer a priority to avoid the situation and / or be accepted by its peers. It also made it possible to understand the feelings of anger, pain, anguish and ways of dealing with the situations of bullying experienced. We conclude that in the school context bullying is manifested by disrespect for diversity, intolerance of differences and an attempt of hegemony through power. It entails serious complications to students' psychic development, self-esteem and learning, as well as interfere with the mission and significance of the school. Thinking from the perspective of prevention and fight against bullying we understand that much more than tolerating differences, it is necessary to foster acceptance in the new, which would in fact be a paradigm shift and to rethink education in the light of complex thinking.
publishDate 2018
dc.date.accessioned.fl_str_mv 2018-09-26T19:39:38Z
dc.date.issued.fl_str_mv 2018-03-26
dc.type.status.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
format masterThesis
status_str publishedVersion
dc.identifier.citation.fl_str_mv Alencar, Erotides Romero Dantas. Bullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de caso. 2018. 149 f. Disserta????o( Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o) - Universidade Nove de Julho, S??o Paulo.
dc.identifier.uri.fl_str_mv http://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/handle/tede/1916
identifier_str_mv Alencar, Erotides Romero Dantas. Bullying e desempenho escolar de alunos do Instituto Federal do Piau?? campus Parna??ba: um estudo de caso. 2018. 149 f. Disserta????o( Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????o) - Universidade Nove de Julho, S??o Paulo.
url http://bibliotecatede.uninove.br/handle/tede/1916
dc.language.iso.fl_str_mv por
language por
dc.relation.cnpq.fl_str_mv -240345818910352367
dc.relation.confidence.fl_str_mv 600
dc.rights.driver.fl_str_mv info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
eu_rights_str_mv openAccess
dc.format.none.fl_str_mv application/pdf
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